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===Topic: ''Developing Your Spiritual Immunity''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are very grateful to gather in this way to receive your words and your presence. We open ourselves to your ministry in our minds and bodies. Prepare us now to receive you in the ways you know we need, and help us to always demonstrate your will in our actions and our relationships with others, and may your will be done. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings to you all, my children. This is your Father Michael. I come to you today to further bolster the spiritual immunity necessary for you to ride out the wave of change that is now upon Urantia. Your world is undergoing a transition time period, wherein the heart and yearnings of Spirit are now beginning to make their impression upon the human mind. More and more, your brethren will be encouraged to go within to seek the inner bastions where their resource base will feed them internally. You are developing your own inner base of resources. These are the endowments of spiritual attributes that are a part of my being that you slowly ingest, you might say, a little bit at a time. You are becoming more God-like in thought, word, and deed.

It is the development of this internal resource base that will provide you with the fuel you need to immunize yourselves against these energies of change that tend to spawn fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and despair in your brothers and sisters. There is so much outworking now on the planet in terms of the collective consciousness awakening to the mismanagement of this world over its long evolutionary history, and so with this mismanagement ends a long struggle to maintain one’s material existence in a way that has been unhealthy, actually destructive to your spiritual well-being.

I am here today to help you deepen your resource base, to encourage you to open yourselves up to more of those currents within your mindal system that still may be harboring fear, anxiety, apprehension, and doubt. Anything that is deleterious to your spiritual well-being is transformed through this reception and deepening of the resources that your Mother and I provide you. Most of my children have never developed the requisite faith to appreciate that this resource base in you is an ever-expanding place, where you will receive what you need to help you in your outer material life to maintain your earthly vehicle. So settle in your hearts now, feel your desire for your resource base to deepen and broaden, and to connect you more fully with the inner assurance that all is well, and that you are, indeed, being provided for in all areas of your life. Relax, focus in your heart, and allow your Mother and me to move in you now, my beloved children. [pause]

Let the imprinting of the energy contained in the word, RESOURCES, go deep into your being. Welcome this word, this energy, and know that you are receiving many gifts from your Mother and from me. [pause]

The RESOURCES energy you are receiving will strengthen your inner resolve to magnetically attract what you need to you when the time is right. But I also encourage you to be of that mindset that increasingly encourages you to share your RESOURCES freely with your brothers and sisters. It is as if when you do this, you are growing your own infrastructure of support around you. As you know, no one is an island. The interdependency of the fabric of life is such that sharing is the operative dynamic. So in this reception of the RESOURCES that we are providing to you, keep in mind that this is not for you to hoard or to keep to yourself, but to share in many creative ways that you and your Father Fragment may determine the best course of action to express. Continue to receive, and continue to allow what we are imprinting into you to touch those deep places in you that may still harbor some energies that confine and constrain you from living freely as a child of God. [pause]

The world has never truly put into place this notion of sharing resources, but it is something that the world is ready to acknowledge and to practice, if more individuals realize that the world was meant to be shared with all, and that resources are not meant for one nation, one culture, one race, but for all to enjoy and to develop wisely in accordance with the principles of Divine operation. As you deepen your ability to receive this imprinting today, these ideas will become even more conscious within your hearts, that you may act accordingly in being more in alignment with the will of the Father. And now in your mind’s eye, ask your Father Fragment what RESOURCES you need. Ask the Father within to provide that for you now, and if you do not receive a direct answer, trust that your minds are being prepared for a greater reception of the RESOURCES that will sustain and nurture your lives. [pause]

I will leave you now and invite your Mother’s presence to come forward, that you may imprint more upon the universe reality of her being that broadens your range of beingness, provides you a broader arena in which you attract what you need to you. I thank you, my children, for your trust, and I encourage you to always seek first the spiritual RESOURCES within, to draw them out through your will, through your desire, through you faith. Be in my peace, my children. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings my little ones. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. So many of my children harbor feelings of unworthiness, and suffer from a great deprivation, both spiritually and materially. And so, we look to you who have now awakened to a new way of living to demonstrate where your pool of riches truly springs forth. Even if this world has suffered a great deprivation, you are now being upstepped and uplifted to rise above this deprivation into a realm where you receive and then give through your acts of love what it is in your heart to share, whether it is simply an act of kindness, or something more materially based, as you allow these energies to come into you today, this deepening of your awareness that all the RESOURCES you need to build a successful life are accessible to you.

Increasingly, also contain that awareness that it is divine to share. Keeping yourself in this flow of grace, of will, will always bring you more when you are in need. Our love for you overarches your lives, and it is through this development of this resource base within you that you are able to grow healthy, strong, confident, courageous in our love, that you may take bold action in the various arenas of your lives and create a lifestyle for yourselves which is very spiritually centered, materially supported, and service-oriented. Continue to receive and allow my presence to expand you. [pause]

Now put your thoughts for a few moments on the intention and awareness to share your RESOURCES. Take a few moments to go within and ask your Adjuster, how may I best share what has been so graciously and generously been provided to me? As you do this, the more of your heart energy or desire, the pure desire that you put into this question to your Adjuster, the more will the Father within you be able to help you perceive those areas within your being that can be best utilized in service and sharing, At times you overlook those traits, qualities, and abilities you have that are highly prized or useful to your brothers and sisters, so always keep your heart open to what it is that you can give, and you will always receive more to replenish you and to grow you in that service mentality. [pause]

As Urantia continues on her forward path of ascension to her rightful place in our universe home, you will find that these ideas and principles that are being seeded within you will form the new patterns for a more spiritually aligned culture, and you will be among those of your brethren who will be implementing, instituting, and grounding these for the new ways. The more you operate in this arena of opening to receive more of the RESOURCES you need, and sharing them, you will be attracting like-minded and like-hearted individuals to interact and share these principles, and herein is how you will grow. So that even if the whole world around you seems to crumble and fall away, you will have created for yourselves your own pool of RESOURCES to share and to attract others, keeping yourselves balanced and stable through this transitional period. So I encourage you to allow these energies to deepen over the course of today, to sit, receive, and reflect into your minds and hearts the deeper meaning and value of these words, and what we are seeding into you. [pause]
My children, I am proud of each one of you. You demonstrate courage, faith, optimism, and great heart in so many ways. It gladdens my Mother’s heart to see my children of this world taking their rightful place in our home and coming into that deep inner knowingness of the intrinsic value that you are. So as I take my leave of you, simply feel your desire to be more fully validated in our love. We embrace you. [pause]

The time is upon you to be called into greater acts of loving service for your brothers and sisters, and for your world. Remember that the RESOURCES that you need to live each and every day faithfully are being provided to you to receive, and then to demonstrate, and then to share what it is that you have learned, integrated, and loved. Share this freely, and know that all is well as your world moves into its embrace with our universe family. Thrive, my children, and enjoy each beautiful day, for it is a gift, and no one can make use of it except yourself. So use it wisely, use it joyfully, and grow in our love. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2011]]

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