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===Topic: ''Imprinting Upon Life Currents''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for your gifts and blessings to us as we receive you today. You know our needs and we thank you for supplying them exactly where we are and what we need. As we open our hearts to you may we be full of gratitude for what you provide to us and help us extend that love to others as we go about our day. Thank you so much, and may your WILL be done now.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Today I invite you to focus on the energies and spiritual endowment of the life currents that you need for your sustenance at all levels of your beings.
Life is rich and full. Now that the circuits of Urantia have been opened, you have a greater capacity to receive these life currents to support your beings to function in a higher way as you continue to live your lives here on the earth plane. During the period of quarantine there were certain circuits that were curtailed that would have given you more spiritual energy to help you in your growth and development. This is now changed, and I invite you today to focus on the words LIFE CURRENTS as these energies flow into you.

Your bodies were designed for spiritual energy, and in what I am providing to you and through other currents of life, this will help you attune to more of the frequencies you require to sustain your earthly vehicles, as well as to help you become more receptive to the presence of the Father Within. Take some slow deep breaths. Hold a desire or intention to receive these LIFE CURRENTS. Continue to breathe slowly and evenly and relax.

As you receive these energies it may be helpful to focus on the words LIFE CURRENTS as they are imparted into you. Let them circulate throughout your bodies and minds, allowing the energies to become more harmoniously interconnected into you. We begin. (Pause)

The currents of life are all around you, my children. You cannot see them, but you can experience them. Some of you may be noticing a quickening or a slight increase in the frequency level in your bodies. You are being attuned to certain circuits that will render you more attuned to what your Father and I provide to you of this energy you know as LIFE.

The objectives for you today are to receive and to allow these energies to circulate through your beings as you feel your desire and need for these LIFE CURRENTS to upstep you. As these are imparted into you, feel your need for these to anchor into deeper places into your being where you need LIFE CURRENTS to regenerate, stimulate, calibrate your bodies and minds to these beautiful frequencies of LIFE that are all a part of the Father’s gift to you. (Pause)

When you commune with the Father’s presence within your beings, also invite these LIFE CURRENTS to calibrate you to the spiritual circuits that will help you become more attuned to the Father’s presence. This will help you reach a deeper level of relaxation in your bodies and will help your mental chatter quiet that you may enjoy a richer and fuller connection to the Spirit Within.

Your beings need these LIFE CURRENTS now, and what we are making available to you is designed for you to reach these deeper levels of relaxation in mind and body, that you may perceive the wonderful presence of the Father and how you are being supported and guided all through your life. The physical body needs spiritual energy, and it is through these life currents that there is this coordination and harmonization process occurring to help you with this. Continue to receive. (Pause)

LIFE is all around you, my children, and it is my desire for you to taste its richness, its sweetness, and the joys it holds for you. While your material lives can be full of rugged challenges, keep in mind that you are supported in this container of LIFE and it is through receiving these LIFE CURRENTS that you will receive more support to render you more healthy and positive in mind and body. Let the influences of the past tied to the rebellion lose their tethers upon your beings as these life currents gain greater strength. Trust in them for they are Spirit-endowed, and you have every right to receive these currents of life to support you beings as you live your material lives.

Should you wish to engage your thoughts and present a question or two to me, you may do so when you feel ready to speak. Otherwise you may remain in this meditative state, continuing to receive the life currents. The choice is yours. I am here awaiting you. (Pause)
Student: Hi Mother, I want to thank you for all that you give to us, and your capacity to love us is just so exquisitely beautiful. In my endeavors to achieve thought consciousness I look around planet earth and I see the horrors that happen here and I can’t help but be affected by it. I hold on to Father, I hold on to Michael, I hold on to you. It’s very difficult at times to see what’s going on here. What can we do assist in bringing Light and Life to our beautiful planet, to our brothers and sisters? Thank you.

NEBADONIA: My dear daughter, I appreciate your question because this is one that presses on the hearts of so many children of this world. You are moving from states of fear and enslavement to your own personal power. Your power in the Spirit is truly beyond your comprehension at this stage of your development, but it is a quality of being that will continue to grow within your own ability to relate the Father’s LOVE to others as you live a life of service.

What this world needs most for the individuals who are awakened is to convey that sense of love and patience and compassion to others. Many people think that service entails doing something of a physical or material nature, and while that is true and much good can be done through these types of acts at the material level, what this world is gaining is in its spiritual ability to perceive the higher circuits of the universe. And here is where you can make a difference through your prayers, through your group meditations, through your focused efforts on collaborating with those of the celestial realms to impart the changes necessary for this world to continue to grow spiritually,

Organize prayer or meditation groups. It does not have to be large numbers. It can be as simple as two people coming together in prayer and meditation. And when you do this, ask: where should we focus our energies, our love our desires for change? And spend time, twenty to thirty minutes, in simply sending out that intention. It will be picked up by those celestial workers who are charged with bringing more spiritual energy into where you focus.

Keep in mind that there are divine plans for this planet, and when you focus your intentions through prayer and meditation on building these divine plans, you are assisting your brothers and sisters because they do not understand the nature of reality. They have been shielded from this truth. But you are building more of that current that they need to help them open. You can do this in your own community. You can focus for change in your own community. You can focus for change at a more global level. The choice is yours. But it is how you use your mind and become more empowered in Spirit. This is how you grow your personal power. And when you focus in your personal power, you begin to develop a type of spiritual immunity that will help you perceive the situations of your world through the eyes of compassion, and a longer range perspective than what you see presently.

Do not focus on the horror. Focus on the solution: what do these people who are in these situations need? And spend time asking for the resources of the universe to come around them and support the changes necessary for things to align more in the Father’s WILL. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes it does very much, thank you so much. I love you.

NEBADONIA: And you are growing in my LOVE, my dear one. Continue your efforts as they will produce the fruits you seek. And be in my PEACE. (Thank you)
My beloved children, there is life circulating through your beings and all through this planet. This is a time of change and these changes are necessary for your world to continue to outwork its rebellion legacy. Do not participate in this rebellion agenda of fear, discord, disharmony, but keep your eye and heart focused on the Spirit. Continue to receive from your Father and me, and all will be and is continued to be provided to you. Make strides each day in your spiritual development, even if it is one additional positive thought each day. Do your best, and when you falter, know that you are still learning, still growing, but you make the effort to improve your lives and the quality of those lives around you. Be the light and let it shine forth from your heart, for when you do this you are emitting a spiritual frequency. And whether or not you understand or perceive this, it is registered by that other person’s Indwelling Spirit and that Spirit knows how to touch their ward.

As you continue to develop you will learn how to use these spiritual LIFE CURRENTS in support of your planetary transformation, and when you become more familiar with how to wield them you will gain power and strength, and new life will surge through you and you will be able to use that in service to others.

I will leave you with these thoughts to consider. Do spend time later today in stillness and allow these energies to deepen in you. Thrive in the LIFE all around you. Grow in love and devotion to your brothers and sisters, and know that your Father and I support you in all ways. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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