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===Topic: ''Trusting Your Human Nature''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time to be with you. We are your children, and we crave your LOVE. You can reach us in those deep places of our beings where we need more awareness of your LOVE in and for us. Thank you for what you are about to impart. May this make us better members of our family of LOVE, and be able to help our brothers and sisters who are awakening to who they are as children of God. We are ready to receive you, and may your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: My PEACE is upon you, my children, and my LOVE lives within you. Greetings, this is Michael. As your Mother and I move in your beings, take some deep breaths, and relax into what we are to share with you today. You are all on your own journey of self development and self-mastery. We have been approaching this concept of mastering your own selves—your minds—thoughts and feelings and behaviors for some time now, and we will continue to foster your development toward the mastery of your own energy systems for a time to come.

We have been focusing most recently on the qualities of TRUST—trust in us, trust in the universe, trust in your own human family and your human nature, and I would like to further support you as you grow in trusting of yourselves and the innate nature you have been given to experience life.

The human nature was designed by the Creator Parent of all there Is. Even your Mother and I have ancient origins in the Paradise Trinity, from which all life springs forth in the time-space universes in which we all live. Your human nature is beautiful. Even those rugged, primitive ancestors, they are all part of the divine design, and there is a depth of meaning and value that you will one day fully comprehend and appreciate.

Today I invite you to trust in your human nature more, to trust in yourself, to trust in the evolutionary unfolding of your unique personality expression that takes origin in our Creator. I, as your immediate Spirit Father, will continue to validate you that you may grow in this deeper level of confidence in this God-nature that was so lovingly bestowed upon you at the time of your conception. Over the course of your lives you evolve other ideas about yourselves, sometimes taking you away from the innate bond you share with me, with your Mother and with your own God-given human nature that you will craft into a work of exquisite divine artistry over the course of your long ascension journey.

As I speak these words to you today I invite you to focus on the idea of trusting in your innate human nature. As we begin to reinforce this within you, if it is helpful, you may focus on an affirmation of I TRUST IN MYSELF. But what is more important is just to feel your need to love, respect, cherish and celebrate your human nature as a thing of great beauty and value. So continue to breathe deeply and slowly, invite us in to move in you and to help you awaken deeper parts of your own being where the richness, the texture, the goodness and glory of your human nature resides. We begin. I TRUST IN MYSELF, or I TRUST IN MY HUMAN NATURE. Let yourself expand in this now, my children. (Pause)

As a human child, starting out on a rugged, material sphere for your long ascension career, you are given the endowment of FAITH to propel you forward. There is a divine Spark within you. It comes from our Creator, and it is there to accompany you through this long journey of creative self-expression of your unique personality. FAITH is the bond you have with the Creator of all there is, and this FAITH grows through your life-experience. You test the waters each day by making those Spirit-centered decisions to convey the fruits of the Spirit to your brothers and sisters. You begin to experience more peace, compassion, and understanding as your Spirit conveys the value of what your behavior yields when it is aligned in the energies of GOODNESS.

The more faith you develop in yourselves and in this quality of growing in yourselves—your human and divine natures—the more you move out of the fear response that has been conditioned by various cultural influences that wish to dominate and control you. The presence of Spirit Within is never coercive. It is not trying to dominate and control you, but to share life with you with LOVE, with PEACE and JOY, that you may ascend to higher levels of understanding the nature of reality and the part you play in the unfolding of the grand design of LIFE itself. Therefore, it is important for you to gain more of this requisite TRUST IN YOURSELVES, and your Mother and I are here to support that by imbuing within your beings the LOVE and the FAITH we have in you to go on this adventurous journey of becoming, living, achieving your God-given potential.

Think about this, my children. Think about having that requisite TRUST IN YOURSELVES. And if you feel that there is still some fear or anxiety, simply breathe and ask your Mother and me to expand you in what we wish you to perceive, that you may outgrow any lower emotions such as fear and anxiety, and come into that inner confidence and composure that says, “yes, I do trust in myself and I know I am evolving into something more wonderful than I can image at this stage in my life.”

This is the path of self-discovery. There is always something greater within you that is urging you forward. And the more you TRUST IN YOURSELF, the faith-bond between you and the Spirit grows, and you become more aware of something very deep inside you that is yearning to be expressed: your purpose for why you are here on earth at this time.

Relax and continue to receive as these words settle in, allowing these energies to imprint upon you at deeper levels of your being. I TRUST IN MYSELF. I TRUST IN MY HUMAN NATURE. (Pause)

All of you have been given the great gift of LIFE. How will you use this gift? Our Creator bestows this to you, upon you, that you would develop yourselves, come into a deeper relationship with who you are as a child of God. At the divine end there is great TRUST and FAITH in you that you will use this gift with respect, with love, with curiosity, and the intention to develop your potential. Now this can be very challenging upon this world because of those influences that seek to promote immediate self-gratification, keeping you in states of such complacency that you do not want to go on this richer, deeper journey of self-discovery. We understand this. We know the many factors and impediments you face. We are here to help you outwork this though, that you may step aside of the influences in your culture and respond to that inner urging from Spirit Within that calls you into your potential and the greatness that lies within.

Now that you are beginning to trust more in this potential in yourselves, why hold back? Keep going on this path. Let it be your priority and focus, and walk this path with great joy in your heart knowing that something is stirring within you that is indeed grand and glorious. And what a blessing you are to the universe and to your human family as you develop this part of yourself! So trust more in your human nature, my children, let it be a comfort, and a blessing, and a joy to you as you walk this path of self-discovery each day.

I have given you much to consider now, and I will take my leave of you in this manner that your Mother may address you. Continue to receive, continue to focus on I TRUST IN MYSELF and I TRUST MY HUMAN NATURE, and we will continue to minister in you. Thrive in this awareness my children. It is yours, and it is your destiny to achieve your potential that has been seeded in you by our Creator. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Greetings my precious ones! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Allow your bodies to expand in the presence of my being giving you life itself. You might think of LIFE as a great container: the environment in which you live, breathe, grow, and express who you are throughout your daily experiences. You never know what life has to offer from moment to moment. There are many little surprises all through the day.

The more you relax into your human natures and trust in yourselves, this is where the presence of God meets you and discloses those nuggets of TRUTH and GOODNESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS to support your evolution toward higher concepts of understanding, and your ability to feel that LOVE that lives within, and to live from that place more fully each day.

This gift of LIFE supports your ability to trust in yourselves because it is the container for your human nature of the way you were designed to be in this container of LIFE. So as you TRUST IN YOURSELF AND YOUR HUMAN NATURE you are learning to be more present in the moment, to be present in LIFE and what your God-nature–both human and divine–wishes to help you achieve even moment by moment.

This is a skill you develop over the course of your lifetime. It is even an artistry! Because what you are developing is the most beautiful part of your being, the conjoined human-divine nature that yields GOODNESS, TRUTH and LOVE. These are most beautiful to behold, and it is all within you, just waiting to be expressed, moment by moment, breath by breath. So allow me as your LIFE container and my Breath of Life to expand you, that you may find those deeper places of TRUST within you to bring forth those potentials in you that are creative and fulfilling to the human heart, mind, and soul. Allow yourselves to expand in I TRUST MY HUMAN NATURE, I TRUST IN MYSELF. (Pause)

As you allow this endowment from your Father and me to deepen within you today, let is also outwork any feelings of fear or confusion, doubt, or anxiety that may still be harbored in your energy systems. While it is certainly acceptable to question your spiritual growth, we also invite you to always seek guidance when you are unsure of any question upon your heart about how you are doing, what is the next step, where do I go from here?

Begin to take deeper and broader strides of faith, knowing that this evolutionary process of TRUSTING IN YOUR HUMAN NATURE AND IN YOURSELF will lead you to something much greater than you have already experienced. There is much to evolve into and much to outwork, but let it be a joyful experience as this trust continues to grow and the faith-bond you have with your Creator continues to stimulate your heart and mind, that you may achieve what has been seeded within you. It is all part of the divine plan of life unfolding as it should, and what we are helping you is to stay on course, and to help you relax into the rhythm of the natural evolving of your God-nature. Continue to receive and deepen for a few more moments. Allow the LIFE energies to hold you in this place of safety that the TRUST infusion may reach more depths and heights within you. (Pause)

As you continue to evolve through this TRUST endowment within you, know that you are growing, and it is a circular development of TRUST that takes you from TRUSTING IN YOURSELF, TRUSTING IN HUMANITY, TRUSTING IN YOUR UNIVERSE FAMILY, TRUSTING IN YOUR PARENTS, and TRUSTING IN YOUR CREATOR that will continue to help you ascend up the ladder of consciousness to your eventual union with your Spirit, where you are indeed conjoined as one in your human divinity and your divinely bestowed humanity. Let this be your objective, my children, and know your Father and I support you every step you take all along the way.
We have given you much to consider and you have received much. Allow these energies to continue to settle in and integrate to the very depths of your being that you may enjoy and employ new levels of TRUST IN YOURSELF, that the Spirit Within be able to guide you to greater expressions of LOVE to your brothers and sisters, and be a light among them. Let your light shine brightly, my children, and know that all is evolving as it should within you and within this beautiful and beloved world. I leave you in my LOVE, and my blessings are upon you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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