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4,837 bytes added ,  22:35, 13 February 2018
Created page with "Image:lighterstill.jpg right|frame ==Heading== ===Topic: ''Focus, Intention, and Trust''=== ===Group: N. Idaho TeaM=== ==Facilitat..."

===Topic: ''Focus, Intention, and Trust''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Charles]], [[Olfana]], [[Elyon]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]]===
Charles: [Mark] Greetings to you all, Charles here to barge in on the [[conversation]]. I am struck by this notion of an [[awareness]] that you [[share]] that there is this [[distraction]] of [[mind]] you can identify and you can witness the [[power]] of its affects and you are absolutely right to witness this observable [[phenomenon]] and realize its potential for leading you down a [[direction]] which in this case, you may not want to go. This [[fact]] is so overwhelmingly, glaringly obvious. We may then draw certain other conclusions. If it is so potent for your [[psyche]] and your center of [[focus]], then one should seek to bring forth in your choices those things which would promote this direction of your [[choice]].
Switching the channel if you will from say, [[negative]] influences and choosing more [[positive]] influences for the environment you would like to promote, the direction you would like to go and in this case, your wish is the [[command]] of a [[universe]]. When you set the [[tone]], when you choose the direction, it is not about ignoring this influence of [[mind]], it is about putting this influence of mind to work with directed focus and [[intention]]. So the mind need not be seen as an enemy in this [[process]], rather as a [[tool]] to be harnessed and used in this [[process]], to be mastered and subjected to the will of the owner.

This observation that you have brought here today is critical to the awareness of all [[mortals]] of the realm, to not see themselves as [[victims]] subjected to environments which are detrimental to them but rather to see themselves as creators of environments which promote [[health]] and welfare, [[truth, beauty and goodness]]. Always seek to provide this environment and this picture will come into focus in proper [[proportions]].

You have indeed stumbled on the [[illustration]] of another [[divine]] principle which you are experiencing in your own lives and [[learning]] to master as you so will. Thank you for the [[opportunity]] to drop a [[thought]] into your stream today to go with the others.
Question: Charles, in so many [[words]] then, that divine [[principle]] is?

Charles: Probably best summed up as originally stated of [[focus]], [[intention]] and [[trust]]. [Got it, thank you.]

Olfana: [Cathy] It is a joyful time on [[this world]] with many opportunities to bring [[the Father]]'s light forward to shine abroad into the areas of [[uncertainty]]. You are most blessed to have this opportunity for [[action]] and [[change]]. Bring joy with you on your [[journey]] and it will leave a [[trail]] of [[happiness]] behind you. [[Dance]] to the Father's tune and those around you will join in with joy and [[enthusiasm]]. It has been my experience that the joy is multiplied and transformative, [[transcending]] to [[worship]] of our Creator and dedication to His will.

Mark: I have an old friend that I welcome warmly, I welcome Elyon to join us.

Elyon: [Mark] Thank you for this warm welcome. I [[feel]] similarly towards you, this group. We have forged a lot of what has happened [[together]] and I feel some ownership as do you in all the [[progress]] that has been made. This [[focus]] on this divine principle of focus, [[intention]] and [[trust]] is similar to the long held notion of [[thought]], [[word]] and [[deed]]. Your thought may be likened to your desire to be present and aware. Your word may be likened to the formation of your intention and your deed of finally acting in [[trust]] and in [[faith]] and in accordance with your position as a fragment of [[the whole]] and as such, the part resembles the whole and brings with it its divine [[influence]].
This indeed is a sacred [[triad]] as they have been referred to in the [[past]]. When these three [[steps]] are combined then certain results will then be part of the equation, certain [[creation]] will occur when this [[protocol]] is followed. I [[respect]] your [[efforts]] to identify these aspects and to attempt to work with them in your lives and [[become]] masters in your trade as [[light workers]]. It has been an honor to be a part of this organization from the start and I appreciate the opportunity to drop in and rub elbows with you in the classroom of [[spirit]]. I take my leave in [[gratitude]], thank you.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Dr. Mendoza]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Cathy Morris]]
[[Category: 2018]]

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