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===Topic: ''On Faith and Intuition''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as your children we need your spiritual energies to support our growth as children of God into who we are, and we thank you for providing us with more of your presence and essence that we may grow in that capacity of our souls to be here as a light for our brothers and sisters. Thank you for preparing our minds and hearts to receive you, and thank you for your presence moving in us as your will is done. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Your Father and I are delighted to be your Spirit Parents to help you ascend on this journey of life you are now all embarked upon. You have different qualities or characteristics or traits, but at your core you all come from the same Divine Source—the Creator of all there is, centrally located in the Isle of Paradise, and from there you take origin. But you live on a physical world, and you are also a product of your genetic inheritance. You were designed to evolve and perfect your lives according to the plans of your Indwelling Spirits. All of this is, what you might call, a faith undertaking on your part. You do not always know what you have within you until you experience it—make it real—in daily life.

You live on a world that has suffered a great setback in its evolutionary trajectory toward the higher states of consciousness wherein your planetary culture reflects a more heavenly of divine one. But now all of this is being corrected, and one of the major components of this correction is to fortify you in those areas of your energy systems to help you become more intuitively guided by your own Indwelling Spirits, that marvelous gift given to you by the Creator of all to dwell within your beings to help you intuit or perceive the divine presence and the leadings therein.

We are now embarked upon a year-long study and application of the attitude and energies of faith. And earlier this month we focused on the support that we provide to you through this faith infusion to help you become more intuitive—more faith led. This intuition is a sure method in which to help you discern what is true, what is real, what is right and good. You have many, many conditions on this planet that interfere with your intuitive abilities, but your Father and I are here to fortify you in that area that you may be more faith directed to be able to move through the unknowingness of the human experience, each day being what you might call an unexplored mystery to develop your God-given gifts.

And so today I invite you to simply focus on the energies of INTUITION, that you may be more fortified in those areas of your mind and body to help you follow the leadings of the Spirit Within and to help you perceive more of that true path within that is so steady and secure, and able to help you perceive how to make those forward steps in your own decision making about how to be a Spirit led person living on a material world.

Take a few deep breaths. As you relax into your breathing, simply focus on the word INTUITION. Let it form an energy field around you as you are gently held within this word energy. Allow my Motherly essence and presence to move in you now, my beloved children, to add more space and light into those areas of your minds and bodies that need this fortification and amplification of FAITH through your intuitive faculties. Simply receive now. *Pause
The faith bond you have with your Spirit and with us as your Parents is designed to help you grow experientially through your own efforts and explorations of your material environment and your relationship with your brothers and sisters. You start off here on this material world as a small babe, totally entrusted to the care of your human parents where this faith bond begins to develop. Your parents provide for your physical needs, but we as your Spirit Parents provide for your spiritual needs—to give you those infusions of peace, and love, and joy and compassion; to render you more spiritually fragrant to your brothers and sisters.

Living on this world sometimes the faith path is not well understood nor developed very well because the term ‘faith’ is sometimes defined as adherence to a set of religious principles or theologies. But the faith bond that exists between the Spirit Creator Parents and the human child is a trust relationship, and it grows incrementally through your experience and exploration of the diverse energies which converge within your mind, from the dense physical reality which you live to the high spiritual frequencies that are a part of your energy system—your mindal system—to feed you with higher information.

Many people are unaware that they have access to this higher information. But you are all aware and you have gained much space in your intuitive abilities to perceive the divine inner leadings. And this intuition can expand. It can enhance your faith relationship over time. But today, to help you more intuitively aware of all the help you have around you, we are opening these circuits now to flow more of that spiritual current, you might say, into your beings to help you perceive more clearly and directly from those higher personalities and presences that are connected into your beings. So simply allow this infusion to continue, and in a few moments I will address your questions on this topic of intuition and faith growth. *Pause
Your bodies and minds are being expanded in the spiritual frequencies that convey new ideas and ideals into your minds and bodies. This kind of expansive stretching takes you on this dynamic faith journey into the realm of the unknown and the unexperienced. Developing this faith relationship with us is so fundamental to your growth because there needs to be this underlying trust in something higher and better for your lives in order for you to progress as sons and daughters of faith. Oftentimes it is not an easy path because you come face to face with those aspects of your inner beings that are still conditioned by fear and other attenuations of, what you might call, negative mindsets that keep you in these states of fear and anxiety. So when you open yourselves up to this intuitive path you are essentially opening the door to faith and allowing yourselves to receive more truth light to shine on those inner places in your being that need correction and calibration to these spiritual frequencies, so that your own Indwelling Spirit can convey what you need to learn in order to grow and proceed on your path with inspirations of courage, hope, perseverance, patience, and trust.

So we have encouraged you many times to become familiar with this faith dynamic and to encourage you on this path that you may become so fully imbued with assurance of this faith dynamic that there are not more questions but this beautiful overarching trust in the benevolence of God’s presence within you that you can follow where you are being guided wholeheartedly, and, if I may use the term, whole-willingly where you are being guided.

So as these words settle in, let these energies continue to move in you, and then I will address your questions or concerns. (Pause)

My children, I thank you for your presence here today, and I thank you for the faith that you exhibit each and every day as you walk your path. We share this energy with you and these ideas that you may help your brothers and sisters learn of the higher ways of Spirit, that they may walk on their paths with greater hope and trust, that they may come into their own faith relationship with their own Indwelling Spirits. You are all being prepared to be teachers and way-showers for your brethren, and the more you open to us, the more we can guide you and the more your Spirits can convey those higher ideals of truth and goodness for you to share with others who are ready to hear what you have to say.
So with that being said I will open the floor for your questions or concerns; however, should you wish to remain in this meditative state, please feel free to do so as you will continue to receive from me in this manner. You may begin when you feel ready to speak.

STUDENT: Good morning! My question is just to how better I can inspire my other people to find that spark inside them. Do I consciously project higher energies on them, or what exactly must do I do to inspire them?

NEBADONIA: Thank you for your question, my son. The efforts you make are multidimensional, you might say. As energy beings you are continually conveying information to one another. The intuitive faculties of your energy systems have been highly constrained due to various types of conditioning and denigration of these gifts that you have been given by us as your Parents. It is difficult to answer this question succinctly because there are many layers and levels of communication. You know about emotional communication through the heart. You know about body language. You know about verbal communication, and certain levels of mental telepathy that can be conveyed to another person through the circuits of mind.

The best approach to take though is quite simple, even though it works through the various bandwidths of your energy system, and that is to simply hold that attitude of goodwill toward another person. It takes time to develop the internal faculties on your part as to how best to radiate love to another person. We have encouraged you to beam that love from your heart into another person’s heart, to listen for guidance as to how to convey what that person needs to hear, and all of this is designed to help you practice those inner abilities conveying them in your relationships with individuals one person at a time.

Sometimes in human discourse and relationships, the individuals, including yourselves, may not be coming from a place of total authenticity or integrity. Sometimes there are subconscious agendas working and you may not even be aware of what it is that you are conveying at a subconscious level to another person. This is why growing in these intuitive abilities will help you become more responsive to the Spirit Within to help you perceive what it is you might say or how it is that you can convey to this other individual the love that will help support their spiritual development.

So over time, as you practice conversing with your brethren from the heart with that attitude of simply being a presence of love and goodwill and good cheer, you will begin to notice their signals. Watch their body language. Listen to what they are saying. Reflect back to them what you perceive they have said so that they can apprehend that you have understood them. This is a very concerted effort you make on your part to practice good listening habits and conveying that energy of love. Over time you will be able to more naturally perceive what it is that person is saying. And you can also make the appeal to that person’s Spirit, wherein your Spirit and that individual’s Spirit are acting in liaison to help you perceive what it is you can say or how you may best convey through your own body language or your heart energies to that individual.

Unfortunately on this world your communication skills are still very rudimentary, by and large, and you are learning another form of communication—a Spirit led, Spirit dominated type of communication. The more you grow in these intuitive faculties that are already within you, then the better you will be able to perceive your Spirit’s guidance, and then the light will shine more easily and readily from you because now you have felt and intuited that guidance that will help that other person.

So practice this diligently each day with every individual who comes your way, and over time you will notice your own inner abilities are growing stronger, sharper, clearer in detecting what that person needs. Does this help my son? (Yes, thank you.)

NEBADONIA: Do you need any further elaboration or clarification?

STUDENT: A follow up question--this could be more of a societal hyper-sensitivity to violence and the fear of being played upon. It seems like there is a thin line between trusting the individual in front of you and having your normal defenses against them. Can you elaborate?

NEBADONIA: This is true. The field of energy around your beings is a field of communication, and this is why we encourage you to grow in your own heart capacity so that your own heart energy is so much stronger and larger than another person’s energy of their heart, so that they can begin to perceive that you are a safe person—you are a steady individual, you are peace filled and love dominated. But because there is so much, I will use the word, interference in the human energy field it is sometimes very difficult for those signals from your energy system to be perceived by the others because their fears, their insecurity is so great.

It is at those times when you must rely on your Father and me to gently expand you. And if you can in your mind’s eye, ask for that individual to be held in my Motherly presence. This will create what you might call a more safe energy field around both of you to help that individual relax and begin to feel safe. But this is an intentional directed focus, and sometimes it is difficult to maintain that focus if you are not well-versed in understanding the dynamics of what you might call energy-field communication and the difference or the dichotomy, if you will, between verbal communication and energy fieldcommunication. Surround that person in love. Ask for me to expand you. Ask for your Spirit to help you perceive what that person needs to hear, and as I said, continue to practice this on a daily basis.

Your brethren are in such confused energetic states right now that they need this stabilizing energy, and you can convey that. But let yourselves grow strong and steady in your own hearts and minds so that you can maintain that spiritual focus and not be constrained or damaged by the energies within their own fields. Does this help? (Thank you). You are most welcome, my son.

I wish to add one more comment to the idea of field to field communication. When you are in relationship to another person or many individuals, your energy field will be impacted by others and their field will be impacted by yours. When you are with a large group of people and you wish to be a presence of love and peace and goodness, simply ask me to expand you and call upon your Father for those qualities of His being of PEACE and COMPASSION and LOVE that your presence may grow and even become so great as they can encompass the field of another person or others.

This is a quality your Father Michael demonstrated in his human life as Jesus when he was with a group of people. His field of energy was so strong, so totally integrated and connected with Spirit, that He radiated that love from His being. Some people were able to perceive those signals of love, and some individuals, because of their inner darkness and fear, were repelled by it because of their own beliefs and their own perceptions of who He is and what He was doing.

But this is a whole area of discovery and exploration, should you be interested in learning how to manage more of this field to field communication, and we can address it in future sessions as you grow in your intuitive abilities and are able to contain and maintain those spiritual frequencies with more consistency throughout the day.

This again is part of the self-mastery program that you are all now embarked upon—to learn how to master your minds—the thoughts you think, the energies of emotion you convey and how this impacts your physical bodies. This is a very vast realm to explore and master, and in this faith dynamic and approach of growing in your intuition is where you will receive the information you need to continue on this path of very rigorous growth in who you are in living your true purpose at this particular time upon Urantia.

Allow yourselves the time and space you need to sit with Spirit that you may be continually nurtured with these frequencies to help the changes you need to continue to unfold in your beings to become living conduits of love. And not only conduits but good cosmic citizens, helping your misguided brothers and sisters step unto their own paths and help them for a time as they grow strong in their own sense of self and the divine presences within them.

Are there any more questions for today?

STUDENT: Mother, this is G. I had a very powerful experience just this past week. I went to a women’s dance movement here in Santa Fe, and the experience was one of complete exuberance as I was dancing and I imagined Mother and Father there with me, watching me and loving me, and it was pure ecstasy. I had a smile on my face, inexplicable, and it was just such a remarkable encounter and it felt so very real. It just moved me on a level that I really haven’t ever experienced before. And then in the days afterwards I couldn’t quite connect with that again, and I am just wondering if there is any practice or focus that would help that awareness of your presence become more readily available just as I move through day to day life as I park the car and deal with parking tickets and that kind of thing, because it was so liberating and so nourishing to feel that. That is my question.

NEBADONIA: Thank you, my daughter. When you are involved in groups that are focused on spiritual development the energy is heightened, and the experience can be magnified to that degree you feel this joyful expansion within you. You are growing in your capacity for joy in the rich dimensions of life and all that it has to convey to you. Simply adapt that attitude that life is meant to be enjoyed and that it can be a joyful experience. The quality of joy will continue to grow in you, and you can certainly nurture it by doing those activities throughout the day that you truly find enjoyable.

If dancing and movement brings you joy, then spend the time during the day doing that. There are many activities that produce these feelings of joy. But so much of this world has been mired in pain and suffering that it is difficult to remember that life is here for your enjoyment. So simply begin your day with that attitude of ‘I am here to enjoy my life,’ and focus on this word energy of joy, and see if this helps you to maintain that attitude throughout your day so that you then can begin to experience that in your body.

The body needs joy. It is what you might call a higher spiritual frequency that will render you more love dominated and peace filled. The quality of exuberance may abate for a while and what you will be left with is this sustained note of a quality of peace and compassion and love. It is difficult to find words to describe this state. Some people have described it as ecstasy or bliss, but it is a sustained quality of being in the presence of God and knowing that you are truly loved, truly upheld, no matter what you do all throughout your day.

Those moments you have in group experience are there to stretch you in this quality of joy, and when you feel bereft or downcast, simply come to your Father and me and ask for our attitudes and energies of JOY to uplift your heart, that you can carry on and begin to feel in your own presence what it means to live a joyful and creative life. Does this help my daughter? (Yes, that was very helpful, thank you.)
NEBADONIA: You are most welcome, and grow in my JOY, my daughter, as it is a gift that I share with all of my children.

My beloved ones, your Father and I understand what it is that you experience during this time of great change. Yes, there is chaos all around you because so much is unsettled upon your world and it is a time of great unsettledness. But it does not have to be so within your own beings, and here is where we encourage you to spend the time you need in communication, conversation with us and your Spirit that you may be more fully fortified in faith and joy and peace to render you more secure with what is happening upon the planet.

You are moving into a dimension of reality that exists within. The inner environment of your beings is so important for you to understand and to live from that place of inner security. And because your world has suffered such a great setback and you have all been conditioned to look at your material reality for your stability, it is normal that you would be going through this period of great instability within as the light shines upon those dark places of inner woundedness that come from many, many generations of ungodly living.

But have no fear, for we are here to support you in all ways, in every way of your life, and there is no question that you may have upon your heart and mind that you cannot bring to us. Bring it all to us that we may help you sort through the error and the lies, to see the truth more clearly and to give you those feelings of such inner peace and strength and courage and joy and compassion, to make you virtually impervious to the chaos all around you. And as you grow in your faith, this will protect you and fortify you, and help you be that great light to your brothers and sisters who will come to you for help and succor because they are in such need.

So enjoy your times of transition and transformation into this rich inner dimension of the Spirit Within, and know that all things are becoming anew. I leave you in my LOVE, my children that you may flourish in life and all of the joys that it has for you. Good day!

[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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