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===Topic: ''The Beneficial Influence of Loving Vibration''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Unknown|Mandurian Melchizedek]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
Mandurian: “Let me begin by stating that it is a [[privilege]] and a delight to [[work]] with a [[mortal]] such as you, but please try to keep your mercurial [[thoughts]] at bay.

“These are stirring times on [[this planet]] with the necessary upheavals, which are blamed on [[global warming]]. Allow me to say this about [[climate change]]: This planet is still young in her development in the early stages of her [[evolution]] and she must go through the travails of [[growth]] before she is completely [[balanced]].

“However, you, as her [[inhabitants]] can do much to aid her in her development by being careful to leave only harmless footsteps wherever you go, and by not contributing to the [[chaos]] which is becoming alarmingly evident. Each person is [[responsible]] for their own [[behavior]], by being [[kind]] and loving toward one another; and [[parents]] are responsible to teach this to their offspring.

“Most importantly, watch your [[thoughts]], as thoughts have an energy [[vibration]] which can be truly beneficial or equally [[disastrous]]. It is of primary importance that you [[become]] more aware of how you think, why you think what you think and if there are thoughts which warrant to be improved upon . . . like those of [[resentment]], [[anger]], [[jealousy]]. You may make the list yourself as these are all very harmful to your own systems, especially the pernicious thought of getting even with someone. Those energies cause great harm to your systems and sooner or later find [[expression]] in personal discomfort.

“Ponder this message, please, for the medical profession usually looks only at the [[symptoms]], hardly ever at the true [[causes]] of illness and discomfort; then tries to cure whatever ails a person with the customary [[drugs]], whereas the [[Creator]] has lovingly provided natural cures for practically all ailments on the planet.

“[[Observe]] your thoughts for a while, as [[negative]] thoughts of [[emotional]] vibrations first show up in the meridians. The meridians are the energy lines in the [[body]] that feed all systems, which will [[eventually]] find its way into the physical system as blockages, which over time create havoc leading to discomfort anywhere in the bodily systems.

“The most important way to vibrant [[health]] is to have positive emotions, which is to [[love]] and [[forgive]] yourselves on a daily basis. This will naturally be so beneficial that you will automatically love and forgive others, because you will have become [[friends]] to yourselves.

“This all-around beneficial [[vibration]] could permeate the entire planet and help her in her evolution into greater [[stability]]. I realize that all this has been said before in one way or another, but it has not been practiced wholeheartedly at all by the [[majority]] of the people living upon [[this world]].
“Be a [[courageous]], [[child of God]] and attempt to live this way. Your mental, emotional and physical systems will greatly benefit, leading to increased spiritual [[growth]] for the [[soul]], which is the [[purpose]] for living, thereby enhancing the evolutionary [[progress]] of the planet.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: 2018]]

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