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===Topic: ''Now, I Have Created a Controversy''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Helena Blavatsky|Helena Petrovna Blavatsky]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
Helena Blavatsky: “Greetings my dear brothers and sisters. I am [[grateful]] to have this [[opportunity]] to speak with you and [[share]] some of what I have learned since passing from the flesh and moving on into the light of [[mansion world]] life. While in my life on earth, my psychic [[abilities]] to ‘pierce the veil’ were recognized as extraordinary, yet it only allowed for a shadowy glimpse of spiritual [[realities]] that are far more vivid and filled with [[knowledge]] and [[wisdom]] beyond even what I could have [[imagined]] while in the flesh. In retrospect some of the [[ideals]] I taught were relatively true, while others were based on [[perceived]] knowledge given the [[experiences]] I was having at the time mixed with centuries of recorded [[theories]] from ancient text ([ secret doctrines]).

“I have an ‘arrangement’ with this receiver that [[intimately]] connects us — the means of which many of you will find quite ‘[[controversial]]’ — a [[word]] that has been used to define my life on earth and shall continue until the days of [[enlightenment]] dawn upon the earth. While on the earth, my passion was and continues to be [[soul]] [[mechanics]] — something that is ‘vibrationally [[aligned]]’ with this receiver, it was my thirst for [[truth]] and knowledge and an ‘openness’ to learn new ideals that has propelled me here on the [[mansion worlds]].

“Soul mechanics are complex, even beyond my current knowing, yet I have a watershed of [[understanding]] compared to the secret doctrines and [[new age]] beliefs about life and [[death]] — [[after life]] and the theories of [[reincarnation]]. This ‘arrangement’ I have with this one can be a [[seed]] which may help you understand more about how [[the soul]] progresses — how groups of souls progress — how the [[Oversoul]] of creation emerges ([[the Supreme]]). It is in the seed that the spirit of the mighty oak lives — the seed is alive! This one carries many seeds within his soul — one being a fragment of my own — yet we both live and have souls — how can this be?

“The concept of [[fragmentation]] is inherent in both [[the Father]] ([[Thought Adjusters]]) and in [[his children]] ([[the soul]]). It is a way for all things — souls, planets, systems, and universes, to keep moving forward toward [[perfection]] — all questions answered — all lessons learned (all experience).
“Now, I have created a [[controversy]]! I have upset many of you having crystallized the [ secret doctrines], yet there are far more that shall take this little seed of knowledge and begin to [[connect]] the dots and realize how deep and unfathomable the [[Creator]] is in guiding his children on the [[path]] to perfection. There is never ‘one way’ in which [[the soul]] grows. The [[creative]] principal is to try something new! So many combinations of ideas are ‘born’ to create the extraordinary — to have a unique [[experience]]. Cross-pollination creates some of the heartiest plants does it not? Why?

“I leave you now with these [[seeds]] of knowledge that you may ponder.

“Do not be afraid of your [[difficulties]],

“I AM H.P. Blavatsky.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: H. Blavatsky]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: 2018]]