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===Topic: ''The Rewards of Patience and Consistency''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “[[Everything]] you endeavor to do in order to [[achieve]] greater [[spiritual growth]] is a wise investment. Your unexplored [[talents]] are not only for your personal benefit. Consider this for a [[moment]]. Why has [[your Father]] placed those talents inside you? Is it for your personal [[glory]] and benefit or for the good of the entirety of [[creation]]?

“When you explore your talents with the [[expectation]] of a material reward you are only [[thinking]] about your own benefit. Furthermore, you are depriving yourself of a valuable [[opportunity]] for [[growth]]. Commonly in this world if a talent cannot be [[exploited]] for material gain, it is usually ignored or discarded, even when some of these talents are valuable, important and could be used for the betterment of [[humanity]]. It is not expected of you to die of [[starvation]] but, if you already have enough material [[things]] to sustain yourself, won’t it be better to [[explore]] other things?

“You have complete [[freedom]] to [[choose]] the way in which you want to [[earn]] a living. You are also free to use your [[creativity]] to find more effective and profitable ways to make a living and make your [[existence]] in this material world easier. However, remember that this – the material – is only a small part of your life in [[this world]] and also your life on this earth is but a moment in time in [[comparison]] to the rest of your life in [[eternity]]. A wise person would not invest too much in that which is temporal and [[transient]] if he or she could appreciate the great rewards that [[patience]] and [[consistency]] would bring in the [[future]].
“[[The Father]] [[desires]] that your [[experience]] in this world with the life He has offered you is the best possible. He will always provide all you need to [[become]] increasingly [[perfect]] and to [[attain]] the maximum spiritual [[satisfaction]] [[your soul]] desires. You get to [[decide]] if you choose to follow the [[guidance]] of your [[Ta|Inner Pilot]] and act [[inspired]] by the creative impulses that strive to be expressed through your [[being]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2013]]

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