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===Topic: ''A Deep and Broad Evolution is Universal''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadon]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael; Mother Spirit, tonight I have a request from one of your faithful students who follows all of your lessons. He noted how extraordinarily positive you and Michael always seem about our human situation here on Urantia. He says he also positively trusts you are not just filled with Pollyanna notions, or looking at our situation through rose-colored glasses.

He sent me some material from a very reputable person who collects statistics, and who mentions that since 1960, childhood deaths have plummeted from 20 million a year to six million a year, and between 1990 and 2015, about 137 thousand people a day have escaped extreme poverty. The material goes on to say that one key reason we struggle to see progress in the world today is that we do not know how very bad the past was.

Then he cites another often mentioned statistic that thirty million Chinese died in the Great Leap Forward famine of the early 1960s, and 7 million perished in the Ukraine famine of the early 1930s in, respectively, Mao Tse Tung’s China and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union, as a few examples.

I wondered if you could comment on that today, as you and Michael have so often mentioned that, from your standpoint of being aware of our whole world situation, things are definitely getting better, especially since the beginning of the Correcting Time--the lifting of our planetary spiritual quarantine on all the various orders of spiritual beings coming to our benighted world to help move things along. So if you care to comment on these things, we thank you. Amen.
*A deep and broad evolution is universal
Nebadonia: Good evening, my dear ones, this is your Mother Spirit. And yes, I would be delighted to make some comment on these facts you presented to me, and to all our listeners and readers to come. It is true that Michael and I do see a profoundly deep and broad evolution happening. Yet in this your world is not unique, but actually tied into a Universal Movement of worlds subject to spiritual influence from “on high”--as you say.

It is wonderful to note this is mainly due--as we have stated so often in the past--not only to spiritual influences, but to very physical ones. Here I am pointing at your more modern electronic communications that are making it more and more difficult all the time for various dictatorships and extreme governments to hide behind a cloak of opacity as more and more areas of the world, more and more governments, more and more peoples are becoming more transparent and published abroad, you might say.

There have been quite a few social revolutions just in the past few years of mainly the young people getting through and beyond their government’s censorship of the media. They’re tuning in to the broader world and making themselves aware of some of the more advancing elements. On the broadest way of looking at it, better informed individuals are able to take more and more responsibility for their lives. For all through history this has always depended upon freedom, upon individual choices as each individual family finds itself in a situation--especially an economic situation--where they have some choice over their lives. For the great numbers of millions of deaths that you mentioned were mainly due to famine, enormous groups of people starving to death because of government policy.
*Individual evolution
A corollary of this evolution is a slow but steady de-centralization of authority where individuals gain more and more freedom, more and more ability to choose in their day-to-day lives how they will sustain themselves and raise their families. But also, as your Urantia Book points out, this has to be necessarily a slow and careful process because whole generations in some of your nation states, some of your countries, the culture itself--the continuity of values and meaning in people’s lives--does go back hundreds if not thousands of years.

An appreciation of where you have been and what progress you have made is so essential to an actual growth of spiritual value because you are not only immediately living in what we call a profound Eternal Present, but your minds are able to grasp value and meaning by comparison as well with what has gone before. This is a point you made in your introduction. In this eternal Present Moment some comprehension and appreciation for where you have been, and all the struggles and even terrible disasters humanity has come up through, do play an enormous amount in the appreciation you have--for what you have.
*Facts, meaning, and value
This is spiritual progress--going back to our trilogy of physical facts, mental meanings and associations, and then spiritual value. Value is what each one of you is able to determine for yourself then, hopefully, share with each other so you both have this immediate--no intermediary--immediate evaluation of your life moment to moment. But also you have a comparative sense with each other as you share your experiences and your lives together. These are the examples you gave in your introduction, some comparison with what came before and what other human beings have known, and gloried in, and suffered in the past.

This is the fullness of your lives, my dear ones. We tease you with the notion that in the next worlds to come, so much true information of your world’s past will be available to you from very high spiritual beings who can give you the facts of your world free of political bias. You can ask what really happened here on such and such a date. It’s a coming delight.
*Time—in an Eternal Now
This is how you grow. This is how you grow a sense of time because you do live in an Eternal Present and, in this sense, the past and the future do not really exist except as memory and projection. Yet you can live so totally in the past, especially if you are pinned down and held so tightly by past regrets or just false notions of what the past was, and emotionally seen as some terribly lonely place.

And of course the future really has no positive existence for all levels of spiritual beings. Yes, there are all kinds of foreshadowing since we do trust that God knows what he is doing and continues some heretofore very immutable ways. Yet truly, truly the future has not yet happened. The enormous sense you have of it in your own personal life is due to your own spiritual creativity.

So yes, a sense of proportion about time is so critical, and is such a hallmark of wisdom. This is where all your experience comes in--being an experiential being with knowledge, the ability to store your experience, and then your understanding--all the ways you can relate and associate all you have experienced.
*A sense of proportion through time
This is how you acquire a sense of proportion so you can begin to trust Michael and me when we say, “Yes, this old world of yours, that has known so much suffering, is truly progressing.” It is truly evolving even in spite of all the various things that do happen, that do so cloud your vision and call for you to open your hearts to those who are suffering so terribly.

But this evolution is inexorable! It behooves and rewards each one of you to be able to change, change in the sense of growth. Growth means that, in one way, you keep all you have known because it is there in your souls, my dear ones--all you have known and all you have done. Yet each day is a new possibility and opportunity for something different from all that has gone on before, if only because you yourself are co-creating all you experience and all that you have known, as part of you. This humble awareness keeps you from the objective fallacy of thinking your reality is the only one. Rather your unique, co-created experience is what each of you has to share with each other.

So strive for that hallmark of wisdom, my dear ones, that sense of proportion. Let the past stoke your appreciation, and be aware that the future, which may seem so absolutely solid to you, or even fearful, is still, and will always be, so much a part of your own creativity, always calling for an open mind.

In one way yes, you are just a tiny, tiny speck in an enormous universe that is coming at you. Time is not going to stop in any sense. The universe is in motion and will always be. But this very awareness of it is the hallmark of humility. You can say, “Thank you, God. Thank you, dear Father, I can be aware of so much!”
*Faith—an creation of curiosity, trust, and courage
My dear ones, keep the faith. Keep using your faith as a way of extending yourself out until what you have faith in actually becomes fact--you have done it. You know it, and then you extend yourself forward again. Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, let’s do those.
Student: I really don’t. It seems like just a matter of keeping on, keeping on.

Nebadonia: Oh yes, my son! That requires a bit of faith too, does it not?

Student: Indeed. That is the secret ingredient.

Nebadonia: Some folks see faith as only a kind of a weakness where you are trying to fill in the blanks in a terrible life. But we see it more as an extension. Faith enables you to do things, to actually commit yourself into action where you are not quite yet sure, you literally haven’t experienced this day before. You’re using your creativity. It’s a creative thing of where to go next before you’ve actually been there. Once you’ve been there you extend yourself again in faith. You step off when you don’t know what the ground is going to be underneath your foot. But you have the courage and the ability to take the next step into the unknown.

Student: Yes, so it is invisible—the solidity. It’s an invisible hallway that exists, and it is just a matter of walking down that hallway.
*Freedom based on and conditioned by creativity
Nebadonia: Yes, it is invisible, my son, insofar as the future does not yet exist. Contrarily wise, there are a lot of folks who believe in what you call fatalism, the sense that that hallway is somehow already laid out since God himself must know what is going to come next. But again, as your Urantia Book points out, once God decided to create other beings--almost co-equal to himself in The Trinity, then all the way down to human beings--and endow them with some measure of free will based on their own individual creativity; he can certainly set parameters on what you are capable of doing, but he himself does not know what you are going to do next within those parameters.

What I am saying to you, my dear one, is that your free-will is not an illusion. It is real. It is something you can exercise and, to a large degree, you are doing it all the time. Psychologically you call it always living partly in your own subjectivity, because God is the only purely objective being. You can do your best to take everything in, but your free will, based on your own, liimited co-created reality, is something you can and will use. You can develop it and keep growing. In this sense those hallways of future possibilities are only potential. You live in an Eternal Now instantaneously. And yes, it keeps on happening. Does all this make sense? The future is not so much invisible as it is potential?

Student: Yes, right. My thought was of many different hallways in our own architecture leading to the outcome of this or that endeavor into which we launch ourselves. My meaning was not of an overall fate. It’s what we have to do, so we think, “Well, can I do that?” Then I say, “Yes I can!”--and the hallway is built. I commence walking down not a hallway but an aisle of faith. We’ll call it an aisle of faith which leads to the completion of the enterprise we undertook.

Nebadonia: Oh—amen! That is very well put. Those hallways are your possible choices and they depend so much on your own creativity and the fact that you are partly a spiritual/creative being. You’re a personality who is endowed with spirit, and in this sense God is sharing such a big part of himself with you. He gives his creativity over to you, just as his presence right within your own mind can give you thoughts to consider. This is why we call his presence in you your Thought Adjuster.
*It is your personality—you—who decides about God’s ideas
But it is your personality—you--who decides to go along with or totally disregard his presence and his input. Consider the fact that all the higher spiritual beings, with unlimited power, do respect this free will of yours, and your choices--those hallways you decide to explore. So thank you, my son. This is a good vision of your choices.

Student: Thank you.
Nebadonia: Were there any other questions or comments this evening? If not, my dear ones, I hope tonight I gave you a real sense of the power you have as an individual, as a unique being in all creation. Michael and I have taught these last several lessons on what we have called--as your Urantia Book mentions--the emergence of the individual that Michael, in his life as Jesus, was responsible for initiating so greatly among his followers. For those who came in contact with him, it was mainly in how he treated them, even beyond race, or sex, or culture, or background--all these things. He had the capacity to relate to each one as an individual. This was so remarkable for a person who had such obvious power, such unfathomable grace and joy, setting the example.
*Relate as individuals, like no other
So can you--as you relate to each other as unique individuals. Then see how they can respond in kind and so fill your soul with each and every one in particular. You get beyond all your stereotypes and prejudices and fill your soul with these unforgettable, wonderful people you have known. This is your true wealth, my dear ones, with these with whom you have the possibility of continuing on into an indefinite future, forever and ever if both of you so choose. It’s another great freedom—The freedom of association--I believe you call it. So get on and associate freely, my dear ones. Fill your souls with each other.

This is Mother Spirit sending you all my love. See if you can feel a measure of Michael’s peace. Goodnight.

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