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Created page with "==Heading== ===Topic: ''Healing Starts in the Inner Life''=== ===Group: 11:11 Progress Group=== ==Facilitators== ===Teacher: The Beloved One=== ===TR: Lytske=== ==..."
===Topic: ''Healing Starts in the Inner Life''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[The Beloved One]]===
===TR: [[Lytske]]===
The Beloved One: “When one speaks of being created in the [[image]] of [[God]], this does not relate to your [[physical]] [[temple]]. No! It denotes the image of the [[soul]]-[[self]], of which you and I are the builders.

“The [[foundation]] of [[the soul]] is being constructed in this earth-life, and your [[progress]] will continue through many a succeeding age on the [[mansion worlds]], which are more real than this [[material]] plane.

“Material eyes are extremely [[limited]] in scope. Your true long-range [[vision]] resides in the [[heart]], where [[Spirit]] resides. [[Remember]] also the [[words]] of your [[Master Son]] [[Michael]], also known as [[Jesus]] of Nazareth: ‘In the house of My Father are many mansions.’

“Michael spoke of the various levels of [[spiritual development]]. In [[truth]], the [[mansion worlds]] are where you will go for further [[training]] and development whilst rendering [[altruistic]] loving [[service]], much as you learn here on the physical plane.

“Meanwhile, on the lowest plane, which is this material, mortal plane you can already [[choose]] to start this training by [[learning]] life’s [[lessons]] well. It is always up to each [[individual]] if and when they wish to start and how they wish to proceed.

“Remember that the [[Universal]] [[Creator]] [[God]] gave you humans the possibility of life itself with the [[free will]] prerogative and the [[responsibility]] to choose to proceed or not to proceed. He also gifted you a [[Ta|Fragment of Himself]], Me, without diminishing Himself in this [[process]]. The Fragment that I am is for you to [[discover]] and fully [[cooperate]] with on your long [[Ascension Career|ascension journey]]; to finally find the [[First Source and Center]] of everything on [[Paradise]].

“Meanwhile, you and I are at some time during this journey to [[fuse]] together and become one, so no one will be able to tell us apart.

“This is God’s [[promise]]: ‘I shall make man and woman into My likeness!’

“We have touched on this before, however, this needs to be forever etched into your [[heart]], [[soul]] and [[mind]].

“This is the real [[purpose]] of your life here on earth; to commence with your [[development]] as a [[spiritual]] [[being]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: The Beloved One]]
[[Category: Lytske]]
[[Category: Purpose]]
[[Category: 2019]]

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