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===Topic: ''About Teaching''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Oscar]]===
Thought Adjuster: “We have earlier mentioned that [[this world]] will leave all [[darkness]] behind to move towards an era of [[light and life]] only when each and every one of its inhabitants endeavors to be better, to be what [[our Father]] [[desires]] you to be. This represents a [[commitment]] for each [[human being]] with his or her [[Thought Adjuster]] – with their Father in heaven – to receive [[guidance]], to know the divine will and to [[align]] it with their own will.

“What is the role of spiritual [[leaders]] in this era? The new spiritual leaders will not be the guardians of [[dogma]] or fossilized truths. A true spiritual leader will promote personal [[exploration]]. A [[lightworker]] will always guide other [[souls]] towards the light that hides within their own [[being]]. A lightworker will work in [[harmony]] with his or her own Inner Teacher and the Internal Teacher of others. A lightworker is simply a [[facilitator]], a host who introduces the [[student]] to the Teacher and then retires to let them know each other better.

“[[Remember]] that all of you are students on the same [[path]]. Every teacher shall always remain a student in order to keep their eyes open to new [[experiences]] and [[revelations]] of the [[truth]], which may come from any of their [[peers]], from the smallest to the highest. Those who once were guided to the light of [[salvation]] by you may well be the ones who later will provide the answers you need in your own life. Instead of students and teachers, consider yourselves as [[partners]] in an [[adventure]], explorers who are discovering the [[wonders]] of [[the universe]] together, thanks to your [[individual]] contributions.

“Do not hesitate in appealing to the highest [[ideals]] of your peers. Often [[faith]] and [[trust]] is what a [[solitary]] soul needs to start offering the best of herself and to rise above [[limitations]] and [[prejudice]]. Even those you may consider physically, intellectually, or spiritually backward may be [[encouraged]] to be better once they [[perceive]] that others believe that this is possible for them. The [[presence]] of [[the Father]] resides [[Ta|within]] all of you and the noblest task of a human being is to [[collaborate]] with this presence to [[transform]] a mortal into a perfected creature with [[eternal]] life, whether this collaboration is with your own Divine Spark or your neighbor’s.

“[[Learn]] to have [[trust]] in your [[siblings]] and offer them your [[words]] of encouragement and [[support]], because the [[Ta|Presence of God]] in them will [[echo]] your [[efforts]] and work directly toward the same [[goal]] in their [[minds]], beyond all [[prejudices]] and [[fears]]. Every exhortation you make to your peers for them to rise above matter will be received by their [[Thought Adjuster]] and [[expressed]] to the humans in their [[care]] and in the best and most adequate terms, tailored to their [[personalities]]. There are always [[opportunities]] for improvement for all of you and those who really want to be closer to [[God]] sooner or later will find success in this [[adventure]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Oscar]]
[[Category: 2013]]

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