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===Topic: ''Let Come to Me the Little Childrenr''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Prolotheos]]===
===TR: [[Valdir Soares]]===
*São Carlos — SP, Brazil
Teacher Prolotheos: “Being a child is a [[necessary]] and important period in the [[development]] of a [[human being]]. However, it is transitory. It is not meant to stay; if a person seems to indefinitely remain a child as the years pass, you know that something is wrong. The first and most important [[connection]] of a child when it comes into the world is with its [[parents]]. In fact, [[adulthood]] entitles human beings to bear children and that may become an important [[factor]] in the very parents’ own development towards [[maturity]]. Still, God-conscious parents know that a child is given to them, and that, before it being theirs, it is a [[child of God]]. To parents and to [[society]] were given the [[privilege]] of [[co-operating]] with God’s raising of a member of [[God’s family]], the [[Kingdom of God]]. To do this well, parents and society must pay [[attention]] to three important characteristics of human beings while they are children:

'''Be Aware of Their Fragility'''
“A child comes into [[this world]] in a state of complete [[dependency]]. Except for its [[physiological]] functions, a child cannot do anything for or by itself. It’s [[necessary]] that [[everything]] will be provided for a child. The parents and society are the providers, the former the primary ones, the latter being the secondary ones. Besides this utter dependency, a child is also [[fragile]] in the sense that it is [[weak]]. Its physical structure is small, [[tender]], and fragile. If not protected and properly cared for, may be hurt, [[suffer]], and even die. Because of this acute fragility, a child may suffer [[abuse]] by the hands of others, adults or not, and that is why it is the conjoint [[responsibility]] of parents and state (society) to [[protect]] the child as long it remains a child.

'''Be Aware of Their Naivety'''
“In fact, a child cannot even [[express]] [[naivety]] until its [[intellect]] is developed enough to form personal reasoning. Mainly from lack of [[experience]] and by having an unsuspicious [[mind]] a child is naturally [[naive]] and so greatly exposed to be [[deceived]] and harmed in many ways. [[Parents]] must [[educate]] their children, [[training]] them to [[recognize]] proposals that may harm them. Adults, in general, must respect a child’s [[innocence]]. The state must create and enforce laws that protect and prevent children from being taken [[advantage]] of, of their innocence and lack of experience. If all this can be done without making them lose their [[purity]] towards life, [[civilization]] will become a little better in turn.

'''Be Aware of Their Potentiality'''
“All normal children are a tremendous [[reservoir]] of [[potentials]]. Children are encapsulated [[promises]] of life, [[achievements]], and realizations that have a direct impact on the [[progress]] of your world. You should never see a child for what it is as a child, but what it promises to be in the [[future]] as an adult. That, its [[future]], will mostly depend on you, the adults of nowadays that are [[responsible]] for giving the children good conditions to [[develop]] the maximum of their rich [[potentials]]. Think of children as potentials, not only about what they can become here in their lives on [[Urantia]], but also think of what they are destined to become on the worlds on High, where they have [[celestial]] and [[divine]] [[careers]] to follow with [[God]]. You, adults, are enlisted cooperators in helping them start on the divine [[path]].
“Therefore, my [[pupil]], adults should consider children very [[carefully]]. It’s a [[privilege]] to [[participate]] in their development. Theirs is a short period in life, but a very crucial one in which each of you makes a great [[difference]]. Not only let the children come to [[the Master]], but bring the children to the Master! I am Prolotheos, your teacher and [[tutor]] on High. Peace!”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Prolotheos]]
[[Category: Valdir Soares]]
[[Category: Parenting]]
[[Category: 2019]]