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===Topic: ''Diverse Views or Opinions''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Charles]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: Divine Parent, I'd like to draw you to our meeting here and thank you for this opportunity, for this moment in time and space for our ability to come together in this way, for the gift of each one of us to the rest of us. Each one of us who comes here today is a blessing, a grace. Thank you for all these blessings and all this grace Divine Parent. We now come together and seek your embrace, your touch in our lives and as you are aware, there are questions on the minds of the students. We now would strike a posture of receiving, take a stance of welcoming and welcome your emissaries of light to be with us to guide us, counsel us as we move forward in faith. So be it.
Charles: And in forward or direct response, I am here to give response to this request, this urge for meeting of spirit in which you are in an attitude of receiving and requesting guidance from on high. In direct response to your petitions and desires I am here now. I am just one of many here now in response to your petition and I am fortunate enough to field this call. I am Charles and it has been my pleasure to see myself as a liaison to this group and I have had great pleasure in being such.

To restate the questions offered in its simplest terms, “what are the better approaches that can be used to navigate the apparent distance between two diverse views or opinions? How does one best navigate this bridge, if you will, between the two sides and come together?” It is my observation that you already contain the basic principles of your own answer. Instinctively you felt that it would be better to focus on the positive and that troubles arise when negatives arise and this is your observation well earned through your experience.

And if this is so, you are also correct to perceive that one will be more attractive with a pleasant and positive approach than with any agenda to control the outcome or win the argument or somehow demonstrate your superior view. Rather, forsake all temptation at comparison and instead, start with the common ground and you will find that there is a surprising amount of common ground. I offer the example, that in your circumstance, when you are encountering others, one surefire way to break the ice and come closer to people is to comment on things you have in common.

Starting with perhaps the most basic, perhaps-what is the weather? Everyone experiences weather. Everyone has an opinion on weather. They will all be different but they will all be valid and genuine and true as it was their experience or as it is their experience. And so you can share different stories of different weather without threat that one is superior to the other. In this way you are on the same common ground looking out at nature from different portals and observing different parts. But, you both are engaged in this process of observing weather and you can share that, the most common element to your experience that you are both having.

Such is the same story with your life experience. Remember that all peoples experiences are valid, no matter what they believe, no matter what context they view their reality through, no matter how their path has shaped their perceptions, their experience is real and valid to them. It is only when you try to compare and contrast these experiences that the rub occurs. But you are both genuinely and earnestly attempting to get the most out of your experience and make the most of it. So while you may have completely different perspectives and views because of your position in time and space, nevertheless, you both are traveling this path of experience and gathering to yourself all that is of value.

So if you can recall that you are both on different journeys to the same destination, then you both can share the common gratitude for the journey. This is the bridge you seek. This is the commonality of mankind. This is what you all share and have in common, just one of the things that you share and have in common. You can join with each other in gratitude for the grace of your individual opportunities and everyone else's so that you take the gratitude and use that feeling everyone feels for their lives, their country, their family, their friends, their homes. These you all have in common. These you can join together and offer gratitude for. These you can direct your positive energy for.

So in fact, direction or re-direction is where you come into play because as the conversation forms, the participants seek to make contributions that they think they have support for. They are in fact vocalizing the sentiments that they wish to entertain and are looking for others to support this view. There is your golden opportunity to build the bridge. Seize the opportunity when it arises, to make your contribution, to direct your energies, to perhaps redirect lower energies towards those things which you all appreciate and approve of: love, family, peace, joy. Bring it to the most basic aspect of human life and agree on it.

Perhaps-thank you Mother, thank you Father, thank you God for this opportunity. Thank you my friends for the opportunity to experience this relationship with you. Thank you for all that we are graced with in this journey towards our ultimate supreme destination.

So I honor your questions about ways to be more effective in building bridges. Truly, that is what emissaries of light desire training in and so I am happy to be of any assistance I can in this process with you. Those who would ask this question have already signaled to the universe their desires to be of service and so you are here and I am here, welcoming your inquiries and your request for support and guidance. I would pause at this point and ask if any more clarification may be provided in any area at this time?
Question: Hello Charles, [welcome] thank you for this information, it helps me focus on commonality. Because we all are human and have come up through the training of five [adjutant] spirits of Mother Spirit with their various levels of our vibration and then we come to the adjutants of worship and wisdom, the higher vibrations. Is that something we have in common, is this true?

Charles: It is indeed true by your very nature that those characteristics are all of yours, that they are part of your composition if you will. What you are referring to are different levels of achievement in the spiritual context. What I am referring to is that it remains your privilege and opportunity to direct or re-direct energies of one level and shoot higher and project them into the next dimension, the next level up because it is your intention to leverage your energies and do so. So in this scenario your opportunity would arise for you to bring in the light and shine it onto the current equation thus transforming the equation with peace and tranquility about it, without struggle but rather just a conversion of energy levels. This is yours to do at will.

Comment: Well what I want to do is design some kind of musical cooperative game in which we help each other from level one up through the other levels and it seems only certain people that will be drawn to this, otherwise I am in danger of forcing growth on other people against their will. Can we as a group or as participants design beautiful little harmonic poetry, prayers that combine your favorite weather with your favorite food with your favorite family member etc. and have us create these steps that start low and then ascend? Then as people could work their way through these contributing to, building these vibrational [systems], people could actually rise and achieve through sharing.

Charles: What you are referring to as I understand it, is in the context of some formula, a program or game or network with the desire to build a platform which is an approach for spiritual growth.....

Comment: The point being to enhance the perception of truth.

Charles:...and I will point out, throughout time, most people who have been in service to prepare lessons and scripts and texts, all are motivated to cherish the truth, to open peoples hearts and minds and to be helpful in an approach with a program that may be relatable to by others. I must have you take one step back and realize first of all, that as you have said, only people who would be ready and willing will be ready and willing and so the amount of promotion and offering is only as good as there are students and participants that come into the process. And, I will also point to you, that every single approach will be customised ultimately by universe forces for the individual and therefore no two approaches will be the same.They may have aspects in common, they may have periods of time in common as you are experiencing with your life here on Urantia, but in the end, everyones' progress will be solely and wholly independent and their advancement forward will be of their making and their choosing, not of your offering to assist because, as the statement goes, when the student is ready, the master appears.

And so, while you are endeavoring to assist in their process, really, your process is your process, their process will be their process and they may find some common ground with your steps and your progression but in the end it's likely to be entirely different as they are a different drop falling from the top of the waterfall and having a different experience before we all gather at the bottom in the pool. So I understand the desire to mark a path, to create a way, to build a staircase, to make an avenue of approach and this is a sure sign that you are a spirit driven individual because you have enjoyed the benefits, you have seen the rewards, but it is only because you have put in energy, you have done the work. You have been the seeker, that is why you have walked up those steps of your own will and it will take the exact same thing from everyone out there.

They will not rise on the staircase unless it is their will to do so and unless they apply themselves with effort to make it so. So we can work on the staircase as long as we want and as hard as we want but in the end it will be up to them and the biggest encouragement, the greatest possible thing that you can do to any and all of your brethren is to be a good example. Just do and be what your ideals are.

Comment: [laughing] Thank you Charles, that's so freeing, because you've been telling me this on and off and I've been trying to figure out what to do with it all and you have been giving me the same message the whole time, and that is you can't push the sheep.

Charles: Perfect, now you’ve got it.

Comment: I can just be my own happy self doing my own happy art and let it take me wherever it's going to happily take me but I don't have to worry about all the others and where they are about it.

Charles: No, trust that The Father has them just as He has you and they are well cared for just as you have been well cared for and the difference between you and anyone else is your individual life experience which is separate and unique for all time.

Comment: Excellent.

Charles: Yes, all is well my dear, all is well.

Comment: Well tell all my old friends up there, Linel and the gang that we say hello and thank you so much for answering my questions. I love you. [thank you]

Comment: So Charles, what you're saying is basically it is a program of attraction rather than promotion right?
Charles: Exactly my friend, you will attract more bees with honey than vinegar or attract more spiritual seekers with the joy of the love from their divine parents than the fear of any retribution or promise of rewards. Now you have it. You lead by example to lead in the higher dimensions that you are aware of. If you are aware of it then it is incumbent upon you to represent it and that is the greatest thing a person can do is to represent their vision of the highest truth they know. Whether it's art, whether it's music, whether it's companionship, whether it's listening, it doesn't matter. The highest value that you know, that's your privilege to portray.

Thank you all for such stimulating conversation this evening, this has been a true delight. This is the achievement of this process, an open and free dialog and we have created this here and now together. I am grateful to The Father for this opportunity to fellowship with you and grow with you as we engage in this process together. I invite you all to be at peace knowing The Father has you all, Divine Spirit has you each one and everyone the same, cared for, nurtured and loved. No matter what it may look like on the outside, those things are your constants, that's your anchor to your reality. Hold fast, no matter what may go on on the surface, be an anchor. Be at peace and be in Michael's/Mother's love. Good night to you all, fare well.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Charles]]
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