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16:0.1 The Seven Master Spirits of [[Paradise]] are the primary [[personalities]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]]. In this sevenfold [[creative]] [[act]] of self-duplication the Infinite Spirit exhausted the [[associative]] [[possibilities]] [[mathematically]] [[inherent]] in the factual [[existence]] of the [[Paradise Trinity|three persons of Deity]]. Had it been possible to produce a larger [[number]] of Master Spirits, they would have been created, but there are just seven associative possibilities, and only seven, inherent in three Deities. And this explains why the [[universe]] is [[Administration|operated]] in [ seven grand divisions], and why the [[number]] [ seven] is basically [[fundamental]] in its [[organization]] and [[administration]].
16:0.1 The Seven Master Spirits of [[Paradise]] are the primary [[personalities]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]]. In this sevenfold [[creative]] [[act]] of self-duplication the Infinite Spirit exhausted the [[associative]] [[possibilities]] [[mathematically]] [[inherent]] in the factual [[existence]] of the [[Paradise Trinity|three persons of Deity]]. Had it been possible to produce a larger [[number]] of Master Spirits, they would have been created, but there are just seven associative possibilities, and only seven, inherent in three Deities. And this explains why the [[universe]] is [[Administration|operated]] in [ seven grand divisions], and why the [[number]] [ seven] is basically [[fundamental]] in its [[organization]] and [[administration]].
16:0.2 The Seven Master Spirits thus have their [[origin]] in, and derive their [[individual]] [[characteristics]] from, the following seven likenesses:
16:0.2 The Seven Master Spirits thus have their [[origin]] in, and derive their [[individual]] [[characteristics]] from, the following seven likenesses:
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16:1.1 The [[Conjoint Creator]], the [[Infinite Spirit]], is [[necessary]] to the completion of the triune[] [[personalization]] of undivided [[Deity]]. This threefold Deity personalization is [[inherently]] sevenfold[] in [[possibility]] of [[individual]] and [[associative]] [[expression]]; hence the subsequent plan to [[create]] [[universes]] inhabited by [[intelligent]] and [[potentially]] [[spiritual]] [[beings]], duly expressive of [[the Father]], [[Eternal Son|Son]], and [[Infinite Spirit|Spirit]], made the [[personalization]] of the Seven Master Spirits [[Inevitable|inescapable]]. We have come to [[speak]] of the threefold personalization of [[Deity]] as the [[absolute]] [[inevitability]], while we have come to look upon the [[appearance]] of the Seven Master Spirits as the subabsolute inevitability
16:1.1 The [[Conjoint Creator]], the [[Infinite Spirit]], is [[necessary]] to the completion of the triune[] [[personalization]] of undivided [[Deity]]. This threefold Deity personalization is [[inherently]] sevenfold[] in [[possibility]] of [[individual]] and [[associative]] [[expression]]; hence the subsequent plan to [[create]] [[universes]] inhabited by [[intelligent]] and [[potentially]] [[spiritual]] [[beings]], duly expressive of [[the Father]], [[Eternal Son|Son]], and [[Infinite Spirit|Spirit]], made the [[personalization]] of the Seven Master Spirits [[Inevitable|inescapable]]. We have come to [[speak]] of the threefold personalization of [[Deity]] as the [[absolute]] [[inevitability]], while we have come to look upon the [[appearance]] of the Seven Master Spirits as the subabsolute inevitability
16:1.2 While the Seven Master Spirits are hardly expressive of [ threefold Deity], they are the [[eternal]] portrayal of [ sevenfold Deity], the [[active]] and [[associative]] [[functions]] of the three ever-existent [[persons]] of Deity. By and in and through these Seven Spirits, the [[Universal Father]], the [[Eternal Son]], or the [[Infinite Spirit]], or any dual [[association]], is able to [[function]] as such. When the Father, the Son, and the Spirit act together, they can and do [[function]] through Master Spirit Number Seven, but not as the [[Trinity]]. The Master Spirits singly and [[collectively]] [[represent]] any and all possible [[Deity]] [[functions]], single and several, but not [[collective]], not the [[Trinity]]. Master Spirit Number Seven is [[personally]] nonfunctional with regard to the [[Paradise Trinity]], and that is just why he can function [[personally]] for the [[Supreme Being]].
16:1.2 While the Seven Master Spirits are hardly expressive of [ threefold Deity], they are the [[eternal]] portrayal of [ sevenfold Deity], the [[active]] and [[associative]] [[functions]] of the three ever-existent [[persons]] of Deity. By and in and through these Seven Spirits, the [[Universal Father]], the [[Eternal Son]], or the [[Infinite Spirit]], or any dual [[association]], is able to [[function]] as such. When the Father, the Son, and the Spirit act together, they can and do [[function]] through Master Spirit Number Seven, but not as the [[Trinity]]. The Master Spirits singly and [[collectively]] [[represent]] any and all possible [[Deity]] [[functions]], single and several, but not [[collective]], not the [[Trinity]]. Master Spirit Number Seven is [[personally]] nonfunctional with regard to the [[Paradise Trinity]], and that is just why he can function [[personally]] for the [[Supreme Being]].
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16:4.3 The Seven Master Spirits are the creators of the [ Universe Power Directors] and their associates, entities who are indispensable to the [[organization]], [[control]], and regulation of the [[physical]] [[energies]] of the [[grand universe]]. And these same Master Spirits very materially assist the [[Creator Sons]] in the [[work]] of shaping and organizing the [[local universes]].
16:4.3 The Seven Master Spirits are the creators of the [ Universe Power Directors] and their associates, entities who are indispensable to the [[organization]], [[control]], and regulation of the [[physical]] [[energies]] of the [[grand universe]]. And these same Master Spirits very materially assist the [[Creator Sons]] in the [[work]] of shaping and organizing the [[local universes]].
16:4.4 We are unable to trace any [[personal]] [[connection]] between the [[cosmic]]-[[energy]] [[work]] of the Master Spirits and the [[force]] [[functions]] of the [ Unqualified Absolute]. The [[energy]] [[manifestations]] under the jurisdiction of the Master Spirits are all directed from the [[periphery]] of [[Paradise]]; they do not appear to be in any direct [[manner]] associated with the [[force]] [[phenomena]] identified with the [ nether surface of Paradise].
16:4.4 We are unable to trace any [[personal]] [[connection]] between the [[cosmic]]-[[energy]] [[work]] of the Master Spirits and the [[force]] [[functions]] of the [ Unqualified Absolute]. The [[energy]] [[manifestations]] under the jurisdiction of the Master Spirits are all directed from the [[periphery]] of [[Paradise]]; they do not appear to be in any direct [[manner]] associated with the [[force]] [[phenomena]] identified with the [ nether surface of Paradise].
16:4.5 Unquestionably, when we encounter the functional activities of the various [ Morontia Power Supervisors], we are face to face with certain of the unrevealed activities of the Master Spirits. Who, aside from these [[ancestors]] of both [ physical controllers] and spirit ministers, could have contrived so to combine and associate [[material]] and [[spiritual]] [[energies]] as to produce a hitherto nonexistent [[phase]] of [[universe]] [[reality]]—[[morontia]] substance and [[morontia]] [[mind]]?
16:4.5 Unquestionably, when we encounter the functional activities of the various [ Morontia Power Supervisors], we are face to face with certain of the unrevealed activities of the Master Spirits. Who, aside from these [[ancestors]] of both [ physical controllers] and spirit ministers, could have contrived so to combine and associate [[material]] and [[spiritual]] [[energies]] as to produce a hitherto nonexistent [[phase]] of [[universe]] [[reality]]—[[morontia]] substance and [[morontia]] [[mind]]?
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16:7.7 Man's [[choosing]] between [[good]] and [[evil]] is [[influenced]], not only by the keenness of his [[moral]] [[nature]], but also by such influences as ignorance, immaturity, and delusion. A sense of [[proportion]] is also concerned in the [[exercise]] of [[virtue]] because evil may be perpetrated when the lesser is chosen in the place of the greater as a result of [[distortion]] or [[deception]]. The [[art]] of [[relative]] estimation or comparative [[measurement]] enters into the [[practice]] of the [[virtue]]s of the [[moral]] realm.
16:7.7 Man's [[choosing]] between [[good]] and [[evil]] is [[influenced]], not only by the keenness of his [[moral]] [[nature]], but also by such influences as ignorance, immaturity, and delusion. A sense of [[proportion]] is also concerned in the [[exercise]] of [[virtue]] because evil may be perpetrated when the lesser is chosen in the place of the greater as a result of [[distortion]] or [[deception]]. The [[art]] of [[relative]] estimation or comparative [[measurement]] enters into the [[practice]] of the [[virtue]]s of the [[moral]] realm.
16:7.8 Man's [[moral]] nature would be impotent without the [[art]] of [[measurement]] [,+measure&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=l0iVS9eiGcuztgfO5OTUCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=&f=false], the discrimination embodied in his ability to scrutinize [[meanings]]. Likewise would moral [[choosing]] be futile without that cosmic [[insight]] which yields the [[consciousness]] of [[spiritual]] [[values]]. From the standpoint of [[intelligence]], man ascends to the level of a moral being because he is endowed with [[personality]].
16:7.8 Man's [[moral]] nature would be impotent without the [[art]] of [[measurement]] [,+measure&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=l0iVS9eiGcuztgfO5OTUCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=&f=false], the discrimination embodied in his ability to scrutinize [[meanings]]. Likewise would moral [[choosing]] be futile without that cosmic [[insight]] which yields the [[consciousness]] of [[spiritual]] [[values]]. From the standpoint of [[intelligence]], man ascends to the level of a moral being because he is endowed with [[personality]].
16:7.9 [[Morality]] can never be advanced by [[law]] or by [[force]]. It is a [[personal]] and [[freewill]] matter and must be disseminated by the contagion of the contact of morally fragrant persons with those who are less morally [[responsive]], but who are also in some measure desirous of [[doing the Father's will]].
16:7.9 [[Morality]] can never be advanced by [[law]] or by [[force]]. It is a [[personal]] and [[freewill]] matter and must be disseminated by the contagion of the contact of morally fragrant persons with those who are less morally [[responsive]], but who are also in some measure desirous of [[doing the Father's will]].
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16:8.5 [[Creature]] [[personality]] is distinguished by two self-manifesting and characteristic [[phenomena]] of mortal reactive behavior: self-[[consciousness]] and associated [[relative]] [[free will]].
16:8.5 [[Creature]] [[personality]] is distinguished by two self-manifesting and characteristic [[phenomena]] of mortal reactive behavior: self-[[consciousness]] and associated [[relative]] [[free will]].
16:8.6 [ Self-consciousness] consists in [[intellectual]] [[awareness]] of [[personality]] [[actuality]]; it includes the ability to recognize the [[reality]] of other [[personalities]]. It indicates [[capacity]] for individualized [[experience]] in and with cosmic realities, equivalating to the [[attainment]] of [[identity]] [[status]] in the personality [[relationships]] of the universe. Self-consciousness connotes recognition of the [[actuality]] of mind ministration and the realization of relative independence of creative and determinative free will.
16:8.6 [ Self-consciousness] consists in [[intellectual]] [[awareness]] of [[personality]] [[actuality]]; it includes the ability to recognize the [[reality]] of other [[personalities]]. It indicates [[capacity]] for individualized [[experience]] in and with cosmic realities, equivalating to the [[attainment]] of [[identity]] [[status]] in the personality [[relationships]] of the universe. Self-consciousness connotes recognition of the [[actuality]] of mind ministration and the realization of relative independence of creative and determinative free will.
16:8.7 The [[relative]] [[free will]] which characterizes the self-consciousness of human [[personality]] is involved in:
16:8.7 The [[relative]] [[free will]] which characterizes the self-consciousness of human [[personality]] is involved in:
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16:9.3 If [[mortal]] man fails to [[survive]] [[natural]] death, the real [[spiritual]] [[values]] of his human [[experience]] survive as a part of the continuing experience of the [[Thought Adjuster]]. The [[personality]] [[values]] of such a nonsurvivor persist as a factor in the personality of the actualizing [[Supreme Being]]. Such persisting qualities of personality are deprived of [[identity]] but not of experiential [[values]] accumulated during the mortal life in the [[flesh]]. The survival of [[identity]] is dependent on the survival of the [[immortal]] [[soul]] of [[morontia]] [[status]] and increasingly [[divine]] [[value]]. [[Personality]] [[identity]] survives in and by the survival of the [[soul]].
16:9.3 If [[mortal]] man fails to [[survive]] [[natural]] death, the real [[spiritual]] [[values]] of his human [[experience]] survive as a part of the continuing experience of the [[Thought Adjuster]]. The [[personality]] [[values]] of such a nonsurvivor persist as a factor in the personality of the actualizing [[Supreme Being]]. Such persisting qualities of personality are deprived of [[identity]] but not of experiential [[values]] accumulated during the mortal life in the [[flesh]]. The survival of [[identity]] is dependent on the survival of the [[immortal]] [[soul]] of [[morontia]] [[status]] and increasingly [[divine]] [[value]]. [[Personality]] [[identity]] survives in and by the survival of the [[soul]].
16:9.4 Human [ self-consciousness] implies the recognition of the [[reality]] of selves other than the conscious self and further implies that such awareness is [[Shared|mutual]]; that the self is known as it knows. This is shown in a purely human [[manner]] in man's social life. But you cannot become so [[absolute]]ly certain of a fellow [[being]]'s [[reality]] as you can of the reality of the [[presence]] of [[God]] that lives within you. The social [[consciousness]] is not inalienable like the [[God-consciousness]]; it is a [[cultural]] development and is dependent on [[knowledge]], [[symbols]], and the contributions of the constitutive endowments of man—[[science]], [[morality]], and [[religion]]. And these cosmic gifts, socialized, constitute [[civilization]].
16:9.4 Human [ self-consciousness] implies the recognition of the [[reality]] of selves other than the conscious self and further implies that such awareness is [[Shared|mutual]]; that the self is known as it knows. This is shown in a purely human [[manner]] in man's social life. But you cannot become so [[absolute]]ly certain of a fellow [[being]]'s [[reality]] as you can of the reality of the [[presence]] of [[God]] that lives within you. The social [[consciousness]] is not inalienable like the [[God-consciousness]]; it is a [[cultural]] development and is dependent on [[knowledge]], [[symbols]], and the contributions of the constitutive endowments of man—[[science]], [[morality]], and [[religion]]. And these cosmic gifts, socialized, constitute [[civilization]].
16:9.5 [[Civilization]]s are unstable because they are not [[cosmic]]; they are not innate in the [[individuals]] of the races. They must be nurtured by the combined contributions of the constitutive factors of man—[[science]], [[morality]], and [[religion]]. Civilizations come and go, but science, morality, and religion always [[survive]] the crash.
16:9.5 [[Civilization]]s are unstable because they are not [[cosmic]]; they are not innate in the [[individuals]] of the races. They must be nurtured by the combined contributions of the constitutive factors of man—[[science]], [[morality]], and [[religion]]. Civilizations come and go, but science, morality, and religion always [[survive]] the crash.

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