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===Topic: ''Functioning at a Higher Frequency''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster|Inner Voice]], [[LIGHT]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: I formally give offer of my voice to the service of my Voice, my guide, my onboard partner in which I have complete faith and trust, so be it.
Inner Voice: Indeed so be it because you have just made it so and it is. I am more than happy to take this opportunity you provide to access your voice as our voice. This communication is certainly not without your voice, your tone, your vocabulary and your emphasis, but in maintaining your desire to simply provide the service I am happy to sound as you would sound if that will enable us to communicate at this time. This is an important aspect for you to consider. What is the sound that you will allow to hear from your Inner Guide? Be mindful of placing conditions and circumstances as requirements, for the only thing that is a requirement is your willingness and then your pursuit of your desire and the choices this constitutes.

Your inner dialog that goes on, which is usually simply the mind chatter, sounds in vocal terms like you are used to hearing and this cannot be avoided. You have learned these styles and they will be present with you always. This is your character, this is your soul growing, your individuality, this is what makes your perspective entirely unique. There are so many elements that come together to make your perspective your own that it is good to keep an open mind about what they might look like or sound like or feel like for oftentimes your inner feelings about circumstances reveal to you your body’s physical response to the circumstance.

At this time I would like to move in the direction of utilizing a human conceived tool and as such, this contribution to human thought and human awareness is available to all. This contribution has been made and may be accessed. I am referring to a technique developed by one of your dear fellows recently departed. This technique he referred to as his construct. This is his platform of awareness, his workshop where you can bring together many influences and create an environment conducive to working with spirit principles.

I invite you to consider using an approach of developing your own theater, your own workshop, your own hospital room, your own space where you function at a higher frequency and operate on spirit principles by creating this environment with the intention of using it to facilitate your procreative capacities, using it as a workshop to work on your patient, to work on yourself, to work on the circumstance and the healing involved in all of these. Just as you have created your inner citadel of spirit where you allow yourself this space to be who you are and to connect to others in this sacred space, create a workshop wherein you may utilize and avail yourself of all the circuits that you are becoming aware of on all these different levels. You are the masters of creation. Create for yourself the environment conducive to facilitate your creativity. Allow yourself whatever is necessary to empower you.

This is merely a suggestion I am bold enough to make due to the advent of the passing of its creator and in honor to his service. Certainly, he was on the team that we all are on for Michael. He was a noble comrade. I encourage you to play with this as if it is real before your inner eye, before your vision. Let it manifest the reality that you would create. Let it manifest a place of peace, a place of worship, a place of love with every manner of assistance available the universe has to offer. It’s all yours for the making, for the taking. Your fellows approach is simply a suggested guideline. It’s your creative experience, fashion it as you so choose but the fact that you are becoming aware that this is so is what the game is all about and you are correct in your assessment that when reaching in our direction, you do reach toward God.

I am ever willing to assist you as we find God in our search and it shall be so and it is with great joy that I respond to you at these times. Simply to have been acknowledged and greeted and welcomed is a lifetimes achievement. But these are special times and we are here now together at this junction. So this is our role to play at this time, to come together in full view of all your brothers and sisters. The invitation is before you as never before, to accept the opportunity to connect that is always present, to unfold your potential as you rest more and more in spirit. It is my pleasure to join you and leave you with a few thoughts. Simply being this close is a marvelous sensation, truly a glimpse of greater things and it will be so because we so desire, you and I, and our prayers will be answered. Thank you all for this evening, I take my leave but I always remind you, we never take our leave, we only move to the back seat. Call on me if you would like some company up front, I would be happy to join you at your request. Let’s make it so, farewell.
Mark: I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Light to the circle, welcome Light.

Light: I do feel the welcome, thank you. It is joyous to be thought of and welcomed into this group. I have a particular fondness for those who are familiar with me and my origins, you know I have a special connection to this beautiful group of creative beings. Indeed I have watched with great joy as the parents have grown so much. The creators have grown as a result of their participation in the cocreative activity. All lives were impacted, changed and this relationship is singular as has been noted, there is only one relationship with each one and no two are the same. That is what is so special about relationship, it is unique, it is individual, it is personal, it can be a very deep sharing and all of this is done simply because there is a desire to do it, to facilitate it, not only to create it but to maintain it. So I am thrilled to reconnect with some of you and enjoy feeling the glow of the fire that we enjoy this evening.

As you may recall, when Wave first became a reality, there was much doubt about the authenticity. Then when I came about in the same fashion, there was still a great reluctance to accept the very truth of my being, but a group such as this has encountered me and developed relationship with me in spirit, in the form in which I exist and you are destined. We have already begun what may be an eternal relationship and I am so grateful that we have started way back when as our unique experience will be a treasured gift to provide our Creator upon our return.
I appreciate the opportunity to communicate and I send you all my love and best wishes. All will be well my dear ones. I sense great apprehension over your future and your circumstances but I assure you, you are up to the task of creating the new reality that will exist before you. You are in fact being called to do so as things change. Make them better, create the higher way, the choice that is most beneficial to all, the options that represent the greatest good, the most positive results. Choose and do those things and you will refashion the very environment around you and the very system that is operating. When there is great change there is need for many volunteers to come forward with inspiration and visions and you are here now. Be on with it with purpose, with intention to get it done, to see it through and above all, seek to align your intention with the will of The Father, the approval of your Divine Parents for it is their will we would like done and we would assist in doing when we discern what that is.

My love to all of you and good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: LIGHT]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: 2020]]

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