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===Topic: ''Lies Make Fools Out of You''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
Thought Adjuster: “One of the major impediments in bringing [[your world]]—and your [[being]]—into its promised era of [[light and life]]—has been the [[censorship]] of truth that robbed it of its [[positive]] and empowering applications into your [[reality]].

The massive legacy of lies and [[deception]] stemming from the [[Lucifer rebellion]] has exerted a catastrophic ripple-effect in many hot spots of your universe. In his [[delusion]] of grandeur, [[Lucifer]] had to spin a complex web of self-serving [[lies]]. The root-lie in his [[Lucifer Manifesto|godless manifesto]] was the premeditated ‘[[assassination]]’ of the [[divine]] [[character]]—Lucifer boldly denied the existence of the [[First Source and Center]]—the benevolent Creator and Commander-in-Chief.

Defamation of character? Outright lies? Do you see a [[pattern]]? Those are still the weapons of predilection of misguided [[souls]], who have no qualms about elevating themselves above others. Such [[usurpation]] of power is an abomination to the Divine; it is a brazen infringement on the inalienable [[human]] [[free will]] prerogative.

As long as lies are not ‘belied’ by the [[facts]]—the preponderance of the [[evidence]]—humankind will suffer a significant handicap. Lies cannot yield [[peace]], as they are debatable and self-contradicting.

Did Lucifer succeed in [[brainwashing]] you with derogative lies that you repeat to yourself in hostile self-talks such as “I don’t amount to much; I am such a loser; I am unlovable; . . .” Such disempowering affirmations [[echo]] the demeaning lies circulated by Lucifer in his takeover while convincing himself of the opposite: “I deserve the [[adulation]] of my peers; I am best qualified to rule this universe; I am great; . . .”—the delusional statements of a wannabe [[dictator]].

Your most ardent [[prayer]] should be in support of the [[truth]]—and the whole truth. The [[shadows]] [[projected]] by lies need to be lifted by the universal light of truth. [[Light]] is shadowless.

Your [[priority]] should be to remove the lies, misconceptions, and [[selfish]] demeanors that dim your inner light. “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house." ([ Matthew 5:15])

The truth will [[extirpate]] you from the [[dangerous]] quicksand of unreality and put an end to your [[identity]] crisis. You can extend the outreach of your truth [[inquiry]], as you have access to the leadings of the [[Spirit of Truth]] and your [[Thought Adjuster]]—impeccable truth advocates.

Lies will not succeed in wiping truth off the face of the Earth. Truth is factual—the [[foundation]] of all-that-is. Lies are delusional and devoid of actual substance. They may prompt ill-advised [[actions]], but their backslash reveals them for the con artists they are.

Ask to be guided in [[truth, beauty, and goodness]]. Become a truth- [[advocate]], refusing to take [[rumors]] at face value. They are at the origin of the planetary [[dysfunction]] and will keep it going until they are debunked. They relish making [[fools]] out of you, as it serves their [[iniquitous]] agenda.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: Truth]]
[[Category: Discernment]]
[[Category: 2020]]

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