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===Topic: ''On Forgiveness''===
===Group: [[Unknown]]===
===Teacher: [[Amanson]]===
===TR: [[Mark Turnbull]]===
Tonight we speak, at your request (and it’s a good one) on [[Forgiveness]]. Forgiveness is the stretching of
the [[fabric]] to beyond what appears to be its initial [[parameters]]. It stretches the parameters to include all
of the elements that have conspired to make the fabric. Forgiveness begins in the [[heart]], travels up
through the [[mind]] and out into the corridors of the [[imagination]].

Forgiveness is the [[root]] of all living [[relationships]]; for there will always be bumps, there will always be
contrasts if not to say [[conflicts]], there will always be differing [[points of view]] that, mankind being what
mankind is, will take on extreme [[enthusiasms]] to the point of hurt, to the point of personal [[offense]]. And
whereas these episodes may be unpleasant, one might thank one’s lucky stars that such episodes have
transpired, for they demand the interior [[growth]] of Forgiveness. When one can forgive, one has taken a
step further into the terrain of cosmic mobility, the realm of true forgetting of enforced structures, and
replacing them with the Oneness of which we have spoken, that [[embraces]] us all.

Forgiveness is a recognition that the playing field is uneven but only in the [[mind’s eye]].

Forgiveness [[assures]] the forgiver that all can be made well because all at one time was well.

Forgiveness reassures the forgiven that a fellow [[human being]] can reach the correct conclusion.

These acts that seem to demand Forgiveness are always relative to the one who needs to forgive, who
has the opportunity, the golden [[opportunity]], to forgive. But it is not a [[theory]], “it ain’t book larnin”, it is
the lancing of a mental boil that allows the forgiver to breathe freely once again; and whether the
forgiven knows it or not, he or she will benefit by the easing of [[tension]] that happens automatically in
the vibrational realm.

Forgiveness has to do with the story that is being played out, with a story that is being played out; the
dramatis personae in relationship that goes awry. Some [[error]] is truly egregious. Some error seems
unforgivable but no error is unforgivable when seen from the heights of [[Wisdom]]. The arena in which
such escapades play out is a partial one, so the truth of the matter is the unforgivable is ultimately
forgivable. The hard part – again, ultimately – is he or she who has done the egregious act, the
apparently unforgivable act, will have to forgive themselves. And indeed Forgiveness, a true forgiving
approach to life and its elements, begins with forgiveness of one’s [[self]], [[understanding]] one’s self and the
errors that we ourselves make. When we can learn to forgive ourselves and to move on - to learn the
lesson and to move on - then we can turn this wisdom outward and apply it to those with whom we
come in contact, those with whom we have altercations.

And then there is the non-personal, the larger scene, the [[social]] scene, the reprehensible acts in society
at large. These too must be considered in the light of Forgiveness. Not necessarily the act but the actor.
The act itself must be dealt with on many levels - the mental, the psychological, [[justice]], social justice,
bringing equity into [[alignment]]. But those who are provoking the inequity must ultimately be forgiven for
Forgiveness is the body of [[God]]. Forgiveness is the very stuff… it is the [[reflection]] of [[Love]]. It is Love in its
working clothes. It is Love in action. [[Mercy]] is the main ingredient - the kernel within Forgiveness - and
Love is its very [[foundation]]. And without Love there is no justice, there is no equity, there is no will of

So, in [[this world]] with its many tossings and turnings, many [[belief]] systems, many mind sets, all its
rampant [[fears]] which play out, which act out in the most devastating ways, be thankful that you have
these opportunities to learn Forgiveness. This is not to be malleable, overly pliant, passive. It is not that
at all. Appropriate [[action]] must be taken for the good of [[the whole]]. That is society. But society is a shell,
a construct whose [[heart]], whose beating heart, whose entire underpinning must be Forgiveness,
otherwise you have no society. Or will soon not have a society. Be vigilant. Be aware. Be calculating if
you must. But be merciful. And just as you would [[hope]] it would be applied to you, so [may] you
[[graciously]] apply Forgiveness.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: Amanson]]
[[Category: Mark Turnbull]]
[[Category: 2022]]

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