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===Topic: ''On Trust''===
===Group: [[Unknown]]===
===Teacher: [[Amanson]]===
===TR: [[Mark Turnbull]]===
Let’s speak tonight on [[Trust]]. Trust is the inviolable bond between [[Spirit]] and [[Mind]], creating a [[tension]]
that results in the [[growth]] of the [[human being]], the [[ascending]] [[personality]]. Trust is a deeply forged high-
wire act, not of [[balance]] but of [[certainty]]; born of attending to the unwinding stream of images rising
from within, which place themselves on the docket to be perused and pursued, whose substance is all
the while in question – “Is it so? Is it so?” -, the definitive answer to which is found ever and ever deeper
in the as yet unexplored reaches of the [[Heart]]. These phantoms, these mysterious notions, coming from
Spirit regions of mind, can only be answered, confirmed, by a [[counseling]] of the Heart.

Trust is the experienced side of [[Hope]]; the resultant claim of [[Faith]]; the final work of the Spirit/human
bond. All Spirit [[action]] – action taken on the will’s behalf in the Spirit dimension – is fueled, impelled,
sanctified, validated and completed by Trust. Oh, we can hope something will happen; we can say we
have faith it will happen, but it is Trust that locks in the outcome, that actually builds the bridge. And
just as our trust makes known the [[fact]] we would have made known, yet must our trust be large enough,
sturdy enough, to trust in Trust’s [[Creator]] - of whom Trust is an embodiment - and leave the actual
outcome to Trust itself. We can claim [[maturity]] when we not only trust in the efficiency of Spirit but
when we have learned that Spirit knows all and will provide an outcome [[worthy]] of our trust.
[[Understanding]] is not necessary but Trust is essential. Understanding will come along in the end but trust
is the prerequisite to any sort of [[insight]] at all.
===Part 2===
Trust is a mutual [[agreement]] between man and [[God]]. Its [[mechanism]] is [[Spirit]]; its foundry is [[Mind]]. Such
Trust [[aspires]] to a level of mutual [[intimacy]], that the one’s trust may never at any given time be removed
– even be told apart -- from the other’s. Trust, like [[Love]], holds the world as we know it [[together]].

Trust is to [[the mind]] what [[Love]] is to the [[heart]]: its very substance. And because this is so, it can be
trusted. Trusting in Spirit is to cross, to blend, these two most important pillars – Spirit finds its image in
Trust and Trust finds its substance in Spirit. Trust is Love-through-Mind in action. Trust is knowing what
is done has been done, before it is done. It would appear to be [[premonition]] were [[time]] an actual thing.
Its [[home]] is the heart though it activates in mind. Its actual Home [birth place] is beyond both. Trust is
the greatest thing you can give a [[friend]], and the holiest essential ‘Your Friend’ has given you. Love is
unconditional, it exists regardless. [[Trust]] is built, discovered, brick by brick on your own. The [[Creator]]
trusts you implicitly. You must [[learn]] to trust your Creator.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: Amanson]]
[[Category: Mark Turnbull]]
[[Category: 2022]]

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