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===Topic: ''Seeking Truth, Finding Meaning and Value''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: Divine Parents, we pray you join us, you assist us and help us as we seek you, as we reach for you. Embrace us in this effort. Drink this cup of love in joy and peace with us. Let it be so, even now.
Machiventa: I am grateful to accept this opportunity provided and to continue in our process that we are creating and we’re sharing and we’re learning from, each of us that is involved on their own level, exploring the dimensions of truth, beauty, and goodness on their own wavelength of experience. Each one of you is the generator of a field of energy that began here on this remote mortal post but by virtue that you are a composite being and therefore capable of eternal survival you have been afforded this opportunity to experience such a transition from so mortally dependent to an experience of an eternal career that carries you forward and provides you with this unique strand of energy that is begun here on this mortal terrestrial plane but will continue back to the First Source and Center.

In this first life, all the gains that you make in your spirit growth are earned by your individual efforts, by your unique experiences and perspective and this thread of energy that is you is a combination of all you have been exposed to and the contribution of any traits that you possessed that you have chosen to activate in time and space. All these options lead to the unique nature of each and every individual journey for it is a composition of all the choices to date, all the actions to date. And if this were all you had to work with, this circuitry of experience, of mind memory and wise choices, then certainly you would find the answers that you seek through your material method of searching and finding and the process of elimination and the eventual discovery of the piece that makes the puzzle complete.

You however, as the unique mortals of the realm, also have a spirit component that allows you access to all that is through the spirit dimension. Your spiritual capacities are inherent and a part of your composition designed to assist in this process in the art of living by adding you another component to consider, the spirit dimension and the relevance of spirit in any equation. It is another whole set of indicators, another whole set of criteria as to what the meanings are, what the value is, what the purpose is overall, and how the answers to these questions define and bring you to the answers you seek. This is accomplished by virtue of the realization that you have another dimension for consultation, for direction, inspiration; and this avenue of approach, the spirit perspective, allows you to see through the lens of divine values, of divine meanings, and relate to your relationship to the purpose under consideration.

There are always the facts and circumstances to assess and make judgements based upon your past experiences and previous results. This is the function of mind as the organized system of thought that allows you to recall information and retrieve it when necessary. But this is but one of your avenues of approach to seeking truth and finding meaning and value. When you concede to look through this other lens, this option available to you, and see it from the perspective on high, then your choices may indeed be shifted and altered based upon a higher awareness, a greater appreciation, a keener sense of relationship, all afforded you because you asked, you went seeking and you found, you received inspiration, you embraced this shift in energy and in this way your prayerful petitions in seeking have most certainly been addressed.

In this same way, in this same manner, with these same approaches, you may train your focus on any target of your choice. It is important to realize that these same steps, these same methods, the same process that you employ on behalf of others, may be turned within, may be directed at the self. This may be more difficult because there may be a sense that praying for one’s self represents a selfish gesture but I assure you, praying for yourself, care of yourself, fostering your own welfare and nurturing your own health, these are gifts given to your Divine Parents. These are the rewards of your having established this circuitry of love and having become familiar enough with it to wield it not only at fellows and comrades but as the need may arise to implore the same methods, the same sincerity, the same devotion, the same love and caring that you would for another, that you would for any child of God of which you are one.

What is so significant or special about your awareness and your care of your own self is that this is a task that is required and you are the only one that can provide it. You are the one to make all decisions and choices regarding your care of your vehicle and the care as well of your internal spirit garden. These things are under your jurisdiction and you decide what will manifest in all these regards, the fact that your choices may be enhanced or elevated by virtue of your willingness to seek counsel from your spirit component, to seek divine circuitries and energies to connect to, to establish the assurance and the conviction the connection brings. That is what is so valuable about experiences such as this, able to register the connection, able to experience it for yourself and once you have experienced it there is the desire to come back for more, to take another cup of the goodness and to share this discovery that you have made that feels so good and so right but is accessed, not through the mind and thought and conclusions, it is accessed through the portal of your spirit dimension wherein you may be assisted by all manner of celestial help because you have chosen to enter that dimension, that arena, and function within its parameters. This allows great latitude in the expansion of what may be provided for your seeking.

Whether you have worked to direct healing energies to others or focused that attention on yourself, the process is the same, the routine is the same thought, word, and deed projection. What is different is that you have control over not only the delivery of this divine energy as per your routine, but as well, in the case of the self, there is the responsibility of the receiver. What is your faith level about such a transaction, about such a gift of grace? Are you willing to receive with an open heart such a gift that you would pray that another receive? This is where the mortal component may find some awkward questions one must ask themselves in this process. Such internal questions are a way to elicit consideration of your current awareness and understanding. And in this process of consideration, the point of this evening's presentation has been you have multiple avenues of approach and a number of them are relegated to the spirit plane and therefore it is fitting that the spirit plane is the enduring aspect of self, that personality and individualism is attached to but is composed of spirit.

You are correct to consider that such directed healing should be as possible as any other healing, as receptive to the process as any other healing if factors are similar in both cases. If both are willing to receive this divine gift of grace, embrace it and become the new improved form. If all of these factors are compatible, then healing occurs, whether it is for another or for the self. I encourage you to extend your faith and your trust that this is indeed so and that you have the inherent capacity to heal any target of your choice, even if that target is very close indeed.

This notion of focusing prayer and intention towards your personal circumstance is what is so required and necessary for the manifestation of all that you create in your lives. All of that intention and purpose becomes manifest because you choose it and activate it and infuse it with your energy, your creativity, your focus, your very life energy, and that same notion of following through thought, word, and deed under different scenarios to accomplish different purposes, whether it's deciding what color to paint the room or where you will live on this big planet, these are the choices that determine your path and direction. And when you follow through with this process these choices manifest around you and become your reality, become your experience, become your stored data base. And all that data storage and mind function is a good and loyal servant and tool to you, the master, the observer behind the mind and its function, the observer that can also turn their gaze to another aspect of your being, your spirit component and recognize this aspect of self and relate to this aspect of being as part of their composition, part of who you are. So you see that this creative process of healing, of creating, of encircuiting, of joining energy fields with others, are all routine repeating patterns of creation simply applied in different modes and with different effects.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek for the record and always pleased to step in and pick up a train of thought and see where it may lead. Always, when we seek in spirit, we find, we find meanings that are relevant in the hour. We find values that are present behind these physical manifestations and we take in the goodness that this represents, the beauty that this represents, and we register that we are on this frequency of love, the frequency of your Divine Parents. And as always, it has been a pleasure simply joining you in the room, simply having a place reserved for me at the table. I encourage you to keep on keeping on, to stay in this lane, to follow where spirit leads in these episodes of seeking. This is where values may be enhanced, meanings may become more perfect and these circumstances create an abundant beauty of grace, an example of divine grace manifest, truly a thing of beauty.

Thank you for your participation tonight, your showing up to class for another cup of spirit, another share of the gratitude of coming together in spirit. Go now in peace and know that you are loved and know that you have God within, a channel to divine source, the ultimate contact. I invite you to avail yourselves of all such opportunities which are becoming more present, even as we speak. I bid you all farewell and look forward to the next opportunity that you provide. So be it. Farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
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