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===Topic: ''You Are No Accident''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit: Greetings. I’m feeling a little hollow this evening, so it will be better to receive you, Michael, in a mystery that has only gotten deeper over the years. It’s always been good--this relationship of trust with you and Mother Spirit--so I’m glad to just park myself in space while you go ahead. We love you very dearly. Amen
Michael: Greetings, my dear ones; this is Michael. Mother Spirit and I are tickled to speak so directly to you. Our connection is also a deep historical thing, Mother Spirit and I taking part in the establishment of life on your world, along with our corps of Life Carriers. These are the spiritual beings who work with us to start life on the evolving planets of space. Then Mother Spirit had a direct part in life evolution towards your order of human beings.

(You are no accident)

So you are no accident. Your order of personal beings has been around since before your world came into existence. You are quite timeless in God’s plans. Mother Spirit and I, being Creator Son and Daughter from the Trinity, we had your pattern before we started. It is God’s plan to have living, personal beings of not only a spiritual and mental order, but very physical too--of flesh and blood--to have an intimate connection with the physical universe.

Life is truly an aspect of God’s you can enjoy eternally in your spiritual, mental, and soulful parts. Because God is the co-author of your soul, his transcendent record of your life here can be yours forever. You’ll continue the deeply spiritually meaningful and valuable events far beyond your present-day memories, so tied into your present mood and feelings. Now if you are sad and gloomy, that is all you can remember. On the other hand, you are happy and joyous, you easily re-live those ecstatic moments you have known. But know that your soul, co-authored by God, is your eternal unchanging possession.

Keep in mind, my dear ones, in your lives now and to come out into the galaxies and beyond, your soul is one of eternal growth. Even when you become a purely spiritual being, you will always have your present appreciation of the physical/energetic universe because you have earned it. When you are millions of years old, your soul will still be meaningful and valuable, a growing, eternal possession to share with other living beings of not only your own human order who have gone on to the mansion worlds, but also purely spiritual ones. They will be your companions from beyond the millions of planets in our Local Universe.

This awareness of soulful essence has always been on your world as people developed their reflective abilities. It is what the future has in promise for you, my dears. It is why we tease you to get started meditating.

(Have no fear in needing to expand)

You need not fear expanding by taking in too much so long as you do your part to organize your understanding of what is happening to you. You have your raw living experience day by day, sometimes even hour by hour, so you need to treasure understanding it. This is especially true with respect to your dearly beloved ones and your most intimate exchanges with others. Use these deep experiences to broaden your appreciation of human nature in the broader realm all around you—your community, then your nation, then the world you live in.

This is why you are given curiosity, my dears. Mother Spirit and I have talked often of this innate hunger to experience and know ever more. Be in awe of this miraculous life you have, and surrounds you with all the plants and animals of your world. Welcome curiosity and the courage to follow it that Mother Spirit augments with her Mind/Spirit Adjutants within you. Her wonderful, shared attributes have helped you stand on your moon, live in outer space, go to the depths of your oceans, and the tops of your mountains. Cherish this thrilling history, bring it home, and make it your own. Recall and treasure how your own curiosity and courage have led you to the adventures you’ve had. There is no end to this, my dears. This is in The Plan--God’s big plan. It’s the potential that lives within you as his universe promise of things to come.

(You live in the presence of an Eternal Now)

Go out on a clear, starry night and look up. This is where you are headed, my dears. That is in the plan. It can give you some taste of what infinity means; what eternal life means. Yet at the same time you’re encapsulated in an unfolding Eternal Now that you already possess. You have the curiosity and courage to experience it because there is no bottom, top, or sides to this Now.

This presence too can grow with your ability to experience, to fulfill your days, to lay down your head at night--completely full, with a joyous sigh as you let it all go. Give your consciousness over to our Father as you, “Lay me down to sleep , and give my soul, to God, to keep.” You will awake in another morning with another day to fill.

These abilities are also yours to consciously develop. So much, my dears, is put into your own two hands, your own mind. It’s what this whole universe of time and space is all about for you too--starting from your moment of birth and becoming conscious, and yet so dependent on your parents for continuing life itself. So much is in your own hands to perfect, yourselves, what becomes your eternal possession--these activities, this human experience, this ancient, timeless kind of being — being human.

My dears, your appreciation of life is Mother Spirit’s and my deepest wish, so we tease you a bit to enjoy it well. Appreciate your lives and develop them with all that you have accomplished for yourselves. Freely give and share this with others with a kind double having. It’s the wonderful ability to teach and learn from each other--that kind of sharing by which you can so thoroughly multiply what you yourselves have come know on your own. You have all your media too--to introduce to others—books and movies—everything the internet is bringing around the world. Enjoy them well. Feed your souls. Offer these treasures of your experience, the God-aspect of your soul that lives within you.

(God created you to share his essence with you)

This is why God created this whole inner and outer universe--to share his essence with other personal beings. So do your part, my dears, to fulfill God’s purpose. It is partly why he made you a unique being. You have a unique gift to share with him and others.

Now, if you have any questions or comments, let them too come from your own curiosity and courage/. Open yourselves to Mother Spirit and me.

Student: Michael, what do you mean by not being afraid of expanding? What kind of expanding are we talking about?--mental, physical, or spiritual? What does that mean--not be afraid of expanding?

Michael: Well, my dear, there is the human experience of being overwhelmed. You have an expression, “Biting off more than you can chew,” by opening yourself to the enormity of the unknown, especially the terrible things that happen in people’s lives. Life is not all sunshine and roses with what your fellow human beings are encountering and going through.

(Expanding, open-mindedness encounters suffering)

As you totally open yourselves to everything, you encounter the suffering that is perhaps not in your own life, but in those around you. It emphasizes the sheer unknowability of what is going to happen tomorrow. These feelings of vulnerability--call them “Intimations of Mortality” are true cautions. This is why it takes courage to open yourself to everything in order to expand your knowledge and your understanding. Consider: these last few days your news has been full of five individuals who lost their lives exploring an old wreck 12,000 feet down on the bottom of the ocean. (Ed: the Titanic) Five adventurers lost their lives following their curiosity and their courage.

So it has been throughout human history. There is a price to be paid for the expansion of experience and wisdom. On a personal level, people outgrow each other or grow apart because they have gone off in different directions. But still, you need to maintain your curiosity and courage because there is a whole universe out there to expand into. This is what I meant by it requires courage just to keep going, then give yourself over to God’s care so you can thoroughly rest in him.

(Courage is the reward of faith)

Courage is the reward of faith. Have faith!--no matter what pain, what anguish, what loss you’ve had. Still have faith and trust in his Big Plan for you.
Student: That is a big help. Thank you, Michael.

Michael: You are welcome, my dear.

Student: I have another question though. How does Mother Spirit feed us? What do you mean by that?--feed us what? --ideas?

Michael: Mother Spirit’s consciousness is literally another spiritual dimension surrounding you. You live in her. You live in her and, because you are a personal spiritual being yourself, you have the ability to receive her Mind/Spirit Adjutants. As a daughter of the Infinite Spirit of Paradise she is really a transcendent being throughout your Local Universe--part of your galaxy that we call the literal physical/spatial dimensions of her being.

(Mother Spirit’s augmentations in human mind and spirit)

Every personal being within this Local Universe gets augmentations both in mind and spirit. We talk about your mental abilities of experiencing, then being able to store experiences as knowledge. Think of all you have come to know because you have actually experienced it, not only through your media and books, but you yourselves directly. These were your adventures.

There’s Mother Spirit’s adjutant of courage, the ability to extend yourself into the unknown. Another great way she helps you is called the spirit of counsel--your ability to counsel with each other and share things. Think of counsel being the advice and experience you’ve received from others. These five—intuition, knowledge, understanding, courage, council--are actually shared with the more advanced animals. Then there are two additional higher ones—worship and wisdom—unique to human beings. Worship is the great sense of being thankful to God for life itself—for being alive. Wisdom is the ability to unify and use in the present moment--in the living Now--all the preceding six you’ve acquired in your life.

Student: This is Mother Spirit?

(Mother Spirit in human life—within and without)

Michael: These seven are also your own intrinsic human abilities that she augments. Take these into your meditations and think about each one of these seven dimensions. Mother Spirit is part of your own mind and spirit--inside. Outside—spatially--you are living within her Local Universe spirit presence.

Student: Oh, my God. This is wonderful. This is the first time I have actually understood Mother Spirit. Thank you.

Michael: She is actually a discreet, personal being who lives on the headquarters world of your Local Universe.

Student: An actual person you could meet? Could you meet Mother Spirit?

Michael: Oh!--you will someday. Yes.

Student: That would be lovely…

Michael: …when you have advanced, however long it takes. It may be thousands or millions of years you will actually be working up through our Local Universe: first through your Local System, then our Constellations, then to our head world Salvington. Someday, in what would be to you now the far distant future, you will have gone through some 500 physical, spiritual, and soulful changes.

Student: Is that what you meant when you said there is no end to this?

(After everything, you will have only just begun)

Michael: Exactly. When you have worked your way up through our Local Universe and become a first-stage pure spirit, you will meet Mother Spirit and me—personally. Then off you go into the galaxy. Even then you will have only just begun. This is why your Urantia Book has all those pages to so accurately and finely detailing all of this.

Student: Thank you. Thank you very much, Michael.

Michael: You are just beginning, my dear. You are just beginning.

Student: Kindergarten.

Michael: Yet stop to consider too a fully human life--all the experiences a full human life contains--especially the others you have known and shared so much with. And still, just beginning.

Student: Wow! Thank you. So: just beginning.

(Be not intimidated by such enormous potential)

Michael: This is why it takes courage not to be intimidated by this potential laid out before you. Be not afraid of all the really enormous changes you will go through--human death being just the first step.
My dears, the big clock on the wall says it is getting late in terms of these transmissions. Mother Spirit and I bid you a very fond and loving farewell for a while. We look forward to getting together with you again.

Student: Thank you again, Michael.

Michael: Be in my Peace. Good Night.

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