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===Topic: ''Journeys of Discovery''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]], [[Thought Adjuster|Inner Voice]], [[LIGHT]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: It is my deepest desire to be of service to our Divine Parents at times like this. So be it.
Machiventa: Thank you for creating this space once again and opening up the classroom for further guidance and instruction at your request, making it all that more significant. I am Machiventa and it is my pleasure to respond to the school bell having been rung and to the interests on the table for discussion. I will begin with the observation presented that every different individual has their own level of spiritual growth and attainment and that these results are all attained by the free will of the individuals. The striving to find spirit and become spirit is an innate drive within mortals of the realm. There is a sense of belonging to and being a part of the gigantic enterprise of mankind.

You have perceived that there are infinite methods and routes to travel to build your own connection to your spirit component. This task of becoming aware of this component of your being and choosing to explore it and try out its dimensions enables you to go in directions of your choosing and explore your spirit parameters. Such activities are yours for the taking and such episodes as this simply may serve to remind you that this is a potential and this is part of what it means to be a developing spiritual being. It is often difficult to assess the various growth levels or growth rings that are established as you traverse this process of finding and embracing these higher truths and Divine energies.

The fact is that all of you are on separate journeys of discovery while on the similar paths of evolution. So no two experiences will be the same, no two perspectives will be the same, no two understandings or conclusions will be exactly the same. This provides for such great diversity and differences to be accommodated and perhaps assimilated in this process of growth. What’s fascinating about observing your interaction with your modern circumstances and conditions is that you may see a distance or space between what you feel to be a higher and better more perfect way and what is now present and available in reality. This contrast is now evident to you as a result of your efforts to grow in spirit, so now there may be a need to reevaluate approaches based on evolving circumstance.

By this I am referring to the ability of the master to change their position and take a different stance in response to the demands of a different circumstance, trusting in the enlightenment of the moment, the answer to the petition to come through and provide direction, provide peace of mind, provide inspiration to make it so. Such is the magnificence and glory of each and every one of your individual personal spiritual experiences. They offer a perspective that only your experience can provide, only your awareness can support and only your seeking can bring. It is similar to the dynamics of home schooling in that the pace may be determined more by the students and the change in technique may be applied more directly and the changes that are affected may be registered more closely.

I overheard the comment that times are feeling troubled and there is a certain security, a certain comfort derived from coming back to this well, this opportunity to be together and fellowship in spirit. I stand in gratitude with you that this portal, this avenue of expression between us still exists and has been maintained so as to be useful and effective even now. It is my great joy to share this gift of grace with you and meet you on this playing field that has been created and maintained for this purpose. Trust that all individuals, even yourselves, have their own path, their own journey to make on route to returning to the First Source and Center which is your destiny. Such a glorious experience is at hand and we rejoice that you here present have maintained such a portal and have utilized this bridge between us as much as you have. It is with great pleasure that we interface on this platform of your creation and so I honor this opportunity and would allow now for others to access such a gift of grace. Farewell.

Inner Voice: I now accept the gesture offered of allowing me to step forward as it were, and access the material voice. I am referred to by my associate as the Voice Within and it is true that this form of contact is innately available to all those with an Adjuster connection. So the important aspect becomes to bring the awareness that there is this divine gift of grace bestowed upon you that you may access and choose to follow back to the Creator. The reason I accept the opportunity to take voice is once again to broadcast the good news and the glad tidings that what once was difficult and a rare occurrence for mankind has now been augmented to become more readily available, more accessible by the chooser, by the spiritual being within, by you, the real you, the enduring you, the you that can make the choice to follow spirit back home and become spiritualized in the process of your choosing to do so, by your desire expressed, and manifest your willingness to grow in spirit and your effort applied to not only desire it but then to make it so.

Each and every evolving mortal soul is on their own track albeit all these tracks converge like the drops that come over the water falls, each one taking a different path as it's fragmented on its journey but collecting again at the bottom as one. Such is the journey and experience that is before you. You are launched and you are going with the flow as the river carries you towards your flight of individual nature. As you go through your spiritual career this flight brings you a unique experience, an individual perspective in the grand scheme of growth and the unfolding of truth, beauty, and goodness. Such is the journey you are on. Such is the destination you are bound to make following the guidance of your Inner Guide, an Onboard Partner who shares with you your desire to follow the path back to the First Source and Center of all and to return each individual experience to The Creator to manifest in creating the tapestry of human life.

Throughout this process you have learned that joining forces with your Onboard Partner is a matter of your destiny, a matter of your choosing and that this choosing and this accepting brings you all that you have need of in terms of spiritual growth and spiritual direction and purpose behind spiritual content. I AM grateful for the fact that I can access this arena you provide and bring the good news of the extended circuitries and the opening of connection, of the many many individual portals which are being opened, which are being a conduit through which the love may pass, the love of understanding, the love of peace, the love of grace.

So I will take the opportunity to suggest that you contemplate where your creative energies are placed. You have jurisdiction over powerful influences. There is spirit pressure that you have jurisdiction over and may be applied by virtue of your intentions. I invite you to consider this tool in your toolbox and to take the opportunity every chance you can manage to reexamine your values, reexamine your standards, adjust your sighting to keep aiming higher and higher, to keep increasing the scope of your perspective through your seeking and finding and going with the flow of the universe. I remind you that you always have a Voice Within, one who is devoted to your survival, one who has devoted their existence to yours and one who will everlastingly assist in the process of becoming spiritualized and embracing the individual component of spirit self.

We are truly right there just beyond an illusive veil, a veil perhaps of uncertainty or doubt, casting a shadow. I am most pleased to be offered this opportunity to encourage you all to be bold in your expression of your awareness of what truth is, what beauty is, what goodness is. The game is for you to determine these dimensions for yourself and to respond to the higher and higher vibrations and the greater truths. Such is the universal condition of becoming more, developing and growing beyond the infancy of a mortal of the realm and the infancy of an eternal spirit being which is destined to be united as one with their Inner Guide, the voice of God within. Such a faithful companion not only leads you in the way but ever affirms for you your direction when consulted as a matter of course. The awareness of your spirit connection, the dimensions of functioning in spirit and becoming familiar with the parameters of that while still being housed in a material mortal framework which is fleeting and temporary serves to allow you to be reborn into a more complete spirit capacity with even more awareness of that dimension of your being.

All of these concepts we discuss here freely as a matter of course, a matter of fact, a matter of awareness, and while this may all well be good, true, and beautiful to some degree, it is all necessarily imperfect, incomplete, in progress, in the works bound for a more perfect state, to be conditioned by those in the sphere of influence, and perhaps rearranged into a more perfect version by virtue of a vision provided by your Indwelling Guide. This is how you make the final connection beyond the mortal dimension. This is your portal for communing with divine source. It’s your guide to show you the way and it’s your gift of grace that you get to experience the journey back home to the Supreme and as such, have a piece of the great puzzle to bring back to the Creators so that it may be woven into the fabric of the creation of mankind.

I stand in gratitude for the steps that you all have taken and provided so that this platform of awareness exists that we may even discuss such truths and realities as a grand accomplishment of growth and evolution. As such, you may feel at times to be out of step with your brethren as the currents of energy wash ashore to create spirit influence. There will be many reactions and it will take a steady hand on the rudder of your personal craft to maintain your heading through the turbulent waters as the seas may change in response to your individual awareness. Your spirit perception for what some might consider to be ominous and threatening may appear to others as positive influence and manifesting positive change. In fact, both conditions exist side by side: the potential for change and the associated doubts and concerns, and as well the potential for new and exciting events to be embraced as a phenomenon, as a reality, rather than feared and efforts made to escape.

To those with faith as deep as yours, you may walk boldly down the path before you with a conviction of faith, a conviction of certainty of the goodness, a conviction of the greatness of love and a conviction regarding Michael’s planet and the family of man. Faith enables you to rely and trust that it is so, thereby laying the foundation for it to be so, creating the reality based upon the expectation of thus. Hold fast to all that you have gained in your seeking. You have gathered to yourself great baskets of treasures, great pearls of wisdom. These are your treasures to have and to hold as part of your experience, as part of the thread you will bring to add to the tapestry of mankind.

I would leave you with a prayer made vocal: Divine Parents and loyal attendants, join us as we drink this cup of goodness, as we pass around this cup of grace and share it with each other, this fellowship of recognition, of belonging, of purpose. Thank you for this perspective achieved by approaching you to get such a vision. I express the heartfelt gratitude of all for the responses received, the acknowledgment of spirit, the inspiration of direction and the conviction of purpose. I stand in gratitude with you for all these treasures and I invite you to enjoy the journey with a sense of peace, a sense of accomplishment for having discovered the journey that you’re on, a sense of well being for your association of being a member of the family of man and the guarantee of your survival provided in no small part with the help and assistance of your Onboard Partner, your Indwelling Guide. Such a destiny is yours, such a destiny is rich with potential, possibilities, and the inevitable expansion of parameters, the increasing of awareness, the shifting of perspective and the knowing that comes from seeking to find, the knowing that is earned through the process of seeking in good faith that you will find and so you do.

Go in peace and stay in love. Farewell.

Light: Thank you for providing this arena. It is my great pleasure to accept this opportunity. I am Light and I am responding to the opportunity provided, the openness shown and the willingness to connect demonstrated. This allows me to participate. Such a statement of intention is required before it could be assumed any of the values stated. They must be rather clearly stated to be affirmed and the issue becomes that very few things are clearly known and can be clearly stated. Communication is quite an obstacle to overcome in the sharing of basic concepts and ideas. As you know, a certain discipline is required to still the vehicle sufficiently to be able to pick up on signals only encountered in spirit. The exercise of calling into play that spirit component of your being is what this life circumstance is meant to afford you in the process. The ability to access your spirit dimension is key to your progress as once this doorway may become evident and opened, then the free exchange may occur between two distinct entities that are destined to become one.

As I take advantage of this opportunity to join you once again, I am refamiliarized with the seeking energy of this group. It is impressive to know that there are mortals advanced enough while still on the early plane to consider acquiring morontia principles while still housed in mortal form. This represents a challenge certainly and one that may inspire you to take it up and see where spirit may lead in this project. You will witness that your life is nothing more than one experience stacked upon the next and the next and the accumulation of these experiences provides you your version of reality, your experiences to date. However, those who have experienced spiritual growth are aware that changes of great magnitude may occur when one is open to embracing greater truths and higher understandings and that in so doing one must exercise their faith.

One must proceed forward without complete certainty as to the outcome and one must be willing on route to make changes if the circumstance calls for it and to execute a more divine pattern if circumstance allows. It certainly is inspiring to see a group so devoted to fostering this method and technique of spiritual growth. This creation stands as an example, grown and created from the mortal component of flesh and blood, to reach beyond the limitations of the material flesh and the mortal life and reach into the spirit dimension where we may connect with our Internal Guide and we may be led if we are so willing, to find God, to return to the First Source and Center as a matter of purpose, as a matter of course and as a gift of grace from your Creators.
I stand in gratitude for this opportunity in passing, to simply share this moment as we each ascend on our spirit platforms, each one tailored to our needs and expectations and doubts, uncertainty. So it has been even now and I stand in gratitude I was able to take part as one who is keenly interested in your development, in your growth and your progress which is evident in your individual energy signature. Such an energetic signature will contain the aspects of your life force that need to be represented. It is an honor to come before you at this podium at such a time and I am very much in gratitude for this opportunity. It’s been a pleasure to rub energy signatures with you and to bask in the glow of spirit certainty and of the love behind the spiritual truths. I encourage you to make this so by your own choosing.

Create your path back to your Divine Parents by your choosing. Make way for your presence to move forward in spirit evolution and relax into your faith to navigate any uncertainties or doubt. Certainly you can attest to the fact that you have been protected from the negative energies and therefore you might expect to continue this protection against stray influences which may negatively impact your ascension career. That of course is what is really at hand, that is what is underway even now, that is what you have come to expect and so all of these conditions most certainly will conspire to make such a potential a reality.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
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