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===Topic: ''Focusing Mother's Love and Life''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER:  Divine Parents, we open ourselves to you to be in service to our world in this very
important time of need where more people are perceiving that there is a lack in their lives. And
that lack is the lack of love, of spiritual energy. And we are so grateful that we can come to you
and receive these energies to strengthen us in who we are that we made radiate this love and
demonstrate it to our brothers and sisters. As we begin our focus today, we ask to be guided by
our Spirits. And that what we generate from our hearts, our souls, our minds, our Spirits can be
put to good use by all of the wonderful helpers who are holding this planet in love and bringing
in the energies and dynamics that we need to build our social institutions based on the principles
and divine ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. We are ready. We open ourselves to
you and may your WILL be done through us through your GRACE and MERCY. Thank you so
NEBADONIA: Greetings my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks!
Continue to take some very deliberate breaths now as you focus on me as your Spirit Mother
who upholds you in the circuits of LIFE. Drink deeply in my presence, of my presence, as I am
resident in you through various spiritual circuits that provide you the means to live and express
yourselves in the way your Spirits are guiding you to experience life.

As many of you know from reading your Urantia Book, my presence pervades the entire
universe. Your Father and I have stepped out of Paradise to create a realm for many of our
universe children to experience life and to grow in the greater reality of understanding the ways
and means of what being a universe citizen means. At your human level, you are starting out on a
rugged material sphere, and yet this world is held in such love and devotion that you can begin to
relax more in my watch-care of your life and grow in that security that gives you more room to
express your Father-bestowed personality potential. You will be remaining in this universe home
for many years to come, but you have access to me directly each day.

By coming to me in this manner, you are opening yourselves to my ministrations in you that you
may grow in those MOTHERLY aspects of Deity and Divinity, and give you more
encouragement to become who you are through your spiritual striving as a son and daughter of
God. Rest in me now and allow my MOTHERING LOVE to gently imprint upon your human
natures. Experience what it means to be embraced by me, and allow your breath to take you
deeper into this experience. Trust me my children. Trust in my MOTHERING LOVE and
receive. (Pause)

If it is helpful to maintain focus as you receive me, I invite you to envision yourselves standing
in a place of beauty and splendor and LIFE is holding you in this visualization. It is an energy
field all around you just pulsing with energy and light, and it has a way of calibrating into your
human energy system information that you need in order to grow. Allow your mindal circuits to
open to LIFE as my MOTHERING LOVE continues to embrace you, my beloved children. Rest
and receive, and let the patterns of LIFE generate new awareness within your human natures.

The LIFE PATTERNS of our universe home are designed to support your human spiritual
development to grow your soul experience as an individuated child of God. Due to the
repercussions of the rebellion that has affected your system of consciousness, you have not
received all of the LIFE energies that are necessary to sustain your overall development. This is
all being corrected. And I encourage you to feel that need for you to receive the full complement
of LIFE energies to engage with your human natures, even if you may not be fully aware of what
all of those circuits and their meaning represent. It is enough to be trusting and willing to receive
what I, as your Mother, wish to imbue into you. So, allow these infusions to continue as you
continue to relax and the energies imprint deeper, deeper, deeper into you. (Pause)

The life circuits of this world are strengthening to support the upstepping of human
consciousness that more individuals may perceive the presence of the Indwelling Spirit of the
Paradise Father. This is a necessary correction that is now underway to help you recognize the
inter-connectedness of all life and your place in that vast continuum. Because this planet has
suffered such a deprivation of these LIFE CIRCUITS and being able to perceive the LOVE that
your Father and I have for you, we invite you to open to our presence more that these circuits
may indeed be expanded through human willingness to return the planet to its rightful place in
our universe family of LOVE. Simply by coming to me, you allow this correction to gain deeper
presence within planetary circuits of mind and memory.

Over the years, we have been helping you open to these higher infusions of our presence that you
may become more reflective of these divine qualities and share them in loving service to your
brothers and sisters in the ways that bring joy to your heart and soul. This will continue to
develop. We encourage you to also have this willingness to develop more fully in your lives that
you may engage with us more and more each day and be a comforting balm of peace and
compassion to your brothers and sisters who are still yet to awaken to their spiritual potential.
Know that in this confusion it is designed to, not only support you in this moment, but to help
you grow in expressing those beautiful fruits of the Spirit that are so necessary for planetary
consciousness to evolve to the higher levels of universe mind. Continue to receive from me and
my MOTHERING LOVE as you stand in the field of LIFE, growing strong and steadily as my
child. (Pause)

In opening more to my presence today, you are growing in an aspect of my Personality attributes
to help you engage with the MOTHERING essence that it is fundamental to planetary life and
growth of human conscious. There is a quality of my LOVE that is very nurturing, protective,
respectful, and above all, devoted to the development of each soul and the planetary
consciousness that evolves from that. As well, this MOTHERING nature of my being protects
life. It engenders a sense of watch-care over the life processes to ensure that the evolution of
consciousness is sustained over the long course of planetary cultural and spiritual development.

It is important for you now to engage with this MOTHERING dimension of my being that you,
too, may act as conservators and caretakers of love and life for your world. You are the citizens
of this planet, but you are also universe citizens and you have every right to learn these aspects
of my nature that will help you in your own human lives to become better citizens and caretakers
of this world.

Let these words settle in for a few moments and then we will ask you to focus into the planetary
circuits of mind and memory for my presence to pervade more deeply through your willingness
for the planet to be held in this MOTHERING aspect of LOVE and LIFE. (Pause)

Let us now turn our attention to the planet as a whole. Project from your hearts the words
MOTHER LOVE to spiral around the planet, counterclockwise from north to south pole. Here
you are engaging a willingness to be that nurturer of love to the planet. You are in of yourself
MOTHERING LOVE into the circuits of mind and memory. This is very important now for the
planetary mind to perceive, to help your brothers and sisters move out of feelings of
abandonment, isolation, and fear; giving them an opportunity to perceive a deeper level of
devotional love within their minds and help them feel safe and secure in life. Feel your need for
this to prevail through the circuits of mind and memory as you hold MOTHER LOVE(LIFE)
into planetary circuits now. And I thank you, my beloved children, for allowing me to minister
these energies through you. (Pause)

Each one of you has a capacity to mother love to your brothers and sisters. The more you feel a
willingness to do this with them and for them, the more my presence can minister through you
into them. They may not be able to ask this for themselves, but you who have developed levels
of trust in my nature and being can hold this for them. You can do this silently by simply
allowing my MOTHERING LOVE to speak into them in a way that their Indwelling Spirits
know they can receive and perceive. So, keep that willingness to be the person who mothers love
to others and notice if it changes your experience with me and fills you with deeper levels of
peace and compassion for your human compatriots. (Pause)

While you maintain focus on MOTHER LOVE, simply expand that into MOTHER LIFE to
engage with planetary mind and memory. This is a quality of conserving and activating more of
the life energies this world needs to continue on its creative path of spiritual development. The
LIFE energies have information to disclose into your minds. However, it is important that human
mind acts in conformity with these LIFE circuits so that there is a more seamless transfer of
information into your mind that stimulate your creative imagination and help you use these LIFE
circuits in the way they were given to humanity to cultivate.

As you focus on the MOTHER LIFE aspect of my being, feel that need of be a nurturer of life
for this world in the way your Spirit is guiding you to perceive. There is no need to engage your
analytical mind wondering what this means or how you will do this. Simply have that
willingness to MOTHER LIFE in the best way you can each day, and we continue our
ministrations to the planet through your holding this focus. (Pause)

Ask for the endowment of MOTHERING LIFE to deepen into planetary mind and memory. This
will help your brothers and sisters remember and recognize they have a responsibility to
conserve life—to honor and respect it. It is important now that more individuals awaken to the
synergistic and symbiotic nature of life, and how human nature contributes to its development
and cultivation. This will help you gain greater understanding of the function and workings of
natural law, which is something that most humans are truly not fully aware of what it can mean
for this planet to reach the era of Light and Life. That all of what was taken from you by those
who wanted to change the divine plan will be restored and help you in your strivings to heal this
world. (Pause)

Invite the angels to move these energies into deeper memory circuits for more individuals to
recognize human responsibility to MOTHER LIFE and MOTHER LOVE. (Pause)
My beloved children, do you recognize the power you have when you use my MOTHERING
LOVE AND LIFE to engage with the planet? This is part of your education process and you are
learning some very important lessons about growing in your spiritual potency that gives you
greater room to manifest the Father’s WILL through your day-to-day activities. Your Father and
I trust you. We have given you a great latitude to exercise your will. However, the more you
intend to allow the natural law of divine workings of LIFE to function in you, you become able
to use your will in greater conformity with the magnificent unfolding of God’s WILL, not only
through you but into the planet.

These are some of the mysteries and secrets of life that have been withheld from you due to your
lack of spiritual maturity. Now in this time in your planet’s evolutionary course, you are being
given an opportunity to learn these components of LIFE that you may use what we have given
you in fulfillment of the planet’s purpose that will also aid in your own cultivation and
fulfillment of your purpose as a human. More and more, we hope you will recognize the
significance of what we are providing to you and be willing to put aside your own personal
agendas in favor of opening to the greater presence of divine action in you, that you may become
more effective as a human and be more inspirational to others who need to understand these
components of life.

I ask you to consider allowing these energies to deepen in you and for these words to settle upon
your mind and memory and expand you in the qualities of MOTHERING, especially LOVE and
LIFE to your brothers and sisters. And I give you my thanks. (Pause)

Let us now elevate our focus to Paradise, inviting the MOTHERING aspect of Paradise LOVE
and PERFECTION to reflect upon this world. Feel that need for this world to grow in its patterns
of perfection for Urantia’s divine purpose to unfold. And be appreciative that you can participate
in this great event upon the planet at this time. While I understand that it is challenging to be
spiritually vibrant as so many people are floundering in their own miscreations, by you holding
this and inviting the Paradise presence to pervade this planet, you are bringing more spiritual
vitality to this world and this is noted on high. You are being a great service to this world, even
though you may not fully appreciate the impact of what it is that you are doing at this time.
Engage your thanksgiving up to the Paradise Trinity as their divine REFLECTION shines upon
this world. Invite the planet to imprint upon the Paradise PLANS OF PERFECTION for this
world to evolve toward Light and Life. Feel your love for this world as it receives what it needs
now. (Pause)

My beautiful beloved children, take a few moments to descend from Paradise. Allow these
energies to ground more deeply into you. And you may certainly envision yourselves standing
on the ground in the place of great beauty and splendor and ask for these energies of my
MOTHERING LOVE AND LIFE to deepen and integrate into you. Become more grounded in
LOVE and LIFE that your energy systems may capture more of the light frequencies it needs for
your own transformational journeys. And as you see yourself standing on the planet, drink
deeply of the LIFE circuits now growing stronger, feeding you with energy. (Pause)

Invite these circuits to integrate with higher aspects of universe mind that this world may truly
receive more of this upstepping necessary for the cultivation of life and the expression of more
love to be the dominant and operating principles and values for human consciousness. (Pause)
And as the circuits integrate, I invite you to see yourself standing on the planet. You and the
planet are in a field of DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT. Feel that need and willingness for your divine
birthright to be fully restored, not only to your own personal energy system but to the planet
itself, and we will integrate these energies now. (Pause)

One day this world will reflect the GLORY of Paradise and the way it conducts its affairs. That
is in the distant future. Yet, you can appreciate that you are helping your world and all of its
residents and citizenry to move in that direction for the fulfillment for this objective. Recognize
that this is not only your human responsibility but your cosmic duty. And the more you make this
a priority in your life, the more will be added to you and you will astonish yourself in who you
are becoming and what you can achieve with Spirit.
I withdraw now, my children, in this manner, but truly, I am not separated from you. I am always
here, mothering and nurturing you even in the times when you do not notice me. But I do invite
you to come to me more each day that you may come to know me and learn my ways of LOVE
and LIFE and be truly a balm of comfort and peace to your brothers and sisters. Thrive in my
LOVE it is always yours. And I leave you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2023]]

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