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===Topic: ''Focusing Spiritual Unity''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER:  Our Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, we step into this unified field of oneness
that is part of the fabric of LIFE, and we thank you for weaving us together as one to the circuits
of Spirit, Mind, and Soul that we may be harmonized together and unified in our focus today.
You know where the energies need to be applied as we hold this focus today, and you know what
needs to be cultivated into planetary mind and memory to support our continued advancement
into the plans of correction that you have provided for this world, Mother and Father. We are
ready to begin and we thank you for your WILL being done through your GRACE and MERCY.
We are deeply grateful to participate, and so it is.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson and I am glad to be
back with you once again in our collaborative forum as we work together to provide more
spiritual vitality for this planet to ascend into the higher circuits of Light and Life. As we begin
at the personal level, I would invite you to focus on the purpose, meaning, and value of
SPIRITUAL UNITY—what does this mean, what is its purpose, and why is it important?
Take a few moments to focus on these words. Go within; ask your Indwelling Spirit to help you
perceive why this is important at this particular time. Let your heart open with curiosity to
appreciate this from a higher perspective, and we will minister to you now, my beloved brethren,
as you spend a few quiet moments reflecting on this with your own Indwelling Spirit. (Pause)

Feel your willingness to become more spiritually unified with your brothers and sisters. It is not
that you all have to think alike. Rather, it is an attitude of recognizing you are all children of a
loving Creator and you are unified in that LOVE. There is ample room for diversity of opinion
and understanding. Yet, this SPIRITUAL UNITY forms an inner foundation upon which you can
learn more about the nature of our Creator and the myriad ways in which the Creator expresses
the BEAUTY and GLORY of LIFE all throughout the cosmos. Feel that need and willingness to
become more spiritually unified with your brothers and sisters. We continue our ministrations to
you. (Pause)

Much of what your present-day religious institutions promote is a sense of uniformity in the
believing certain precepts or dogma. But when you are spiritually unified with another, a bond of
kinship is forged as there is an innate recognition that you all come from the same Creator-
Source. There is a camaraderie in that even though you may hold different opinions in your own
mind about the nature of Deity. What is most important to remember as a planetary culture is that
you are part of a very vast organization of LIFE, and that we all have the same Spirit Source.
Therefore, we are related in this family of LOVE and LIFe, and this is the foundation upon
which a new planetary dispensation will evolve and flourish over time.

Continue to feel that willingness to become more spiritually unified within your own self with
your brothers and sisters. If you have any questions about the deeper meaning or implications of
spiritual unity, take a few moments to pose those questions to the Spirit Within. (Pause)
SPIRITUAL UNITY fosters attitudes of respect for the individual and a recognition that that
person has the right to be loved by his and her Creator and to flourish in the cultivation and
expression of one’s God-given Personality and Soul. This is something that your planet still
needs to fully develop and understand. Therefore, in today’s infusion we are helping you move
into this deeper awareness of what this means. And the more you invite the energies of
SPIRITUAL UNITY to move into your mind and memory, you add more spiritual vitality to the
planetary circuits of mind and memory for others to perceive. This is most important at this time
as you might well imagine. (Pause)

We have encouraged you to be the truth-light revealers and way-showers to your brothers and
sisters. The more you integrate into the purpose, meaning, and value of SPIRITUAL UNITY;
you will sense a newfound level of kinship with others. Seeking less to convey your own
thoughts and opinions to another and moving more into a place of wanting to understand their
perspective, which can be a place of great cross-fertilization of ideas and feelings if the
foundation of SPIRITUAL UNITY is strong. Again, you do not have to all think alike, but it is
important that you all recognize that you are all children of God, and what that means for your
own personal spiritual edification. (Pause)

Take a moment or so to envision the words SPIRITUAL UNITY as a fabric of information. It is
large, it is flexible, it is filled with light. Project from your hearts the words SPIRITUAL UNITY
and allow this field to wrap around the planet, weaving the language into planetary mind and
memory, from the north pole to the south, counter-clockwise as it spirals and imprints its
information into the planetary circuits. Hold that intention for human mind to become more
spiritually unified, able to recognize more deeply and broadly what it means to be a child of a
loving Creator Deity.

Many of your brothers and sisters cannot access recognition to their Divine Source. In holding
the focus today, it is as if the fabric of mind can more deeply imprint upon these dynamics for
human mind to perceive what this means, and how they might engage with becoming more
spiritually unified. Hold that intention for the Seraphim of this world to imprint this fabric upon
those areas in human mind where there is the greatest need. Let the fabric act as a bond, weaving
certain energies together for more people to experience the sense of spiritual kinship with their
brothers and sisters. (Pause)

Invite that SPIRITUAL UNITY to imprint more deeply into the memory circuits for human mind
to remember and recognize that it is part of a loving family under the overcontrol of Creator
Deities who love them. (Pause)

Invite the fabric of human mind and memory to be bonded together with more SPIRITUAL
UNITY, closing the gaps in the type of separation mentality that is so divisive in human life.
Feel the need for LOVE to grow in humanity: the capacity and the ability, cultivation, and
expression of LOVE, which is the greatest healer of all. (Pause)

Your Divine Universe Parents have put in place a plan to align the ways in which Urantia
conducts its affairs to reflect more of the heavenly order. I invite you to now shift and focus on
MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION. These are the specific areas in which the planet must
be rehabilitated to reflect a higher spiritual culture. It is time for these plans to be furthered into
planetary mind. And as the focus of SPIRITUAL UNITY continues to weave and integrate into
the circuits, feel that need and that willingness for more people to perceive MICHAEL’S PLANS
OF CORRECTION. Even though you may not know what they are or its full implication, they
are good, they are trustworthy and they are beautiful. So do your utmost to ask for these plans to
deepen into planetary mind and memory that more individuals may perceive and heed the inner
call to awaken and learn of a better way of life just ahead of you. (Pause)

Each one of you can play our role in MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION. As you hold this
focus, you may also wish to ask your Spirit to help you perceive what you may do to contribute
to this growing, expansive expression upon the planet. Feel that need for your brothers and
sisters to open to this great rehabilitative effort now underway. While it may stagger your human
imagination about what can be accomplished, know that your efforts large and small do add to
the growing rehabilitation underway. And it is a grand and glorious thing to observe as we watch
you rise out of the mire of the rebellion energies and step into the truth of who you are and the
creative gifts you have been given to use to cultivate this spiritual environment upon the planet.
Continue to feel that intention for more SPIRITUAL UNITY to pervade human mind and
memory and for MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION to take deeper hold and root in
human mind. (Pause)

Invite MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION to communicate with the planet’s original
divine plans and purposes, forming a seamless bridge between the evolutionary progression and
Michael’s intention for this world to be rehabilitated. Let these circuits connect, comingle and
create a deeper bond in the fabric of SPIRITUAL UNITY all around the globe. (Pause)
There is one more element to add and that is to simply focus on me and invite the activities of
DIVINE JUSTICE to move through these circuits of SPIRITUAL UNITY and MICHAEL’S
PLANS OF CORRECTION. Do your best to hold this as we minister at what needs to be
accomplished now. (Pause)

Planetary reclamation and rehabilitation are underway, my brethren. We deeply appreciate what
you bring into this forum of the unfolding of the divine plan for Urantia’s continued evolution to
the era of Light and Life. While you do have a long way to go in this objective, one day it will be
achieved and you will have great joy in celebrating with the Urantians of that time that you were
here at this time contributing to the great awakening and transformation.

We encourage you to continue your efforts large and small, and to be aware that this is part of
your duty as a cosmic citizen to take more personal responsibility for how you think and engage
with others out in the world. Know that you have so much help in your corner to achieve the
dreams within your heart and the fulfillment of your soul purpose for your human life. No, this is
not an easy task but it is achievable, for your Father Michael showed you the way in His human
life as Jesus. Remember to call upon Him when you face a human problem you do not know how
to handle and seek His counsel. He will encourage and assist you.

So, you see, my brethren, we provide to you many of the means you need to accomplish this
great task of planetary rehabilitation. It has fallen upon you and the generations to follow for you
to accomplish this. Yet, you have so much help behind you that you cannot always perceive. Do
your best each day to make contact with those realms of unseen helpers and trust they are there
and they are supplying a need that you need to fulfill. (Pause)

Let us now engage in worship for a few moments at the Paradise level, especially to the Creator
of all and the coordinate Deities who have put in place this majestic divine plan for all life to
evolve. The greater appreciation and you feel for the Deities and their plans, the more your
energy systems can swell and calibrate to higher spiritual energies to render you more love-filled
and expressing more of the nature of your own beautiful soul. Let us all commune together in
worship and thanksgiving. Open your hearts in gratitude and love. (Pause)

Ask for the Paradise reflection to impart its LIGHT upon these circuits of SPIRITUAL UNITY,
MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION, and DIVINE JUSTICE. Let the fabric of planetary
mind reverberate deeply, widely, broadly with these energies that are so fundamental to the
rehabilitative processes this world needs now. If you wish, you may see yourselves standing on
the ground and the Paradise GLORY is shining all around you, and all of the spiritual dynamics
we have co-created today are pulsing with LIFE: vitality, energy, spiritual substance that
nurtures the soul uplifts the human mind to perceive the Spirit Within. (Pause)
My dear brethren, there is so much occurring upon the planet it this time. Do your best to remain
peaceful and open-hearted toward your brothers and sisters who are still troubled in their mind
and their heart. This is a phase and it will pass. Know that you are the ones who are helping in
this passing of one age into the next. Trust that these energies are integrating into planetary mind
and memory and opening people to a deeper knowing of SPIRITUAL UNITY within them.
What we have set out to accomplish has been achieved, and the energies continue to integrate
and activate in the areas of great need. I thank you for your participation with us today. It is a
marvelous collaboration of humans and personalities of various levels all cooperating with one
intention—the rehabilitation of Michael’s world that the other rebellion spheres may also receive
rehabilitation. All eyes are on Urantia and many hearts are feeding you with love. Experience it
more deeply within your beings each day, and let this be the cornerstone of your human life to
express your highest self and the Father’s WILL. I take my leave now and leave you in His
PEACE. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2023]]

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