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==CHAPTER 15==
==CHAPTER 15==
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====At the Pool of Bethesda====
====[ At the Pool of Bethesda]====
As they were about to participate in the temple services, John said to Jesus:  
As they were about to participate in the temple services, John said to Jesus:  
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*"Come with me, I would show you something."  
*"Come with me, I would show you something."  
John conducted Jesus out through one of the Jerusalem gates to a pool of water called Bethesda. Surrounding this pool was a structure of five porches under which a large group of sufferers lingered in quest of healing. This was a hot spring whose reddish-tinged water would bubble up at irregular intervals because of gas accumulations in the rock caverns underneath the pool. This periodic disturbance of the warm waters was believed by many to be due to supernatural influences, and it was a popular belief that the first person who entered the water after such a disturbance would be healed of whatever infirmity he had.  
John conducted Jesus out through one of the Jerusalem gates to a pool of water called Bethesda. Surrounding this pool was a structure of five porches under which a large group of sufferers lingered in quest of healing. This was a hot spring whose reddish-tinged water would bubble up at irregular intervals because of gas accumulations in the rock caverns underneath the pool. This periodic disturbance of the warm waters was believed by many to be due to supernatural influences, and it was a popular belief that the first person who entered the water after such a disturbance would be healed of whatever infirmity he had.
On this visit to Jerusalem Jesus had instructed the apostles to do no public preaching, only private teaching and personal work. The apostles were somewhat restless under the restrictions imposed by Jesus, and John, the youngest of the twelve, was especially restive under this restraint. He brought Jesus to the pool thinking that the sight of the assembled sufferers would make such an appeal to the Master's compassion that he would be moved to perform a miracle of healing, and thereby would all Jerusalem be astounded and presently be won to believe in the gospel of the kingdom.  
Said John to Jesus:  
Said John to Jesus:  
*'''"Master, see all of these suffering ones. Is there nothing we can do for them?"'''
*<u>"Master, see all of these '''suffering''' ones. Is there nothing we can do for them?"</u>
And Jesus replied:
And Jesus replied:
*"John, why would you tempt me to turn aside from the way I have chosen? Why do you go on desiring to substitute the working of wonders and the healing of the sick for the proclamation of the gospel of eternal truth? My son, I may not do that which you desire, but gather together these sick and afflicted that I may speak words of good cheer and eternal comfort to them."
*"John, why would you tempt me to turn aside from the way I have chosen? <u>Why do you go on desiring to substitute the working of wonders and the '''healing''' of the sick for the proclamation of the gospel of eternal truth?</u> My son, I may not do that which you desire, but gather together these sick and afflicted that I may speak words of good cheer and eternal comfort to them."
In speaking to those assembled, Jesus said:
In speaking to those assembled, Jesus said:
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And many of those who heard believed the gospel of the kingdom. Some of the afflicted were so inspired and spiritually revivified that they went about proclaiming that they had been cured of their physical ailments.
And many of those who heard believed the gospel of the kingdom. Some of the afflicted were so inspired and spiritually revivified that they went about proclaiming that they had been cured of their physical ailments.
One man who had been many years downcast and grievously afflicted by the infirmities of his troubled mind, rejoiced at Jesus' words, and picking up his bed, went forth to his home, even though it was the Sabbath day.
One man who had been many years depressed and terribly afflicted by the infirmities of his troubled mind, rejoiced at Jesus' words, and picking up his bed, went home, even though it was the Sabbath day. This afflicted man had waited all these years for somebody to help him; he was such a victim of the feeling of his own helplessness that he had never once entertained the idea of helping himself which proved to be the one thing he had to do in order to effect recovery -- take up his bed and walk.
Then said Jesus to John:
Then said Jesus to John:
*"Let us depart ere the chief priests and the scribes come upon us and take offense that we spoke words of life to these afflicted ones."
*"Let us depart, before the chief priests and the scribes come upon us and take offense that we spoke words of life to these afflicted ones."
====The Rule of Living====
====The Rule of Living====
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====Visiting Simon the Pharisee====
====Visiting Simon the Pharisee====
Though Simon was not a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin, he was an influential Pharisee of Jerusalem. He was a half-hearted believer, and notwithstanding that he might be severely criticized therefor, he dared to invite Jesus and his personal associates, Peter, James, and John, to his home for a social meal. Simon had long observed the Master and was much impressed with his teachings and even more so with his personality.
The wealthy Pharisees were devoted to almsgiving, and they did not shun publicity regarding their philanthropy. Sometimes they would even blow a trumpet as they were about to bestow charity upon some beggar. It was the custom of these Pharisees, when they provided a banquet for distinguished guests, to leave the doors of the house open so that even the street beggars might come in and, standing around the walls of the room behind the couches of the diners, be in position to receive portions of food which might be tossed to them by the banqueters.
On this particular occasion at Simon's house, among those who came in off the street was a woman of unsavory reputation who had recently become a believer in the good news of the gospel. This woman was well known throughout all Jerusalem as the former keeper of one of the so-called high-class brothels located hard by the temple court of the gentiles. She had, on accepting the teachings of Jesus, closed up her nefarious place of business and had induced the majority of the women associated with her to accept the gospel and change their mode of living. Notwithstanding this, she was still held in great disdain by the Pharisees and was compelled to wear her hair down -- the badge of harlotry. This unnamed woman had brought with her a large flask of perfumed anointing lotion and began to anoint his feet while she also wet his feet with her tears of gratitude, wiping them with the hair of her head. When she had finished this anointing, she continued weeping and kissing his feet.  
On this particular occasion at Simon's house, among those who came in off the street was a woman of unsavory reputation who had recently become a believer in the good news of the gospel. This woman was well known throughout all Jerusalem as the former keeper of one of the so-called high-class brothels located hard by the temple court of the gentiles. She had, on accepting the teachings of Jesus, closed up her nefarious place of business and had induced the majority of the women associated with her to accept the gospel and change their mode of living. Notwithstanding this, she was still held in great disdain by the Pharisees and was compelled to wear her hair down -- the badge of harlotry. This unnamed woman had brought with her a large flask of perfumed anointing lotion and began to anoint his feet while she also wet his feet with her tears of gratitude, wiping them with the hair of her head. When she had finished this anointing, she continued weeping and kissing his feet.  
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*"He, I suppose, whom he forgave the most."
*"He, I suppose, whom he forgave the most."
And Jesus said:   
And Jesus said:   
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*"Behold, Teacher, your apostles do that which is unlawful on the Sabbath day. They pluck, rub, and eat the grain. We are sure you will command them to cease."  
*"Behold, Teacher, your apostles do that which is unlawful on the Sabbath day. They pluck, rub, and eat the grain. We are sure you will command them to cease."  
Jesus replied:
*"You are indeed zealous for the law, and you do well to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. But did you never read in the Scripture that one day when David was hungry, he and they who were with him entered the house of God and ate the showbread, which it was not lawful for anyone to eat save the priests? David also gave this bread to those who were with him. And have you not read in our law that it is lawful to do many needful things on the Sabbath day? And shall I not, before the day is finished, see you eat that which you have brought along for the needs of this day? My good men, you do well to be zealous for the Sabbath, but you would do better to guard the health and well being of your fellows. I declare that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. And if you are here present with us to watch my words, then will I openly proclaim that the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath."
*"You are indeed zealous for the law, and you do well to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. But did you never read in the Scripture that one day when David was hungry, he and they who were with him entered the house of God and ate the showbread, which it was not lawful for anyone to eat save the priests? David also gave this bread to those who were with him. And have you not read in our law that it is lawful to do many needful things on the Sabbath day? And shall I not, before the day is finished, see you eat that which you have brought along for the needs of this day? My good men, you do well to be zealous for the Sabbath, but you would do better to guard the health and well being of your fellows. I declare that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. And if you are here present with us to watch my words, then will I openly proclaim that the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath."
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It was around noon on Monday, May 3, when Jesus and the twelve came to Bethsaida by boat from Tarichea. On Tuesday evening Jesus was conducting one of his customary classes of questions and answers when the leader of the six spies said to him:  
It was around noon on Monday, May 3, when Jesus and the twelve came to Bethsaida by boat from Tarichea. On Tuesday evening Jesus was conducting one of his customary classes of questions and answers when the leader of the six spies said to him:  
*"I was today talking with one of John's disciples who is here attending upon your teaching. We were at a loss to understand why you never command your disciples to fast and pray as we Pharisees fast and as John bade his followers."  
*"I was today talking with one of John's disciples who is here attending upon your teaching. '''We were at a loss to understand why you never command your disciples to fast and pray as we Pharisees fast and as John bade his followers'''."  
And Jesus, referring to a statement by John, answered this questioner:
And Jesus, referring to a statement by John, answered this questioner:
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*"Grow in grace by means of that living faith that grasps the fact that you are the sons of God while at the same time it recognizes every man as a brother."
*"Grow in grace by means of that living faith that grasps the fact that you are the sons of God while at the same time it recognizes every man as a brother."
[[category: PART II: The God-Man (A.D. 26 - A.D. 29)]
[[category: PART II: The God-Man (A.D. 26 - A.D. 29)]]

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