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New page: Image:lighterstill.jpg center|frame ---- '''<center>Commentary</center>''' Certain contemporary metaphysicians have noted that although th...




Certain contemporary [[metaphysics|metaphysicians]] have noted that although the [[legend]]s
circulating around the Western world for the last 40,000 years have spoken of Noe's intervention
as a [[seminal]] event in [[human]] [[history]], the true dynamics of the situation,
or, even the real [[identity]] of the three participants, have remained largely hidden.
And further; that this unlikely encounter would have become, over time, a simplistic story,
used by [[priest]]s and parents to frighten children and to extol the [[virtue]]s of blind [[obedience]],
as well as painting lurid pictures of the consequences of [[personal]] initiative
in the face of an angry [[deity]], might be explained, in part,
by the very [[complexity]] of what actually happened.

[[Human being]]s, these august [[savants]] have argued,
have always preferred their [[myth]]s and [[legends]] to make simple points.
Something needed to be found to account for the evident woes of the human race.
Over time, an endless [[oral tradition]] had further simplified the story,
placing the emphasis on the consequences of disobedience and the expulsion from [[paradise]]
of what had become by now the legendary story of the first humans.
The talking serpent remained in the saga as a mysterious figure of unexplained origin,
who could be blamed conveniently for the downfall of [[humanity]]
and for sowing the seeds of enmity and deception
that have so disastrously influenced human relations down through the centuries.

Although Noe had successfully completed hir replicatory task and had transferred
the Helianx genetic information, now deposited on a cellular level deep within
the new host species, the immediate future for all three participants turned out to be
far more complicated and troubled than sHe could have anticipated.
And yet that, too, had served Noe's purposes because within a few centuries
the scientists' colony had finally fallen to the ravages of hostile tribes,
driving the survivors out into the world to mix and interbreed with the [[indigenous]] natives.
Due to this, [[Universe Government|MA]]'s plan to use the off-world scientists to upgrade
and refine the human [[genetic]] endowment was severely restricted.
As a result of being deprived of a massive infusion of this violet blood, considered on most worlds to be an essential element
in uplifting [[consciousness]] in the natural course of [[evolution]]
of a well-balanced planetary [[intelligence]], became severely shortchanged.

The botanists' mission ultimately carne to be seen as a failure
and the primary players were withdrawn to [[Local System Headquarters]].
This had left the human races--through no fault of their own--once again
caught in the middle of the ongoing conflict between seemingly [[divine]] entities,
growing more crazed by the century and locked endlessly in their battles for dominance.
Fertile ground, Noe realized with a mixture of [[emotion]]s, for the accelerated [[evolution]]
of a species that would emerge, in [[time]], as courageous, [[wise]] and independent.
[[Human being]]s who eventually will access, and express,
the stream of this ancient race's genetic [[information]], and work with it
to complete the final phase of the mission to join and reawaken the [[Helianx]] in the Great Ship.
And Noe slept.

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