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New page: Elyon123001AdventureAttitudeMinistry North Idaho Teaching Mission Group Topics: The Great Adventure, Attitude Shift, Minute by Minute Ministries Teachers: Evanson, Elyon, Malvantr...

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group


The Great Adventure,

Attitude Shift,

Minute by Minute Ministries





December 30, 2001

Evanson (Jonathan TR): Hello from Evanson. I would ask you how you are doing, but I can discern the light, I can perceive the joy and the happiness you express. Your levity is a delight, one that is missing in many struggling souls. It is good to have friends like you who are actively seeking to bring good cheer.

This life, as you know, is the beginning of a great adventure, and it is rewarding to all teachers to have associates like yourselves who are aware of this adventure and who are actively engaged in deriving a new insight by developing a new reaction pattern to life based on your own experiences. Your 'tweaks of the week' are one example and one good and important exercise in discovering deeper meanings and higher values from your recent experiences. This is what makes life an adventure. It is not what you do, it is how you do your living that is most important. Of course how you go about your activities does define what you will choose to do, for the two are intertwined. But anyone can perform any physical task and have the same result as another. In the outer environment the result is indistinguishable from the one who does the action. But what about the soul who is engaged in that action? What is not seen in the result is the awareness and the emotional state of the one engaged. This is the dynamic realm of soul growth. Here is where you find those nuggets which nourish you, which draw you closer to the divine. The adventure is not crossing one continent or ocean to see another, for that you could do anywhere on any world. The adventure is your reaction to and your impact upon your environment, your locality, in spite of the world or the continent or the city.

I will let your other fine teachers address you.

Elyon (Mark): I greet you, this is Elyon. I am pleased to access this communication with you as a demonstration to each of you and to this TR in particular who harbors thoughts of inadequacy towards this process and has developed a sense of guilt of not being involved and attached. Nevertheless, I choose to demonstrate in fact and in deed that it is the desire of the hour, the attitude of the individual and the soul, which are the determining factors to this process and to perhaps illustrate to all that the potential obstacles one places before themselves are in most cases entirely unrealistic. I hope that through the application of faith in these principles we have and in yourselves as individuals we may rise above any feelings of inadequacy for the task, as this process is far more than any single individual and yet also relies on single individuals for their cooperation and participation. So, while inappropriate obstacles may be dredged up, they are only as significant as our inability to rise above them.

Each one of us here has found sources of inner strength far exceeding that of the individual, and it is these sources of strength we must tap in times when we individually may feel drained or incapable, as this wellspring of spirit energy is available to all who seek this. It remains true, nevertheless, that practice makes perfect and that continued discipline with the stillness and with spirit contact makes the process easier, but we should always remember that no matter how detached we feel we may become at times, we are but an attitude shift away from full-on connection with spirit. I hope I am demonstrating this to this TR at this time as an exercise and that the message may come across to all those who at times feel distanced either in physical proximity or in fellowship of others. Spirit is ever accessible and ever waiting in the wings for the proper attitude of the soul that the two may once again be engaged.

Spiritual growth never becomes diminished, though time may pass between steps that are taken in this forward momentum. No steps are ever retraced or lost. Any spiritual progress made can be counted on to be there as a foundation to be added to at any future time. One does not lose what one has gained through one's efforts, only it is like deciding not to play that game or pick up that ball at this time. The next time you decide to play it all comes back to you; how to play, where to be, and what to do are quickly regained as you engage once again in the game. This is what I have to offer today. Thank you.

Malvantra (Jonathan): I am Malvantra, your melchizedek friend. We engage in our contacts with you, as you have been told numerous times, because you are our true effecters of upliftment on this world. It is a long task, much labor, and I know that though the work is great it is not burdensome. This I discern in many in this mission who take delight in the many little steps that you must take in order to bring any sort of improvement upon this world. It is a delicate balance to develop, the understanding of the perspective of the overall plan and goal, which is immense, which incorporates and entails all structures of human society, and the transformation of the approach to the enactment of many mechanisms within those structures. This is balanced with your knowledge and your practicality that the simple touch of a friend who cares, your revealing of compassion, your simple suggestion of a solution to a complexity; those minor, seemingly incidental actions are moving this world forward.

This mission is an upstep. It is an infusion. It is an encouragement more than it is a revelation. We are fostering action. Two thousand years have transpired since Michael's life as Jesus, and this world has responded well in spite of the many handicaps it has acquired.

Turnover is rapid on a nativity world such as Urantia. You are encouraged to ever be expressive, to risk being perceived as an idealist, risk being seen as a fanatic, as you may be called though you are not, for the wholehearted dedication to the doing of the Father's will is not fanatical. Fanaticism would be an obsessive dedication to the Father's will. Wholehearted dedication implies health and sanity and balance. This world is full of religious groups who are overly enthused who do not strike that balance and create suspicion, wariness, by those who observe from outside. It is time for a demonstration of a wholesome dedication to high spiritual values. Many around this world do so. More recognition must be made by those hungry souls who have not yet tasted the delight of fellowship. Leave the grand scheme to the administrators of this world and to the system sovereign who governs all these worlds who have been touched by this rebellion. Fret not over those grand plans. Undertake those minute by minute ministries; they are the building blocks. The tallest mountain, your deepest seas, your largest continents, not one of these is mono-formed. Each of these immense objects, if they could be called such, is a composite. Such is the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God, grand in universe scope but composed of single individuals; personalities, minds, and souls. It does not matter if you are at the base of the hill or at the top, for you belong to the mountain. Whether you are on the shore or in the depths of the sea, you belong to that ocean.

We have over these many years encouraged your small steps, and I do so again today, for the small steps appear insignificant, to have little effect, to have small ripples, but I assure you these are vital events of the order of "passing by". As you manage your schedules you can transform another unknown to you. This gladdens the heart of God. We have always been inclined to compliment you, for it is important that you receive the feedback that the Father is pleased. I note that even Michael while here on earth received this message.

I am among many who would be willing to address you if you have a question.

Mary: I thought I would compliment you on the term "minute by minute ministries". That's good!

Malvantra: Thank you. Let's incorporate.

Mark: Thank you for bearing the news that the Father's pleased, which we all need to hear.

Malvantra: You are passing through a holiday season, and many around your globe look to the divine source at this time. Many reflect upon significant locations on this planet that are historic landmarks of great events of years gone by. All of us are dedicated to returning Urantia to its former glory, not in the retrospective sense of going back to times that had failed and brought the world to its conditions today, but rather to return it to the glorified destiny that was in store for it and is only slowly emerging.

There are worlds where global holidays are celebrated where you do receive this feedback that I give you today from great high beings as your planetary Adam and Eve, as the Prince's staff. These beings would be your confirmation. But you who have experienced life here have a faith connection, and this line to the Father, faint to the human ear, is the main artery of nourishment to your soul. Rely on it always, for the mission as a whole has many activities, and all that is peripheral to this connection within you to the God of all.

Mark: Thank you for your efforts on our behalf and our world's.

Malvantra: I receive your gratitude.

I would take my leave with a small attempt at Urantia humor.

The master sent his disciples out two by two. You are coming up on 2002. Let us hope for many, many souls to be engaged in the work of bringing this planet to Light and Life. Farewell.


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