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New page: Gabriel052606thru060106ProgressGroup_TheGroupAsAWhole Queensland, Australia, May 26, 2006 Teacher: Gabriel Subject: "The Group As A Whole" Received by Anne Gabriel: "Hello my friend, ...

Queensland, Australia, May 26, 2006

Teacher: Gabriel

Subject: "The Group As A Whole"

Received by Anne

Gabriel: "Hello my friend, it is I, Gabriel. It is nice to make this introduction, although we know each other well. Allow me the pleasure of speaking of the group as a whole. This wisdom and knowledge shared within such is greatly applauded, for as a united force there is much achieved for all, through dedication and faith.

"An uplifting of spirits and life force energies takes place with each passing day. Unities, and combined effort provide much nourishment for those souls not yet allowed an awakening to their calling—a lifting, increased in rapidity with each moment passing of shared divine love such as yours.

"Your dedication to such does not go unnoticed. Be forever in the knowledge that we, as a whole, acknowledge the effort and time applied to your assistance in healing, not only of those who call upon you, but also of those still lost within the realms of darkness.

"Know and have faith that as each moment passes, your positive energies vibrate to fulfill an awakening and healing for all. We applaud you all on this life’s journey to all that is love. Continue your good work to renew and revitalize that of your kindred spirits. Live in love, always. Be at one with the true Self, and continue to share the knowledge, faith and love with all. Stay within Truth, of all that is.

"Be in peace and harmony. That is all."

Queensland, Australia, May 27, 2006
Teacher: Gabriel
Subject: "Judgment and Forgiveness"
Received by Anne

Gabriel: "Do not stand in judgment of your fellow man, for when one stands in judgment of others, one also judges the Creator. We are all of One—a united force eternally—and togetherness shall bring about healing, and enlightenment for all.

"Criticism of your fellow human brings that which is negative to all. Be all of a positive nature, and follow the ways of truth, fellowship, and love of all, to bring about peace and harmony in your surrounds. Be unto others as you endeavor to receive for self, as unity in love creates abundance for all. Stand united, at one alongside each and every other. Live to support each other, and love each other.

"Forgiveness is the key to open the doors to that of humanity and an end to suffering. When one is unable to find forgiveness, one must take steps to look inside self to that which is within, and know that within are the answers. When unable to forgive another, one will realize it is because one is unable to forgive self for the very same wrongs.

"Learn forgiveness of self, and all will be forgiven of others. Love the self as one is able to love others. When one is truly able to find love for self, and forgiveness of all, one stands in the light. Be all you can be. That is all."


Illawarra District, Australia, June 1, 2006
Teacher Gabriel
Subject: "First Contact"
Received by George Barnard

George (Explaining to those present): "This is a rather unexpected situation. I am here talking mind-to-mind with Gabriel, and I have been for some time already. I am not sure if any kind of transmission will begin. This powerful personality is kind of new to me."

Addressing his Thought Adjuster: "Creator Father, we ask You for a clear transmission, so we all may learn." (Long pause).

Gabriel: "This is Gabriel. I take this first-up chance to converse with you. I take this opportunity to be in your presence, and in the presence of many. As well, there are numerous others observing at a distance, who are close to your hearts, and who also hold you (those present) close to their hearts.

"It is as a group; it is as an ‘organizing’ in Michael’s service that you have come of age. It is in your diligent daily tasks that you have the attention of a great number of your siblings, both, human and those dwelling in higher spheres. It is because you have arrived at a turning point in the growth of this ‘organizing’—the growth of this ever-more widespread ‘announcing of the capabilities’ of your nearest neighbors in time/space—that we feel a greater amount of direction can now be afforded you.

"Rightly so, it is the understanding, and the advice of all that you do more in the realm of negotiation, yet always bearing in mind that some aspects, some details, of the total push towards your ‘declarations of Celestial help available’ and ‘inter-species organizing’ are sacrosanct.

"We advise you to be flexible, and yet at the same time we advise you to intractably stick to those things your Midwayer Cousins will advise you are to be untouchable.

"For every single person dwelling on this earth there exist belief systems, which are widely divergent. And as we all do, you must take these belief aspects into consideration. And yet in your total drive to make your Celestial Cousins better known and more popular, you must retain the guidelines long ago set.

"More and more, over the days, weeks, and years to come, you will be advised by those much higher in office than the ones you have come to so dearly love. Be aware of our prompts. Be open. We shall converse many times beyond this day, and whenever you call on me.

"I thank you for your attention. I thank you for your diligence. This is Gabriel of Salvington, always at the service of our beloved Michael.

"May peace and good fortune go with you."

All: "Thank you Gabriel."

Receiver’s note: The Bright and Morning Star, Gabriel of Salvington, minds not being addressed as "Archangel Gabriel" as do most receivers who have contact with this most powerful Celestial.

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