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New page: Ham110491PersonalDevotions[Stillness] Group: Woods Cross, Utah Teacher: HAM Topic: PERSONAL DEVOTIONS [Stillness] NOVEMBER 4, 1991 Once again, I wish to instruct you a little in yo...

Group: Woods Cross, Utah

Teacher: HAM


NOVEMBER 4, 1991

Once again, I wish to instruct you a little in your personal devotions.

The stillness is not meant to be an end in itself, it is the beginning of personal communion with God. You will receive in the stillness, a consciousness of a feeling of higher self-awareness. It is in this higher mind state where communication between your Indwelling Spirit and your consciousness can take place.

Often, the older seers were content with only the God-consciousness sensation awareness. I am asking you to go further than this, to do as Jesus - Michael did and reach communion, two-way communication, between your conscious mind and your Thought Adjuster.

Praying is most efficacious in this awareness feeling of God, that is, if you speak to Him in prayerful attitude of childlike humility. Often there will be a response, whether it is an inner change of attitude, peace awareness of His overcare; or the more directness of consciousness of intent -direction, or awareness of another - another's intent or direction.

Or still further, there may be direct word-message flashed within into your consciousness even as word-message is received through Rebecca to you from myself, Ham. Also, this can be effected from your own Indwelling Spirit into your own mind-consciousness level. Many of you have received already this type of communication and are aware of my words. Then again, many of you are in the earlier stages of change of attitude - awareness of others and their attitude, and this, in itself, is life changing.

God has his manner of communicating in allowing us a broader sensitivity awareness to other people and ourselves. This inner awareness is now developing within all of you and you are becoming more and more of who you are meant to be.

Self-realization is a word often used in connection with meditation. It is these early stages of meditation that is referred to. At even later stages of self-awareness realization - God consciousness (communication between the Thought Adjuster and the consciousness), there is a oneness. Future time, there will be no communication between two minds; they will be one mind.

In doing the decisions of your greater self, your own Indwelling Spirit, who comes from the Father, you are increasingly becoming like Him; you are doing His will for Him and for yourself; you are more closely attuning your will to His, your mind to His, your awareness to His; and, in future times, as I said, there will be only One.

And on that day, when there is only One, you are immortal, and you will come to understand the saying that "there will be no more weeping, no more tears of sorrow, for He will wipe away those tears." There are no more sins, "for all your sins, though they be as scarlet, are white as snow." For you have become true and noble and eternal citizens of the Father's Kingdom where there is still adventure, still uncertainty, still reward for effort, still effort to reach the Eternal Father, but your success is assured, the way is truly open, and the faltering is truly no more. This time of oneness is sought by all will creatures, on all worlds, in all the universes, in one way or another. This attuning of the creature will to the Divine will is the Father's command "be ye perfect as I am perfect." This is the Father's one and only command of you.

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