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All of September and October of ‘93
Disseminating Truth By Working One on One With People
September 5, 1993
===Topic: ''Disseminating Truth, One on One''===
===Group: [[Tallahassee TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Will]], [[Machiventa]], [[Manutia]]===
===TR: [[JoiLin]], [[Nadine]]===
==Session 1==
WILL: Greetings and good evening. I am your teacher, Will, who loves you.
WILL: Greetings and good evening. I am your teacher, Will, who loves you.
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There are many who find themselves in isolation, cut off from even a basic human relationship. It is not wrong for you to feel the urge to share with others the joy you all feel from knowing the Father's plan, the relief from daily stress that it provides, the comfort it brings as you face your life on earth. When you look around and see others who are suffering from a myriad of problems and you think, perhaps a word here, a touch there, could bring comfort or peace out of chaos for this person, then by all means, act on that feeling. The Thought Adjuster leads you in just this very way. You should learn to pay more attention to these urgings and promptings that you feel, as they very often are the workings of your personalized Thought Adjuster. Their ministry is very special. They share very closely with you your daily activities, although you may not be aware of them at all.
There are many who find themselves in isolation, cut off from even a basic human relationship. It is not wrong for you to feel the urge to share with others the joy you all feel from knowing the Father's plan, the relief from daily stress that it provides, the comfort it brings as you face your life on earth. When you look around and see others who are suffering from a myriad of problems and you think, perhaps a word here, a touch there, could bring comfort or peace out of chaos for this person, then by all means, act on that feeling. The Thought Adjuster leads you in just this very way. You should learn to pay more attention to these urgings and promptings that you feel, as they very often are the workings of your personalized Thought Adjuster. Their ministry is very special. They share very closely with you your daily activities, although you may not be aware of them at all.
My lesson for you tonight, then, is this. Go forth gently and lovingly, each day taking note and acting upon those opportunities that are presented to you. As much as possible, try to be aware of others around you, thinking not of your reactions to how they are but how you can help them achieve a peace within and how you can touch their lives with the Father's love in a way that is going to be helpful to them. This daily service to your fellow man will help you achieve spiritual growth on a daily basis and in a manner that, although speedier than some other methods, will also be long lasting and true. As you recall, perhaps, the 1-2-3 exercise, remember that this simple way of living may help you accomplish all that you desire in the realm of your spiritual growth.
My lesson for you tonight, then, is this. Go forth gently and lovingly, each day taking note and acting upon those opportunities that are presented to you. As much as possible, try to be aware of others around you, thinking not of your reactions to how they are but how you can help them achieve a peace within and how you can touch their lives with the Father's love in a way that is going to be helpful to them. This daily service to your fellow man will help you achieve spiritual growth on a daily basis and in a manner that, although speedier than some other methods, will also be long lasting and true. As you recall, perhaps, the 1-2-3 exercise, remember that this simple way of living may help you accomplish all that you desire in the realm of your spiritual growth.
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There is great love to be shared among all. I hope you feel mine towards you and the Father's toward you so you may turn toward others and share the same. There is no greater command than to love one another. As you can imagine, if love could be accomplished globally and universally, there would be no more of all the things that trouble us. Those things that cause pain or suffering or even just allow it to happen, would be no more. Therefore I urge you to partake of this love freely and share it freely. That is all I have to say.
There is great love to be shared among all. I hope you feel mine towards you and the Father's toward you so you may turn toward others and share the same. There is no greater command than to love one another. As you can imagine, if love could be accomplished globally and universally, there would be no more of all the things that trouble us. Those things that cause pain or suffering or even just allow it to happen, would be no more. Therefore I urge you to partake of this love freely and share it freely. That is all I have to say.
Until we meet again next week, I bid you shalom.
Until we meet again next week, I bid you shalom.
==Session 2==
September 12, 1993
September 12, 1993
Vorondadek Son: Good evening and greetings to you my fellow faith sons and daughters of the realm. I am one who speaks of that which I know, that which is of the Father's eternal plan for ascending mortals in time and space. It is I who wishes to speak to you tonight, I who am called a Norlatiadek [Vorondadek] Son.
Vorondadek Son: Good evening and greetings to you my fellow faith sons and daughters of the realm. I am one who speaks of that which I know, that which is of the Father's eternal plan for ascending mortals in time and space. It is I who wishes to speak to you tonight, I who am called a Norlatiadek [Vorondadek] Son.
You have gathered here tonight at your normally appointed time to share with each other your range of experiences with the others in your group who will learn from what you have to say and also will share with you in their experience, bits of wisdom and inspiration that you may take with you that you can put to use in your life as you strive increasingly to do the Father's will. This time spent together of a sharing nature is of inestimable worth. There are none present who will not hear something of value to them personally. The spiritual upliftment and enlightenment that you all receive forms the basis for your spiritual family['s] means of support which you should draw upon when you are in need. The followers of God have always been strengthened by their coming together in groups with the intent of jointly supporting their fellow man who is also in the service of God.
You have gathered here tonight at your normally appointed time to share with each other your range of experiences with the others in your group who will learn from what you have to say and also will share with you in their experience, bits of wisdom and inspiration that you may take with you that you can put to use in your life as you strive increasingly to do the Father's will. This time spent together of a sharing nature is of inestimable worth. There are none present who will not hear something of value to them personally. The spiritual upliftment and enlightenment that you all receive forms the basis for your spiritual family['s] means of support which you should draw upon when you are in need. The followers of God have always been strengthened by their coming together in groups with the intent of jointly supporting their fellow man who is also in the service of God.
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We support your efforts and look for ways to help within the boundaries we are given. It is a continuing process, one that we are yet involved in as an ascending mortal of the realm. The days grow shorter now as you approach the upcoming change of season, but do not assume there is any less time in a day with the Father's work to be done.
We support your efforts and look for ways to help within the boundaries we are given. It is a continuing process, one that we are yet involved in as an ascending mortal of the realm. The days grow shorter now as you approach the upcoming change of season, but do not assume there is any less time in a day with the Father's work to be done.
My peace I leave with you as you go about your daily walk. I ask that you think of the Father in all that you do. Let Him truly be your God, the presence in your life which causes you to be set apart, to act differently when necessary. And now I say, keep up the faith. The road may seem long but the going will be made easy for those who walk in the light. As I take my leave again I say, peace be with you.
My peace I leave with you as you go about your daily walk. I ask that you think of the Father in all that you do. Let Him truly be your God, the presence in your life which causes you to be set apart, to act differently when necessary. And now I say, keep up the faith. The road may seem long but the going will be made easy for those who walk in the light. As I take my leave again I say, peace be with you. Shalom.
==Session 3==
September 19, 1993
September 19, 1993
WILL: (Through JoiLin) Greetings to everyone and welcome newcomer. This is Will, your teacher who loves you. Tonight I would like to address the change in the concept of the teaching mission. We have come a long way. You have all been true in your lessons. We acknowledge and appreciate the work that you have done and continue to do. There will continue to be an upsurgeance of change throughout your world. You, if willing, will play a more active role. And now I would like to turn this meeting over to Machiventa Melchizedek.
WILL: (Through JoiLin) Greetings to everyone and welcome newcomer. This is Will, your teacher who loves you. Tonight I would like to address the change in the concept of the teaching mission. We have come a long way. You have all been true in your lessons. We acknowledge and appreciate the work that you have done and continue to do. There will continue to be an upsurgeance of change throughout your world. You, if willing, will play a more active role. And now I would like to turn this meeting over to Machiventa Melchizedek.
Machiventa Melchizedek: Greetings, my children. It is I, Machiventa. I wish to greet you with love and appreciation and to extend the thanks of our/your Creator Son, Michael. He wishes to express his deepest appreciation to all. Each individual has been true to the purpose of the mission. It is now time to upstep our activity. We would ask, as you go about your day, that you interact in a more active manner. This does not mean that you must stand on a soapbox. It simply means that you will not fail to see the opportunities that abound. Many of these opportunities we understand you miss. Become aware of this. You are in the driver's seat. You are in control. This new understanding of this goal is to incorporate a widening of the threshold. We understood by your camaraderie and conversation that you now understand the new concept. We believe you ideas were valid [regarding how new people are brought to the meetings - editor]. Those who wish to extend themselves using the teachings of the school as a basis will accomplish much. They will be able to reach the hearts of many. This is our purpose. And now, I leave you, my children, with love and my blessings. And now return this meeting over to Will and Nadine.
Machiventa Melchizedek: Greetings, my children. It is I, Machiventa. I wish to greet you with love and appreciation and to extend the thanks of our/your Creator Son, Michael. He wishes to express his deepest appreciation to all. Each individual has been true to the purpose of the mission. It is now time to upstep our activity. We would ask, as you go about your day, that you interact in a more active manner. This does not mean that you must stand on a soapbox. It simply means that you will not fail to see the opportunities that abound. Many of these opportunities we understand you miss. Become aware of this. You are in the driver's seat. You are in control. This new understanding of this goal is to incorporate a widening of the threshold. We understood by your camaraderie and conversation that you now understand the new concept. We believe you ideas were valid [regarding how new people are brought to the meetings - editor]. Those who wish to extend themselves using the teachings of the school as a basis will accomplish much. They will be able to reach the hearts of many. This is our purpose. And now, I leave you, my children, with love and my blessings. And now return this meeting over to Will and Nadine.
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Nadine senses a restlessness among the group and has wondered if there are those present who would like to ask questions tonight.
Nadine senses a restlessness among the group and has wondered if there are those present who would like to ask questions tonight.
VINCENT: Will, who addressed us last week?
VINCENT: Will, who addressed us last week?
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WILL: The Melchizedek of which you speak is known by the name of Manovet. [Nadine: I am not sure of that. I am now getting something that sounds a little different, like Manodek, vet? I am not sure I am capable of coming up with a name or hearing a name clearly enough. JoiLin: My spelling was Moranda. Nadine: If I hear something different, I will say.]
WILL: The Melchizedek of which you speak is known by the name of Manovet. [Nadine: I am not sure of that. I am now getting something that sounds a little different, like Manodek, vet? I am not sure I am capable of coming up with a name or hearing a name clearly enough. JoiLin: My spelling was Moranda. Nadine: If I hear something different, I will say.]
JUDY: Will, this is Judy. Relative to the school and trying to clarify that in our minds, I realize that we still have free will to do what we want, but could you help us understand if there is something we could do in this group to further the notion of outreach within the context of the school.
JUDY: Will, this is Judy. Relative to the school and trying to clarify that in our minds, I realize that we still have free will to do what we want, but could you help us understand if there is something we could do in this group to further the notion of outreach within the context of the school.
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WILL: There are, perhaps, other questions tonight. [pause] Well then, it appears there are none forthcoming, however we will open this opportunity again as I know it is of great reassurance to you all. The Father's blessing I leave with you tonight. His love shines so brightly and can be experienced by all who seek Him. As you go forth this week, lean on Him. Remember His power and strength will flow through you along with the joy which He wishes you to have. I send my love also. We have grown very close over these months of interaction and I cherish each of you. I bid you all shalom.
WILL: There are, perhaps, other questions tonight. [pause] Well then, it appears there are none forthcoming, however we will open this opportunity again as I know it is of great reassurance to you all. The Father's blessing I leave with you tonight. His love shines so brightly and can be experienced by all who seek Him. As you go forth this week, lean on Him. Remember His power and strength will flow through you along with the joy which He wishes you to have. I send my love also. We have grown very close over these months of interaction and I cherish each of you. I bid you all shalom.
==Session 4==
September 26, 1993
September 26, 1993
WILL: Good evening. It is I, your teacher, Will, who loves you.
WILL: Good evening. It is I, your teacher, Will, who loves you.
I have much to say to you today regarding the Melchizedek school. You are the heart. You are the feet. You are the arms. We are, if you would, the spirit. In order for this school to develop, it needs many willing, able kingdom workers. You are our foundation. You have weathered, over these many months, in a most acceptable manner. You have all experienced your doubts, your ups, your downs, and through it all have become much stronger, both in your faith in the Father, in Michael, and in the Melchizedek school. You are all able and up to the task. The summer is now beginning to retire. The cool months will soon be upon us and with them will come an upsurging of renewed dedication. We wish to thank you, to acknowledge the hard work, the perseverance you have all shown. And now, I would like to introduce Manutia Melchizedek.
I have much to say to you today regarding the Melchizedek school. You are the heart. You are the feet. You are the arms. We are, if you would, the spirit. In order for this school to develop, it needs many willing, able kingdom workers. You are our foundation. You have weathered, over these many months, in a most acceptable manner. You have all experienced your doubts, your ups, your downs, and through it all have become much stronger, both in your faith in the Father, in Michael, and in the Melchizedek school. You are all able and up to the task. The summer is now beginning to retire. The cool months will soon be upon us and with them will come an upsurging of renewed dedication. We wish to thank you, to acknowledge the hard work, the perseverance you have all shown. And now, I would like to introduce Manutia Melchizedek.
MANUTIA MELCHIZEDEK: Greetings, my children. It gives me great pleasure and honor to sit among you this evening. We are much pleased with your spiritual growth. Your school is much talked about in many circles by many members of many councils. I wish to extend my sincere appreciation for your perseverance. There will be much hard work over many months by many workers to build a strong outreach. Those individuals that champ at the bit may begin to experience an upsurgeance of a desire to do service on many levels. This is now the time to begin this outreach. There may be some more controlled. Each individual will step forth as a spirit led kingdom worker in whatever manner they are drawn to exemplify. And now I leave you, my children, with my blessings and love. Stay always in His light. Look always within. And now I return this meeting back to your esteemed teacher.
MANUTIA MELCHIZEDEK: Greetings, my children. It gives me great pleasure and honor to sit among you this evening. We are much pleased with your spiritual growth. Your school is much talked about in many circles by many members of many councils. I wish to extend my sincere appreciation for your perseverance. There will be much hard work over many months by many workers to build a strong outreach. Those individuals that champ at the bit may begin to experience an upsurgence of a desire to do service on many levels. This is now the time to begin this outreach. There may be some more controlled. Each individual will step forth as a spirit led kingdom worker in whatever manner they are drawn to exemplify. And now I leave you, my children, with my blessings and love. Stay always in His light. Look always within. And now I return this meeting back to your esteemed teacher.
WILL: I have much faith in you, my dear students. I have much love as well. I have watched you all individually blossom and grow. It has given me much pleasure to watch this transformation. I would ask you during the coming week to be more acutely aware of those opportunities that are presented to you. Many times I have watched these opportunities be overlooked. I have seen some of you become aware of the missed ones. Be evermore acutely aware. These opportunities are people waiting for your help. These people are being presented to you in order that you may be a conduit for the Father. You know this method well. You all do it quite efficiently. We need now begin to upstep/search for these opportunities. This is my message for you this week. Go in God's light and know that I love you; that I am always there; that He is always within.
WILL: I have much faith in you, my dear students. I have much love as well. I have watched you all individually blossom and grow. It has given me much pleasure to watch this transformation. I would ask you during the coming week to be more acutely aware of those opportunities that are presented to you. Many times I have watched these opportunities be overlooked. I have seen some of you become aware of the missed ones. Be evermore acutely aware. These opportunities are people waiting for your help. These people are being presented to you in order that you may be a conduit for the Father. You know this method well. You all do it quite efficiently. We need now begin to upstep/search for these opportunities. This is my message for you this week. Go in God's light and know that I love you; that I am always there; that He is always within.
[Note: The Tallahassee group debated whether or not to delete all references to being a "Melchizedek school" because of the concern that those reading this transcript would think that this group was on some elitist trip or was somehow setting itself apart for self aggrandizement purposes. We feel strongly that we are no different than anyone else nor do we possess any special qualities. All along we have known that the lessons presented have purportedly been written by the Melchizedeks but we are uncomfortable with any title as we believe it will misrepresent who we are (ie ordinary people) and could create barriers where we desire to build bridges.
The Tallahassee group debated whether or not to delete all references to being a "Melchizedek school" because of the concern that those reading this transcript would think that this group was on some elitist trip or was somehow setting itself apart for self aggrandizement purposes. We feel strongly that we are no different than anyone else nor do we possess any special qualities. All along we have known that the lessons presented have purportedly been written by the Melchizedeks but we are uncomfortable with any title as we believe it will misrepresent who we are (ie ordinary people) and could create barriers where we desire to build bridges.
We decided that rather than edit this transcript (which we have never, to date, done with any of the transcripts) we would, instead, include this verbose explanation of our concerns.]
We decided that rather than edit this transcript (which we have never, to date, done with any of the transcripts) we would, instead, include this verbose explanation of our concerns.]
==Session 5==
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October 3, 1993
WILL: The love of God surrounds us. The power of God upholds us. The light of God enfolds us. Wherever we gather, He is.
Good evening. It is I, Will, your teacher, who loves you.
This evening's lesson will be a restatement of an individual's need to take a faith step. We have spoken before on the topic of faith poisons. They include anger, despair, as well as doubt. These poisons have the ability to arrest spiritual progress. One of your greatest strengths on this planet is your ability to believe. It is this trait, this ability, that allows for such strong spiritual growth. It is good to question. It helps to stretch those faith muscles. I would ask, as you go about your daily struggles, that you reaffirm your trust in Michael's plan, that you reassess your part as an individual kingdom worker.
I leave you now with much love and appreciation. Live in His light each hour, each day, and know that we all look in on you during the week.
October 3, 1993
October 3, 1993
WILL: The love of God surrounds us. The power of God upholds us. The light of God enfolds us. Wherever we gather, He is.
WILL: The love of God surrounds us. The power of God upholds us. The light of God enfolds us. Wherever we gather, He is.
Good evening. It is I, Will, your teacher, who loves you.
Good evening. It is I, Will, your teacher, who loves you.
This evening's lesson will be a restatement of an individual's need to take a faith step. We have spoken before on the topic of faith poisons. They include anger, despair, as well as doubt. These poisons have the ability to arrest spiritual progress. One of your greatest strengths on this planet is your ability to believe. It is this trait, this ability, that allows for such strong spiritual growth. It is good to question. It helps to stretch those faith muscles. I would ask, as you go about your daily struggles, that you reaffirm your trust in Michael's plan, that you reassess your part as an individual kingdom worker.
This evening's lesson will be a restatement of an individual's need to take a faith step. We have spoken before on the topic of faith poisons. They include anger, despair, as well as doubt. These poisons have the ability to arrest spiritual progress. One of your greatest strengths on this planet is your ability to believe. It is this trait, this ability, that allows for such strong spiritual growth. It is good to question. It helps to stretch those faith muscles. I would ask, as you go about your daily struggles, that you reaffirm your trust in Michael's plan, that you reassess your part as an individual kingdom worker.
I leave you now with much love and appreciation. Live in His light each hour, each day, and know that we all look in on you during the week.
I leave you now with much love and appreciation. Live in His light each hour, each day, and know that we all look in on you during the week.
==Session 6==
October 10, 1993
October 10, 1993
WILL: The love of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God supports us. Wherever we are, He is.
WILL: The love of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God supports us. Wherever we are, He is.
Good evening. I am your teacher, Will, who loves you.
Good evening. I am your teacher, Will, who loves you.
The process by which decisions can be made is fraught with difficulties inasmuch as there are many individual opinions to be heard and accounted for. The utilization of discussion among the group members is thought to best effectuate the way in which a group decision can be reached. Your concern for each other is apparent. You're all willing to make compromises which best benefit the entire group. The decision regarding the name "Melchizedek school" or, in the alternative, the "Teaching Mission" is one wherein you must search within yourself to determine what you feel will best represent your group and its outreach in your shared writings [ie, the transcripts-editor]. It may seem of greater importance than it is, but we would caution you against getting hung up on terminology. The importance of the mission is still the same.
The process by which decisions can be made is fraught with difficulties inasmuch as there are many individual opinions to be heard and accounted for. The utilization of discussion among the group members is thought to best effectuate the way in which a group decision can be reached. Your concern for each other is apparent. You're all willing to make compromises which best benefit the entire group. The decision regarding the name "Melchizedek school" or, in the alternative, the "Teaching Mission" is one wherein you must search within yourself to determine what you feel will best represent your group and its outreach in your shared writings [ie, the transcripts-editor]. It may seem of greater importance than it is, but we would caution you against getting hung up on terminology. The importance of the mission is still the same.
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The Father is with you always. You cannot escape His presence and His love showers down freely upon you every moment of every day. Let this sustain you in your moments of doubt or weakness or fear.
The Father is with you always. You cannot escape His presence and His love showers down freely upon you every moment of every day. Let this sustain you in your moments of doubt or weakness or fear.
And now I send you off with the admonition not to forget about the Father. You may, for periods of time throughout the day, lose your sense of His presence with you, but He is there nevertheless. He longs for your companionship, your turning to Him in need and in joy. Do not forsake the time you spend together. I leave you with His blessings and mine. Remember to walk forth in joy. It is your birthright.
And now I send you off with the admonition not to forget about the Father. You may, for periods of time throughout the day, lose your sense of His presence with you, but He is there nevertheless. He longs for your companionship, your turning to Him in need and in joy. Do not forsake the time you spend together. I leave you with His blessings and mine. Remember to walk forth in joy. It is your birthright.
==Session 7==
October 24, 1993
October 24, 1993
[Unknown teacher]: Greetings. I come to you this evening with much love. In my heart I consider it a privilege to sit among you. My purpose is simply to observe. I gain much from this pleasurable exercise. I would like your permission to experience some of you during the week to come. I would like the opportunity to work with someone. I will try to make my presence known. You will, at that time, accept or reject my help. I thank you for the opportunity to speak with you this evening.
[Unknown teacher]: Greetings. I come to you this evening with much love. In my heart I consider it a privilege to sit among you. My purpose is simply to observe. I gain much from this pleasurable exercise. I would like your permission to experience some of you during the week to come. I would like the opportunity to work with someone. I will try to make my presence known. You will, at that time, accept or reject my help. I thank you for the opportunity to speak with you this evening.
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I wish to thank you for the attentiveness shown to our visitor who is here as an observer from the teaching corp. It is an honor to have him among us. He can tell you I take pride in our group, the manner in which you conduct yourselves throughout your daily lives, the willingness you show in your efforts to live by God's will, not your own. The pride I feel in you is a joy of the kinship we share as we all move along the path of spiritual growth, growing closer every day to the ideal the Father holds in front of us. Therefore do not rest on your pride, it should serve as your motivator, the source of joy - for you are accomplishing much. The work is ongoing and eternal. Therefore you must exert yourselves daily, to not only maintain your connection, but to continue to grow. You all will play your part in the Father's plan and each is important. Each one's strengths and weaknesses lie in different areas, therefore the plan incorporates the overlapping of your talents so that the best can be achieved.
I wish to thank you for the attentiveness shown to our visitor who is here as an observer from the teaching corp. It is an honor to have him among us. He can tell you I take pride in our group, the manner in which you conduct yourselves throughout your daily lives, the willingness you show in your efforts to live by God's will, not your own. The pride I feel in you is a joy of the kinship we share as we all move along the path of spiritual growth, growing closer every day to the ideal the Father holds in front of us. Therefore do not rest on your pride, it should serve as your motivator, the source of joy - for you are accomplishing much. The work is ongoing and eternal. Therefore you must exert yourselves daily, to not only maintain your connection, but to continue to grow. You all will play your part in the Father's plan and each is important. Each one's strengths and weaknesses lie in different areas, therefore the plan incorporates the overlapping of your talents so that the best can be achieved.
My reminder to you this week is to not forsake your time with the Father. The brief amount of time we have asked you to set aside gives both short and long term benefits to aid you in your work. Your day is made up of many small parts. Remember that each small thing that you do fits into the larger mosaic of the day, the week and of the overall plan the Father has in mind. Do not downplay the importance of each small thing that you are able to do. It will not be overlooked. Go forth now into your week, strengthened each day by the Father's love. Take time each day for this refreshment of yourself. It is imperative.
My reminder to you this week is to not forsake your time with the Father. The brief amount of time we have asked you to set aside gives both short and long term benefits to aid you in your work. Your day is made up of many small parts. Remember that each small thing that you do fits into the larger mosaic of the day, the week and of the overall plan the Father has in mind. Do not downplay the importance of each small thing that you are able to do. It will not be overlooked. Go forth now into your week, strengthened each day by the Father's love. Take time each day for this refreshment of yourself. It is imperative.
I enjoy being with you again. As always, our time together is special and meaningful. I continue to visit with each of you during the week to observe and aid you, if possible. Go with the Father's peace and my love in your hearts.
I enjoy being with you again. As always, our time together is special and meaningful. I continue to visit with each of you during the week to observe and aid you, if possible. Go with the Father's peace and my love in your hearts. Shalom.
==Session 8==
October 31, 1993
October 31, 1993
MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK: Greetings, my children, it is I, Machiventa Melchizedek. It gives me great pleasure to be with you this evening [the group's two year anniversary - editor]. It gives me pleasure to listen as you share with each other. Your laughter and humor are music to me. I appreciate your remembrance of Will and your festivities. I will not take time to address a lesson this evening as I would not take that pleasure from Will. I just wanted you to know of my appreciation and sharing with you. I send you my love and my blessing and I turn this meeting over to your esteemed teacher. Shalom.
MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK: Greetings, my children, it is I, Machiventa Melchizedek. It gives me great pleasure to be with you this evening [the group's two year anniversary - editor]. It gives me pleasure to listen as you share with each other. Your laughter and humor are music to me. I appreciate your remembrance of Will and your festivities. I will not take time to address a lesson this evening as I would not take that pleasure from Will. I just wanted you to know of my appreciation and sharing with you. I send you my love and my blessing and I turn this meeting over to your esteemed teacher.
WILL: Good evening, my dear ones. It is I, Will, your teacher, who loves you. I wish to thank you for your kind remembrance of our special day. It has given me much pleasure to witness your growth over these past two years. There have been ups and downs as in any growth process, but the upward movement has always been constant. I wish to thank each of you individually for the many loving thoughts you often send me. My job as teacher has always been a rewarding one, however it is made even more rewarding when working with people such as yourselves.
WILL: Good evening, my dear ones. It is I, Will, your teacher, who loves you. I wish to thank you for your kind remembrance of our special day. It has given me much pleasure to witness your growth over these past two years. There have been ups and downs as in any growth process, but the upward movement has always been constant. I wish to thank each of you individually for the many loving thoughts you often send me. My job as teacher has always been a rewarding one, however it is made even more rewarding when working with people such as yourselves.
JoiLin has indicated that there might be some questions you would wish to ask.
JoiLin has indicated that there might be some questions you would wish to ask.
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WILL: I am not aware at this time of a program such as yours, however we have many new teachers being prepared. It may be that those countries that you speak of will soon be coming on line. I have no knowledge at this time.
WILL: I am not aware at this time of a program such as yours, however we have many new teachers being prepared. It may be that those countries that you speak of will soon be coming on line. I have no knowledge at this time.
And now if you have no other questions, I would like to thank you once again for sharing this time with me. Remember as you go about your week to go within and spend that time with the Father. Stay in His light as you go about your week. Open your hearts as you meet your brothers and sisters. In short, continue as you have. Shalom.
And now if you have no other questions, I would like to thank you once again for sharing this time with me. Remember as you go about your week to go within and spend that time with the Father. Stay in His light as you go about your week. Open your hearts as you meet your brothers and sisters. In short, continue as you have.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Tallahassee TeaM]]
[[Category: Will]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Manutia]]
[[Category: JoiLin]]
[[Category: Nadine]]
[[Category: 1993]]

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