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[Note: The following file is composed of three consecutive transcriptions developing a single theme: We are on the brink of great change and what part groups like Arcadia will play to help usher in a new age. Editor-tmarchives]
Arcadia Teaching Mission Group
March 21, 2005 -Be Ready To Realize Opportunity
April 04, 2005 - Events Are Quickening. Time Is of the Essence
April 18, 2005 - You Are The Teachers & Guides of The New Generation
Monday, March 21, 2005, 8:00 pm
Arcadia, California
===Topic: ''Events Are Quickening''===
===Group: [[Arcadia TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[JarEl]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[George B.]], [[Lucille]]===
==Session 1==
Larry: Dear Father thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed on each one of us. We pray for peace in the world. We pray for the coming of Light and Life. We pray for the coming of Monjoronson. Father, show us what you would have us do to bring about your will in the world. We love you so very much. Amen.
Larry: Dear Father thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed on each one of us. We pray for peace in the world. We pray for the coming of Light and Life. We pray for the coming of Monjoronson. Father, show us what you would have us do to bring about your will in the world. We love you so very much. Amen.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good to be in this group once again. Hopefully you are keeping up to date with the lessons that I have been giving. I can’t stress enough that they are important for you in your lives. We would like you to achieve a relative state of happiness and prosperity where you will be in a better situation to bring forth the messages of love and understanding to your brothers and sisters. We wish this upon everybody who can read and understand this message. If you are to become better spokesmen for the messages you receive in the Teaching Mission, we would like you to become comfortable with your lives.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good to be in this group once again. Hopefully you are keeping up to date with the lessons that I have been giving. I can’t stress enough that they are important for you in your lives. We would like you to achieve a relative state of happiness and prosperity where you will be in a better situation to bring forth the messages of love and understanding to your brothers and sisters. We wish this upon everybody who can read and understand this message. If you are to become better spokesmen for the messages you receive in the Teaching Mission, we would like you to become comfortable with your lives.
A new change is coming on the horizon, a new opportunity for all of you to bring forth this message of love and brotherhood. Do not allow these opportunities to pass you by. When you see or feel the need for understanding and knowledge, make yourselves available for such an event. Bring this message of peace to the whole world. Bring this message of hope to everyone you see. Generate an excitement for what is to come and love all of your brothers and sisters as you do this. The great change that you have all been waiting for will soon arrive. It has already arrived in your hearts and in your minds. You have already begun to change. In your lives the kingdom of God exists in your hearts.
A new change is coming on the horizon, a new opportunity for all of you to bring forth this message of love and brotherhood. Do not allow these opportunities to pass you by. When you see or feel the need for understanding and knowledge, make yourselves available for such an event. Bring this message of peace to the whole world. Bring this message of hope to everyone you see. Generate an excitement for what is to come and love all of your brothers and sisters as you do this. The great change that you have all been waiting for will soon arrive. It has already arrived in your hearts and in your minds. You have already begun to change. In your lives the kingdom of God exists in your hearts.
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You are all individuals with individual minds. Every single one of you has come to God in your own way. All of you have your own way of believing but one thing you all have in common, it that you believe that things will get better and I do tell you this, it will get better, it will improve and this Age of Light and Life will finally arrive. Even though it exists among you in small groups and in large groups, the world still needs to be a part of it. Find a way to bring this to the world, find a way to bring this friendship and this energy that exists within this group to the entire world. Do you have any questions?
You are all individuals with individual minds. Every single one of you has come to God in your own way. All of you have your own way of believing but one thing you all have in common, it that you believe that things will get better and I do tell you this, it will get better, it will improve and this Age of Light and Life will finally arrive. Even though it exists among you in small groups and in large groups, the world still needs to be a part of it. Find a way to bring this to the world, find a way to bring this friendship and this energy that exists within this group to the entire world. Do you have any questions?
Donna: JarEl, we were talking earlier about the case that has been in the news. I think her name is Terry Schievo and the courts……there is a big argument whether she should be kept alive by a feeding tube or allowed to die. The Doctors say that her frontal cortex is already dead and that it is only the basal animal part of her brain which is still alive and that she is not conscious. I was just wondering if her soul or her spirit is still imprisoned within that body or if she could be on the Mansion Worlds while her body is kept alive here?
Donna: JarEl, we were talking earlier about the case that has been in the news. I think her name is Terry Schievo and the courts……there is a big argument whether she should be kept alive by a feeding tube or allowed to die. The Doctors say that her frontal cortex is already dead and that it is only the basal animal part of her brain which is still alive and that she is not conscious. I was just wondering if her soul or her spirit is still imprisoned within that body or if she could be on the Mansion Worlds while her body is kept alive here?
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Donna: Thank you JarEl.
Donna: Thank you JarEl.
JarEl: TR, George. You are welcome. Before I go, I would like to remind you what you have available at your disposal and this is the energy of the universe which has continuously been forthcoming. I do wish that all of you here properly learn how to use this energy, to learn to use it in your fashion and in your direction. Remember that it is there, remember that you can do anything or make anything. You are only limited by your imagination. God is with you, good night.
JarEl: TR, George. You are welcome. Before I go, I would like to remind you what you have available at your disposal and this is the energy of the universe which has continuously been forthcoming. I do wish that all of you here properly learn how to use this energy, to learn to use it in your fashion and in your direction. Remember that it is there, remember that you can do anything or make anything. You are only limited by your imagination. God is with you, good night.
All: Good night.
All: Good night.
==Session 2==
Arcadia Teaching Mission Group
Events Are Quickening. Time Is of the Essence
Monday, April 4, 2005, 8:00 pm
Monday, April 4, 2005, 8:00 pm
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father, thank you for this gathering. Please open our minds, eyes, ears and hearts to be open to whatever the teachers have to say. We would do your will Father. We love you so very much Father, we love your son Michael and your daughter Nebadonia. We pray for peace and the coming of Light and Life. We pray for the coming of Monjoronson. Thank you for all of your blessings, in Michael’s name, amen.
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father, thank you for this gathering. Please open our minds, eyes, ears and hearts to be open to whatever the teachers have to say. We would do your will Father. We love you so very much Father, we love your son Michael and your daughter Nebadonia. We pray for peace and the coming of Light and Life. We pray for the coming of Monjoronson. Thank you for all of your blessings, in Michael’s name, amen.
JarEl: TR, Lucille. This is JarEl, it is so good to see you this evening, joining you in fellowship. I welcome you all tonight, it is great to share your love because love is an important thing in life, it is the only thing in life. To be of service to your fellow man and to send him a message of the Father and his love for each one of them is so important. People do not realize that they are completely loved by the Father. They need this information, so many are so lonely in life, if only they would open up to the Father to receive his love. The future is bright for Urantia. The time will come when there is more spirituality amongst the people, more love and understanding of one another. You need to spread the information that each one is loved by the Father, everyone is loved equally. There will be a spiritual awakening soon on Urantia, people will realize that this is the best way to go, to feel the love of the Father. There are so many things you can do, just to smile at someone as you are passing by is a big help. Being of service to one another will increase your abilities of love. It is through service that you better understand someone. If you know someone who is depressed or down in the dumps see if you can help them and understand them and express your love to them. Then they will feel the Father’s love through you.
JarEl: TR, Lucille. This is JarEl, it is so good to see you this evening, joining you in fellowship. I welcome you all tonight, it is great to share your love because love is an important thing in life, it is the only thing in life. To be of service to your fellow man and to send him a message of the Father and his love for each one of them is so important. People do not realize that they are completely loved by the Father. They need this information, so many are so lonely in life, if only they would open up to the Father to receive his love. The future is bright for Urantia. The time will come when there is more spirituality amongst the people, more love and understanding of one another. You need to spread the information that each one is loved by the Father, everyone is loved equally. There will be a spiritual awakening soon on Urantia, people will realize that this is the best way to go, to feel the love of the Father. There are so many things you can do, just to smile at someone as you are passing by is a big help. Being of service to one another will increase your abilities of love. It is through service that you better understand someone. If you know someone who is depressed or down in the dumps see if you can help them and understand them and express your love to them. Then they will feel the Father’s love through you.
Donna: JarEl, just this last weekend, Larry and I went to the Retreat Network in Santa Barbara, California, at the Casa Maria Retreat Center. It was a wonderful gathering of Urantia Book readers from different Urantia Groups. There was a message read by Michael Marlow and it was from Machiventa Melchizedek. I know that it was a transmission from the Teaching Mission, but no one questioned it, or asked about it or said very much about it. But it was one of Machiventa’s most in-depth profound messages and it was presented to this whole group just as a communication, I think that was the terminology. Anyway, were you aware of this group meeting in Santa Barbara, JarEl?
Donna: JarEl, just this last weekend, Larry and I went to the Retreat Network in Santa Barbara, California, at the Casa Maria Retreat Center. It was a wonderful gathering of Urantia Book readers from different Urantia Groups. There was a message read by Michael Marlow and it was from Machiventa Melchizedek. I know that it was a transmission from the Teaching Mission, but no one questioned it, or asked about it or said very much about it. But it was one of Machiventa’s most in-depth profound messages and it was presented to this whole group just as a communication, I think that was the terminology. Anyway, were you aware of this group meeting in Santa Barbara, JarEl?
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Dennis: It sounds like our time is short, by human standards.
Dennis: It sounds like our time is short, by human standards.
JarEl: TR, George. Events are quickening. Time is of the essence, but you still have some time. Are there any more questions? Very well, I would like only to remind you once again, that we all hold the same place in our Father’s heart. We all have equal standing; equal footing. I am no better than you, you are no better than me. We all have the Father’s love, we are all destined to go to the same place.
JarEl: TR, George. Events are quickening. Time is of the essence, but you still have some time. Are there any more questions? Very well, I would like only to remind you once again, that we all hold the same place in our Father’s heart. We all have equal standing; equal footing. I am no better than you, you are no better than me. We all have the Father’s love, we are all destined to go to the same place.
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All: Good night JarEl. END
All: Good night JarEl. END
==Session 3==
Arcadia, California
You Are The Teachers & Guides of The New Generation That Will Sort Out The Problems of The World
Monday, April 18, 2005, 8:00 pm
Monday, April 18, 2005, 8:00 pm
Donna: Dear Father thank you for this evening and this quiet time with this group gathered here. Thank you for all of the blessings that you have bestowed on all of us. Thank you for the teachers that you are sending to us to give us new lessons and to help us learn more about your will for us. Please help us do your will Father, we love you, in Michael’s name, amen.
Donna: Dear Father thank you for this evening and this quiet time with this group gathered here. Thank you for all of the blessings that you have bestowed on all of us. Thank you for the teachers that you are sending to us to give us new lessons and to help us learn more about your will for us. Please help us do your will Father, we love you, in Michael’s name, amen.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good to be back in this small but intimate group. You are my young pupils of Light and Life. The lessons and messages that you will take from this are lessons that are meant to last for an entire age. If you look back into history, you will see that every age had its lessons to learn. Every age had challenges to overcome. The lessons that they learned were particular for that time. Every succeeding age built upon learned lessons. Many of these lessons came in the form of spiritual writings and spiritual books. The lessons that we are teaching you this time around will be gathered in a spiritual book, but they are always meant to be learned and built upon. Much of what you read in The Urantia Book acts as a guide line to your life. However, there will come a time in some distant future in which many of the lessons will have already been learned. Therefore, the book would need to be refined and readdressed to the new age in which it is meant to be. For now this book will last for ages to come, much like this new Revelatory Commission will last for the next successive age.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good to be back in this small but intimate group. You are my young pupils of Light and Life. The lessons and messages that you will take from this are lessons that are meant to last for an entire age. If you look back into history, you will see that every age had its lessons to learn. Every age had challenges to overcome. The lessons that they learned were particular for that time. Every succeeding age built upon learned lessons. Many of these lessons came in the form of spiritual writings and spiritual books. The lessons that we are teaching you this time around will be gathered in a spiritual book, but they are always meant to be learned and built upon. Much of what you read in The Urantia Book acts as a guide line to your life. However, there will come a time in some distant future in which many of the lessons will have already been learned. Therefore, the book would need to be refined and readdressed to the new age in which it is meant to be. For now this book will last for ages to come, much like this new Revelatory Commission will last for the next successive age.
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The world is ready to join together as one. The lines of communication have brought your world much closer. It is a renaissance of Light and Life. The ways of the old are quickly fading away. New generations will take upon them the burden of sorting out the problems of this world. This new generation is revitalized with hope and they bring with them a greater understanding of the human heart. You are the teachers of this generation. You are the parents and the brothers; you are the guardians of the world to come. With this comes the responsibility to protect and to care for which shall become your destiny and the world’s destiny. Teach your children how to love, teach your children how to respect one another, how to treat everyone as equals, teaching them lessons that will last for all eternity. Teach a generation of peace makers and you shall have peace on this earth. Are there any questions?
The world is ready to join together as one. The lines of communication have brought your world much closer. It is a renaissance of Light and Life. The ways of the old are quickly fading away. New generations will take upon them the burden of sorting out the problems of this world. This new generation is revitalized with hope and they bring with them a greater understanding of the human heart. You are the teachers of this generation. You are the parents and the brothers; you are the guardians of the world to come. With this comes the responsibility to protect and to care for which shall become your destiny and the world’s destiny. Teach your children how to love, teach your children how to respect one another, how to treat everyone as equals, teaching them lessons that will last for all eternity. Teach a generation of peace makers and you shall have peace on this earth. Are there any questions?
Lucille: JarEl, you spoke of an Age. How many years is an Age?
Lucille: JarEl, you spoke of an Age. How many years is an Age?
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I ask you to learn to be human as well. Learn what it is to earn the respect of your earth. For here you were born and in your birthplace you must take care of what is yours. I would love to see this world continue for all of eternity. It is up to you and your children to insure that this world is well protected and well cared for. In turn, as always, I will protect and love every single one of you. For you are my children and this is my earth, I leave you with my peace and love.
I ask you to learn to be human as well. Learn what it is to earn the respect of your earth. For here you were born and in your birthplace you must take care of what is yours. I would love to see this world continue for all of eternity. It is up to you and your children to insure that this world is well protected and well cared for. In turn, as always, I will protect and love every single one of you. For you are my children and this is my earth, I leave you with my peace and love.
JarEl: TR, George. This is JarEl, I would like to end it here tonight, until next time.
JarEl: TR, George. This is JarEl, I would like to end it here tonight, until next time.
All: Thank you JarEl.
All: Thank you JarEl.
The above file is composed of three consecutive transcriptions developing a single theme: We are on the brink of great change and what part groups like Arcadia will play to help usher in a new age.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Arcadia TeaM]]
[[Category: JarEl]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: George B.]]
[[Category: Lucille]]
[[Category: 2005]]

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