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New page: Woods Cross Utah Group MEETING WITH ABRAHAM ROLES OF OUR MORTAL BROTHERS APRIL 10, 1995 I am ABRAHAM. I am happy to be with you this evening. I desire to speak a little on the roles...
Woods Cross Utah Group



APRIL 10, 1995

I am ABRAHAM. I am happy to be with you this evening. I desire to speak a little on the roles of our brothers.

A long time ago men would do most of the physical work. It was instinctive for them to hunt, to build. But somewhere down through evolution man’s work was more valued than women’s. A lot of value was placed on material goods. Women having control mostly over child-rearing seems to somehow be placed at a lower value. With the evolution of time and equality between men and women, women began to bring home the material goods, therefore, women took their place along side of man.

With this new uprising of women’s quest of equality, man was sort of moved out of the family picture. Women could provide for their family. Fathers were made to be seen as un-needed. This began the break up of the family. With this break up so much damage has been done to our children.

This war, this struggle between men and women, has seriously damaged the spirit of our youth. The fathers have been left out. I say to you, please, begin to once again include the fathers in the family unit. Instead of this struggle we could have togetherness. We could have physical, mental well-being. I say to you please bring our brothers back into the community. Instead of pointing out their faults try to appeal to their sense of fatherliness. Appeal to their sense of duty and honor that lies deep within the heart of our father/brothers.

Women, mothers can provide a nurturing, loving place in the home. I would say that is not complete. A father can provide safety and a secure environment for his family. The two examples are more complete. This is not to say this is all of a biological nature. This is to say, let our male population once again resume his role as a care-taker and security provider.

Yes, let each man and woman realize the importance of their own roles in this society. And let them also understand and accept the roles that one another plays. This week I say to you, my brothers, let no one hold you back from your fatherly place in the world. To you my sisters, could you reach out to a brother and include him? Questions?

C: Abraham, it seems that---I hope I am not misunderstanding these last two weeks lessons---last week it appeared that women were to stand up and count themselves as equal and look to one another as equals with men. Also, for men to realize there is no inequality . This week, I think you’re saying we each have separate roles, one as a motherly care-taker of the home... and one as father, provider of security. How does that fit with maybe women’s need in our society, to be the provider also? Is being the provider on the women’s side, maybe not so good in our society?

ABRAHAM: With the dissolutions of marriages, many women may have no choice but to provide for their family. I do not mean to say our sisters are not good providers. I mean to say both man and woman are more efficient in child-rearing. An example might be Mary, the mother of Jesus, tended to Him mostly His first five years, teaching Him, loving Him, caring for Him. Then Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, took over His training and education. Although His earth parents were not perfect they provided Him with a balanced ideal of family life. Mary may have shown Jesus to be loving and kind, fair, whereas Joseph taught Him strength and acquired skills needed in the world. Does this answer?

C: Yes it does. It seems to be you’re pointing out there are different natures. One is more motherly, softer touch than the harsher male touch, and to see those two roles, and use that to compliment each other, also in child raising?

ABRAHAM: Yes, but the male touch is more than physical strength. It is strength in character, strength in faith, strength in compassion. More questions?

R: Abraham, as I look at those relationships that I have had in my own life, and I perceive relationships of married people outside of my own experience, I see truly very few relationships that are based on spiritual mutual supportiveness, rather than based on seemingly ego needs and dis-functional enmeshments. I may be rather cynical in that. I see it that way, but I also read of people who have received the same sort of malady in our society. Can you give us instructions as how to approach relationships that would be healthy, that would be functional, that would be spiritual benefitting?

ABRAHAM: Yes, many relationships appear dis-functional. This has come about over several years. Much, much healing is needed. This is a part of the Correcting Time. This is an important issue. I can say that no couple can join functionally until each individual can be satisfied with their own inner selves. To pledge yourself in marriage in commitment is not easy. Much work is required on both sides to stay together.

Spirituality would be of a great benefit. Spirituality would be a solid foundation to stand on together, but not always is this enough. Your world is recognizing this need for brotherly love for all to share in the beat of one heart. To expect to commit to a person with your same beliefs and personal qualities is not reality. This is where room needs to be made, opened up within the hearts of the brothers and sisters of this world. More questions?

R: So I take it you’re saying that it is unrealistic to think you will be able to find another person with the same intensity of spirituality and personal beliefs. It would be too idealistic. So to compensate for that one necessarily needs to think of giving plenty of space, plenty room for the other persons differences. Am I following that correctly?

ABRAHAM: Yes, but I would not say your ideal mate is non-existent. Spiritual intensity, yes, common ground, yes, but to have too high of expectations may have you overlook your ideal mate. Does that help?

R: I think so. I am going to read that more carefully.

JS: Abraham, I have often noticed that when we mortals are faced with inevitability’s that seem tragic or unhappy in our lives, for example, when a loved one gets elderly and ill we might say, well, let God’s will be done, as to whether this person recovers from their illness or not. Implying that we hope that whatever happens is God’s will. And then if the worst turns out we console ourselves by saying, "this is God’s will." Is everything that happens on this planet God’s will?

ABRAHAM: Up to a point. Some things override God’s will as far as mortal decisions are concerned. It is difficult for me to say that everything that happens is God’s will. In death asking for God’s will to be done is good, but the letting go of results to God’s will can be difficult. I also would not say every death is God’s will. I can say that though death appears as such a final closing, I would tell you that where I am it is a wonderful beginning, a continuance. In matters of God’s will I am unqualified to speak, but I can tell you a mortal path is made smoother by attempting to choose God’s will and releasing the results. Does this answer?

J: It is very helpful. It is interesting to me that a being such as yourself, much further along on the path of spiritual evolution, even still struggles with the mystery of God’s will. I guess it takes even a lot longer, maybe even till Paradise, to fully understand God’s will. Is that correct?

ABRAHAM: I know more now than I did when I walked the earth. It does become easier to understand God’s will once you have been through the Mansion Worlds training. Like spiritual growth, the discerning of God’s will increases. One more question?

JA: Abraham, I haven’t been allowed to see my kids for the last four months and I am really concerned about how that might be affecting them. They have been with their dad and step-mom for the last few years. I have been really concerned and missed them a lot. I was wondering if you had any advice for me or know what I can do to be able to see them again, if you know anything on the situation?

ABRAHAM: Do your children know your feelings?

JA: Yes they do. I have talked to them on the phone and written letters to them.

ABRAHAM: Then I say worry not. Just continue your contact with your children. Do not give up your persistence in seeing, reaching your children. It means a lot to them. Does this answer?

JA: Yes, it helps. Thank you.

ABRAHAM: I wish to end this meeting with a prayer. Father, your children of this world beseech you for your guidance in the understanding of person to person relationships. My friends here honestly seek your presence with them in all matters, human and divine. I would petition for your strength and goodness to be upon them. Father, we thank you. Amen and shalom.

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