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New page: Nashville, TN Nebadonia Michael Easter Message 1998 EASTER 1998 Hello children. 1 am Nebadonia. I love each of you with a transcendent love. This time of celebrating your Creator...
Nashville, TN



Easter Message 1998


Hello children. 1 am Nebadonia. I love each of you with a transcendent love. This time of celebrating your Creator Son's resurrection is a glorious event on Urantia. This demonstration of God's love and God' s power still reverberates throughout the universe. We are watchful and are waiting for the time when this celebration is truly reverberating through all the parts of all the humans on Urantia.

You are truly blessed and chosen individuals who feel the true joy of triumph over death in your own souls. you are also truly blessed for having now your own relationship with your Creator Son, Michael. You all have chosen to spiritually reach out your heart to His and to dare to receive his love and his personal attention.

As the Father is personal presence in your lives, so is the Son. The Son partakes of the Father's personal ability to be one and yet be as many. To be one in his universe affairs and duties and yet to be personally present for each of you as well.

This divine power Was granted to Michael when he ascended to the Father and poured out fhe Spirit of Truth on your world.

Children, I am Michael, who takes great pleasure and human pride in gathering you together and bestowing my love upon you. Having been flesh, 1 know flesh. 1 know your weaknesses, I know your pain, I know your frustrations and your sorrow. For having experienced fully life as you live it, I am one with the Father in understanding.

There is not a child who cries in the night but that I know it. There is no human being who suffers or has pain or sorrow that 1 do not know it. And now is the time that I would gather my people, all my children, together and give them balm for their wounds, and wipe their tears away. I would touch each broken heart and make it whole again. I would heal mind and body I would raise up the lowliest of the low to minister to all my fnends, all love.

Yes, the time has come when 1 would take away the fears of all my children and give them the love that would hold away fear for all time. Children, I ask you, will you help me do these great things? Will you help me minister to my children? Will you help me heal their fears and bind up their wounds?

The time is come when I would gather all my children, all my people, and I would minister to them and give them words of comfort, words of hope, and exhort them to charity and righteousness, and good will toward all. The time has come when 1 would spread out my love like a banquet so that all may be satisfied and full of You who would follow me must take with you joy, faith, hope, and love. 1 have watched you all over many years and 1 am very well pleased with each of you. You have each shown courage in the face of fearful uncertainty, you have each held to faith in the face of ridicule and self-doubt. And though you have come far, the time is coming when your earlier steps will be like baby steps and you will take great strides as men and women of faith. But most of all, you will grow in love and understanding and in patience with my children.

Greetings, 1 am Ham and 1 am happy to be a witness to this great exhortation and ministry from Michael. I, too , am very happy with my friends, students, children. You are making progress that is pleasing to me and pleasing to the Master. I am happy to be able to aid your development and your progress during this early period of your spiritual development.

Throughout your universe journey, you will have many teachers. But this assignment for me, to be your first teacher, 1 regard as extremely important. For these first teachings are what put you on the path squarely and firmly and set you off toward the Father.

Q: about righteousness, about teaching others.

A: Yes, my friends, as I remember fondly my first teacher on Mansonia 1, so you will, 1 hope remember me, throughout your future careers. The universe is teeming with schools and teachers and students trying to understand and apply these deep and far reaching teachings. As you grow in the spirit, it becomes incumbent upon you to teach others as you have been taught. And though this world is not aware of our ministry yet and there are no formal schools as yet, still you must learn to teach as you are taught. You must know that love is a magnet. Love attracts love. And as you grow in love and in wisdom, you must recognize that the loving glow from your heart, the kindness in your eyes, will attract those who are seeking, who are searching for God. And when these young ones are brought before you, you must know how to reach them with ministry that is prepared especially for their reception. So again, this week practice listening, practice asking questions. Let that person tell you what they need for they are drawn to you unconsciously, and will impart to you unconsciously what it is they are seeking from you, if you will listen. If you will hear it.

Most of the time, people think that they need one thing and are searching for one thing. When in reality, their souls, their deeper selves, are searching for something completely different. So it is not what a person says they are seeking that you are to listen to. Go deeper, read between the lines of what someone is saying. Listen for the little slips of the tongue, little mistakes. Listen to the overall attitude, the overall direction that that person is going in their conversation. Listen, also, for inflections in the voice and bodily postures. Next week, we will discuss this interactively, so be open to looking for examples to discuss next week.

The divine mystery consists in the inherent difference which exists between the finite and the infinite the temporal and the eternal, the time-space creature and the Universal Creator, the material and the spiritual, the imperfection of man and the perfection of Paradise Deity. The God of universal love unfailingly manifests himself to every one of his creatures up to the fullness of that creature's capacity to spiritually grasp the qualities of divine truth, beauty, and goodness.

The Urantia Book

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