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New page: CENTER FOR CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS Larkspur, CA MICHAEL - It Is Time My Children To Turn To Me AUGUST 11, 2003 I am with you now, my children. This is Michael. Come to me in the little-n...

Larkspur, CA


It Is Time My Children To Turn To Me

AUGUST 11, 2003

I am with you now, my children. This is Michael. Come to me in the little-ness of your nature, in your child-likeness, to be lovingly guided and parented by me. As your Creator-Father, I have a unique role to play in your life. It is up to you to decide whether or not to have a relationship with me; and in coming to know me to ask me what is the part in your life that I may take. Find that place now within you of the interest, inquiry, and intention to be in a loving relationship with me, and I will speak unto your hearts. (Pause)

Do you sense a rising swell of trust within you? It is the yearning of your heart to be united with me-to receive my embrace, to be supported in my power and my understanding and my mercy. You have access to all of this, my children. Recall how I have said that no thought is unknown. It is by coming to me as this small child who has made mistakes and asking for a better way to handle your problems, you will receive the help and guidance you desire. (Pause)

Allow this idea to be more fully seeded into your minds: 'I will receive the help I desire and need in coming to my Creator-Father.' Allow this idea to soak in deeply into the depths of your mind-even to the point of cellular penetration. (Pause)

You will not find answers to your life in the workings of humankind, in the existing institutions developed over time by the collective ideas of the masses of humanity. It is time, my children, to turn to me more and more as your guide, as your comforter, as your upholder; as your father. (Pause)

As I was here walking on this world as you are now, I came into the fullness of understanding of the relationship that I shared with my Father, which is in Heaven. And long the generations of this world suffered under puerile ideations of what is a true father. And many children have been hurt, scarred, even physically wounded and debilitated by their earthly fathers. But I say to you, this is not the way of the Father in Heaven.

And so I would ask each of you this evening to consider broadening your ideation of what is a true father. Allow yourself to feel the embrace of a father who loves unreservedly-who sees you as you are and loves you just as you are, with all your frailties, with all of the feelings you experience as a human; who sees all of your potential and knows intimately how you try, and understands your motivations. I am here to impart a broader experience of a true fatherliness that you can come to rely on and trust supremely in my love for you. Spend a few moments in considering this idea of what is a true father and I will add something into you. (Pause)

My children, you may fully rely on me to help you with all of your troubles and concerns to impart sage guidance, moral responsibility, courageous loyalty to all of the experiences you embark upon in your daily lives. The challenges you face are not for you to carry alone; I am with you throughout the ages. I will always uphold you. You are my beloved children and I will never allow you to stray far from my sight. You only have to turn to me and I am there. (Pause)

You may bring to me now your comments or questions about what we have presented this evening to you.

Student: Father, I have a question that's rather personal, but it may be appropriate to ask here. It is that I have been given strong pain medications for pain, and opiates have a bad reputation. I'm wondering what you might warn me what to watch out for or what the dangers might be for me regarding the use of such a tool, and how to control it so that the adverse effects don't outweigh the benefits.

Michael: C, my son, I understand your desire to live in a body that is flexible and vital-free from pain and restriction. And while I can comment on the particular medicine that you are taking now, I am more concerned with the pain in your soul that I long to help you release so that those systems of communication between your mind and your body are able to work more in harmony and the way they were intended. I will ask you now if you are willing to participate in an exercise with me? (Yes) Thank you. Can you localize an area of discomfort within you now? (Sure...there's a tightness in my back radiating around toward my rib cage) Stay in that place for a few moments. Ask now to receive the light in your body that will soften the distance between your mind and your physical system and bring them closer together in harmony. Can you do this now? (I will attempt) And your Mother and I will be there. (Pause) Now ask for peace-my peace-to in-fill that area. (Pause) Are you now able to articulate a subtle distinction within your body now?

Student: Yes, it's not even so subtle. I felt an increase in energy, and then when you mentioned peace, I felt the energy translated to a relaxed reduction in the pain. It's shrunk down to just a little thing-little in space and little in importance.

Michael: Do you sense then that there is communication system between the mind and the body? (Yes) What other thought does this instill within your mind now?

Student: Well, I'm wondering if I can call on this peace and power to help me during those times which are numerous; of being restless, not peaceful, not calm. To help me to connect with this kind of peace and power. I just hope I will remember to call upon this and that it will be able to be called upon at any time. I think you've told us it is. I believe it. I need to practice it.

Michael: As your body begins to stiffen in tension, would that be enough of a reminder for you to summon the presence of me and your Mother into your body to help you overcome that which ails you in body and mind?

Student: It certainly seems like it should be enough. I hope to incorporate that and take heed and the opportunity.

Michael: Find that desire now to be reminded. Find a deeper level of commitment within you to use this as a means to control your physical symptoms, and your Mother and I will add something into you. (Pause) Have you any other comments or questions on what we have discussed now, my son?

Student: I'm grateful and I feel very grounded and peaceful and whole. Thank you. We'll see how it goes and I may have questions for you at a later time.

Student: (comments undetectable)

Michael: R, I am encircuiting you as I speak. Relax into my peace, my son. Feel my wholeness embrace you. Invite my love into your heart. Sense my fatherliness as I embellish within you this greater awareness. (Pause) And be in my peace, my son.

Student: I have two questions. One is how can I be a better father? What role model can I use to be a better father? Can I heal my children? And the other is what can I do about this constant urge to eat something that's pressuring me all the time?

Michael: C, my son, what children need most from their father is love and a sense of strength and steadfastness that will say to them that you are available, welcoming, open, non-judgmental and understanding. All children need this from their human fathers. As you have had parental experience in both being the recipient and in being a father, you know full well that you can only give out that which you have received. So I invite you to come to me and to receive all that you need from me as your father, so that you will be in a position to share this with your children; to be full of love, strength, comfort and understanding. You must be so imbued with this in your own sense of who you are in order to lavish this on your children. Do you understand this, my son?

Student: I'm learning little by little that I am loved, and I'm experiencing that little by little. I feel there's a lot more to go and a lot more to express to my children and others. I will come to you to receive the love that you have for me and others also.

Michael: And also to receive a deeper level of understanding, and to ask to receive a depiction of yourself as I perceive you, as I understand you, as I cherish you in all of your moments of frailty and in your greatest triumphs. And then you will be in a much greater position to love and understand others including your own children, who will greatly appreciate this in you. (I will do that.) Pertaining to your second question: My desire for you is to live a healthy balanced life. You may now consider to pay close attention to those foods that you are eating and to ensure that you are receiving all of the nutrients you need to balance your body-your physical needs. So you may consider seeking out those who have knowledge of this and to consult with them and to learn those healthy habits that will keep your body strong and operating in a more efficient manner.

But I say to you, I am more concerned with your soul. And that you would come to me to seek the nourishment of your soul, and to allow me to fill you with that living truth that will fill your soul with light and love and peace and joy. You may come to me and ask for your whole being to be calibrated upon me, as it were, and to receive my vibrational essence into you that will stimulate many new potentials of health within your mind and within your entire being. Do you understand my meaning, my son?

Student: Not exactly. Should I do this every day? What do I ask for?

Michael: You may invite my being into you-my entire being into your mind and body. It is this simple.

Student: Michael, I invite your love and your being into my being completely without reservation. Michael: Allow me now to begin to calibrate you upon me and to feel this vibrational essence as it encircuits you more and more. You may come into me and to draw me into your self and rest. Rest in me. Receive this now and rest. (Pause)

Student: Michael, it occurred to me that you were a step-father of sorts during your earth life. You had many children that you did not biologically father who you brought up. That story is vivid and touching. I wonder if you might comment on step-fathering to me since it well be in my future; an experience I'm not sure about. I would be very open to your comments on step-fathering.

Michael: When you are entrusted with the development of a little one, it would behoove you to spend some time in stillness and asking to see this child from the divine perspective; to come to appreciate that child's abilities and limitations, to come into a greater breadth of how that child relates to her world. You must spend time with that child observing and in play in relating to her at her level in the sense that she may come to trust in you; that you are someone who shows interest in her life. Think of these little ones now, and ask for this level of insight and awareness to be added into you. (Pause)

Now as you sense the uniqueness and the precious fragility of these little ones, find your intention to be a loving, patient, non-judgmental listener and guide, and allow these ideas to blend within your mind. (Pause) Do you sense now a greater fatherliness quality to your understanding?

Student: I do, especially the non-judgmental quality that you have emphasized tonight. Something I think is very precious to develop.

Michael: I also encourage you to allow the distorted patterns of father-energy that has been part of your culture to be fully eradicated from your mindal circuits, so that the only ideas that you are being fueled with are those of this fatherliness that is of our Creator in Paradise. Have you done this, my son?

Student: I'm trying to do seems like a big task. I'm not sure how to purge the patterns of distorted fatherliness that have been handed down to me.

Michael: Find that desire, call upon your Mother. Call upon me, and we will lead you out of the distortion and into the true embrace of the gentleness and the strength and the courage and the love of the Father. You only have to ask and it will be given. Be patient with yourself. And be patient with these little ones, for you are forging new minds into cosmic citizens, and this is a sacred trust indeed. Let these words take time to envelop your being. Rest in them and let my being encircuit you in this fatherliness you wish to take upon yourself now. (I shall do so, Michael.) (Pause)

As the world prepares to receive more of the Light of Truth upon it, so do I ask each of you to prepare your hearts, minds, and bodies to receive my truth within you. The ways of the past are fading. As more truth shines upon the hearts and minds of the individuals here will you see the shadows of the past recede even more quickly. This is the time to be firm in my love for you-in my strength and courage and patience. Build my foundation upon these spiritual qualities, my children. Steady yourselves in me. I am your salvation. I am your rock. I am your wholeness. I am your fullness. In me you have all of the resources that you need to stay the course and grow strong in the light that is now breaking forth upon this world. Be in my truth, my children. Be in my peace. My love is upon you, my heart beats within you. Slumber safe in my heartbeat, my beloved ones. Good evening.

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