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New page: Michael041605&041805ProgressGroup_Loveisthe Father’s Business_GodsPeace US of A, April 16, 2005. Christ Michael. Subject: "Love is the Father’s Business." Contributing Receiver. Mic...
Michael041605&041805ProgressGroup_Loveisthe Father’s Business_GodsPeace

US of A, April 16, 2005.
Christ Michael.
Subject: "Love is the Father’s Business."

Contributing Receiver.

Michael: "I am here, My sister. Mother (Nebadonia) is here as well, as are many others.

"You wonder why I have never given you a message from what you might term the deeper issues of life. There has never been a message of greater importance than those that teach you to love one another.

"For many, many years you have been in awe of the messages that you deemed more brilliant than those that came through you. But no, My sister, if our Father is no respecter of persons, than why do you respect some of your brothers and sisters for the little letters they place after their names?

"Do you think your Father respects them more than He does you? He does not esteem one above another, and perhaps you could emulate Him in that regard.

"This is not a condemnation, for it is a point in the natural progression of humanity’s ego system to believe the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, especially regarding mankind’s intellectual capacity.

"You have words of great importance to take to your brothers and sisters. They are troubled over many things. But I tell you this very great truth today; there is no easier path to peace than to simply love. You will see love in all its simplicity change the world completely from chaos to peace, from raging tempests to still waters. And you will witness this in your very lifetime.

"I have assigned the office of peacemaker to you, and to many of your brothers and sisters. Do not grow impatient! You are not alone, for there are countless numbers assigned to assist with this task.

"You and your brothers and sisters need to be still and listen. Many are practicing stillness, and they are learning to listen to the still, small Voice that will soon affect mankind like a roaring thunder. But whether still, or resounding loudly throughout the halls of this entire universe, it will never speak except to echo love.

"You will send this message to George, and you will not think that these messages are too simplistic. I did not allow myself to turn away from My appointed tasks, and neither should you. You have only one gospel to proclaim, which is our Father’s Gospel of Love.

"Father loves all His children unconditionally. There is only love in reality and truth. To give love is all we need do. Consistency is a concept that all our brothers and sisters must learn to appreciate, and learn well, so be consistent in love, and the world will change.

"This is the message I give you today. It is a timeless message. It is our Father’s Business that we are all about today. I am Michael."


Receiver’s note: I had begun to believe my work was not really all that important, and contemplated "quitting all this Celestial business". I was clearly told to carry on, and forward my work to the 11:11 Progress Group.

© 11:11 Progress Group



US of A, April 28, 2005.
Christ Michael.
Subject: "God’s Peace and Joy are Mine." [A Personal Message.]

Contributing Receiver.

Michael: "It has become a habit to allow this new apparent obstacle to rob you of your peace of mind, although nothing has changed. If you feel less happy today than you did yesterday, because of this new chaos in your relationship, I will remind you that this is simply an emotion. And it merely takes from you your peace, and happiness, and joy, but only if you choose to let it.

"You have been in this exact circumstance before today. It is your habit to permit the apparent sad circumstance of a broken relationship to bring gloom into your day. You are not alone in allowing yourself this habit, My sister.

"Gloom is a poor reaction to such a circumstance. You are forgetting for this moment one great truth, so I will remind you of the Source of happiness—the Source of all happiness, and joy and peace, is our Father’s unconditional love.

"You are never separated from Love and Its Source. So now, in this rejection in the broken relationship, I remind you to return to truth. You have not lost this relationship. It is only the elusion of separation that removes your joy.

"There is no separation, for you know one other great truth. If you and all of our Father’s children can never be separated from our Father’s unconditional love, there is no separation; from Him, or from each other.

"Yes, the door to this relationship seems closed, but that is not the truth. Let us return to truth.

"The habit of joylessness is simply a choice as are all habits. You have removed yourself from many habits that you once thought of as hopeless. You have had countless examples in your lifetime of victory with the seemingly impossible. This is no exception.

"You told the truth. You were courageous in truth, although it was painful. And now it has all become a part of yesterday. No need to beat yourself up. That, too, is a habit. No condemnation today, for you did your best, and it will bear fruit. Sometimes it requires great patience to harvest the fruit of truth, but you have patience and you will see the proof of truth’s reward.

"Now I ask you to put away this gloomy semblance. Father’s Love gives you great joy as it has in the past, and it will in the future. You just need to be reminded that love never fails, and simply return to love. And also simply return to peace and happiness. It is a choice, and a habit you need to develop. Put away the old habit, and enjoy today. I walk with you for great good.

"I am Michael."

Receiver’s note: I am back on track this morning with this message, as He has done so many times before. His faithfulness is awesome! The message "came from my pain", and I know it is personal, but I'm sure it will help other brothers and sisters.

© 11:11 Progress Group


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