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New page: Michael090805&091105ProgressGroup_AbideWithMe&UnseenBrotherhood US of A, September 8, 2005. Christ Michael. Subject: "Abide With Me." (A personal message). Contributing Receiver. Mich...

US of A, September 8, 2005.

Christ Michael.

Subject: "Abide With Me." (A personal message).

Contributing Receiver.

Michael: "Do you remember all those years ago when you first saw these words in your scripture study, My sister? You asked, ‘What does it mean to abide?’

"‘Stay with Me,’ I replied. That seemed to be a simple request of you then, but abiding with us is not simple. No! Not at all!

"You learned that discouragement was always the enemy of abiding. You smile, for the memory of your frequent running away from abiding comes quickly to your mind. And you remember clearly now grabbing the little gold cross from around your neck and flinging it across the room.

"Father, understood your disappointment that Christianity had failed you. You were terribly discouraged, and days passed, and you retrieved the little cross. However, you did not put it back around your neck.

"For while you thought you would walk away from Me, and all that little cross stood for in your mind, it was nevertheless impossible to exit from Me. I said I would never leave you or forsake you, and you knew that was a very great truth. And so we continued again on our journey toward enlightenment.

"Abiding is not always easy, but not abiding is impossible once the love connection is made, My sister, and you know that is also a very great truth.

"You remember quite well the day you found that beautiful line in ACIM; ‘I take your hand each day, and that is no idle fantasy.’ That line went into your heart, forever to remain, becoming a great connection to the principle you learned so many years before. Abiding did not depend on you, or when you could or would do it. No! I would always abide with you.

"I know there have been days of great discouragement, and yes, many disappointments, too, yet that long-ago short moment in time of attempting to throw away your walk with Me now represents a turning point.

"My sister, life without Me is impossible. And as well you know, life with Me is a grand life, whilst without me it is no life at all. Again you smile. Our friendship is a life filled with very great love.

"I am Michael. The journey we take together is the good life, the life of peace and joy and happiness. It has been an evolution from chaos to peace, and one I know you would not have missed for anything this world seems to offer."

11:11 Progress Group.


US of A, September 11, 2005.
Christ Michael.
Subject: "The Unseen Brotherhood."

Contributing Receiver.

Michael: "I will speak to you today, dear sister, about the unseen Brotherhood. They work tirelessly and ceaselessly to bring our Father’s Will to fruition for all humankind.

"You have only recently come into a knowing about the reality of the unseen. You remembered quite some time ago, Paul’s Scripture, ‘You are surrounded on every side by such a great crowd of witnesses.’ And at that moment you realized that Paul had a clear understanding of the unseen more than 20 centuries ago.

"Over and over again you have heard My still small Voice whisper with authority from the unseen that ‘you have nothing to fear.’ Yet, you know how slowly your fears have exited. Presently you are almost fearless, and where does that fearlessness come from, if not from trusting the unseen?

"A full understanding of the unseen brotherhood is still waiting for its true fruition to manifest. The work of bringing that understanding to the forefront is a major part of the Correcting Time. Those who understand the facts concerning the unseen must make that truth known.

"There is an element of fear attached to this great truth; for from a lack of understanding, superstitions have manifested. It has always been the rule that what humanity does not understand, it fears. It’s time for the fearless to step forward.

"I am Michael. I am unseen but clearly visible to the countless warriors for truth. They will receive this message with gladness of heart. Long has been their preparation for the battle in words and heart songs.

"And, that great crowd of witnesses applaud loudly and happily; for the coming of the universal recognition of their goodness, their holiness and very great beauty!"

© The 11:11 Progress Group.


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