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Michael—December 5, 2005
Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.
      (Urantia’s Quarantine)
      (The Cosmos of Personal Beings)
      (Michael’s and Mother Spirit’s Confidence in Us)
      (In-here and Out-there)
      (Taking Responsibility for Ones World View)
      (Encountering Another’s Projections)
      (Ones Free Will—inside)
      (Accepting Responsibility)
===Topic: ''Urantia's Quarantine, Cosmos of Personal Beings''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit--Michael especially, tonight. As we approach the season of celebrating Your birth and the life You lived with us, we feel ourselves full of gratitude for this example You gave us of how full a human life can be, and what can be accomplished, when one is so deeply dedicated to searching out, and finding the strength and the courage to follow, God’s will. We are thankful too as we recall what You told us so recently about how this life of Yours felt to You, what great value You put on every single individual. Following Your example, help us to realize each other as individuals. We thank You for these gifts, and do our best shine our love and our devotion back to You. Amen.
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit--Michael especially, tonight. As we approach the season of celebrating Your birth and the life You lived with us, we feel ourselves full of gratitude for this example You gave us of how full a human life can be, and what can be accomplished, when one is so deeply dedicated to searching out, and finding the strength and the courage to follow, God’s will. We are thankful too as we recall what You told us so recently about how this life of Yours felt to You, what great value You put on every single individual. Following Your example, help us to realize each other as individuals. We thank You for these gifts, and do our best shine our love and our devotion back to You. Amen.
MICHAEL: My beloved children, this is your father, Michael, Creator Son of Nebadon, parent, with Mother Nebadonia, of so many children now in our Local Universe. I think one of the greatest gifts of the Urantia book is the understanding it gives you of what a vast family you belong to, an understanding lost to your world for millennia.
MICHAEL: My beloved children, this is your father, Michael, Creator Son of Nebadon, parent, with Mother Nebadonia, of so many children now in our Local Universe. I think one of the greatest gifts of the Urantia book is the understanding it gives you of what a vast family you belong to, an understanding lost to your world for millennia.
(Urantia’s quarantine)
*Rebellion (Urantia’s quarantine)
The Lucifer Rebellion occurred several hundred thousand years ago. Beings greater than Lucifer had the power to squash it, squash the rebellion instantaneously if They would have chosen to do so. But They too were following our Father’s example by mercifully providing time for all the rebel spirits to realize Their mistakes and rejoin the spiritual family They had cast Themselves apart from. So the Constellation level of authority chose to isolate the System, which had Lucifer as its head, and sever the lines of communication between the System’s Headquarters Worlds and those planets whose Leaders chose to follow Lucifer into rebellion.
The Lucifer Rebellion occurred several hundred thousand years ago. Beings greater than Lucifer had the power to squash it, squash the rebellion instantaneously if They would have chosen to do so. But They too were following our Father’s example by mercifully providing time for all the rebel spirits to realize Their mistakes and rejoin the spiritual family They had cast Themselves apart from. So the Constellation level of authority chose to isolate the System, which had Lucifer as its head, and sever the lines of communication between the System’s Headquarters Worlds and those planets whose Leaders chose to follow Lucifer into rebellion.
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This was a kind of spiritual quarantine to limit the rebellion. But all the rebel spirits were allowed sway, were allowed to present Their arguments without hindrance within this isolated System, until every single individual—ascendant human or Celestial on all the architectural and evolutionary worlds involved, were able to decide for themselves which side They were on. Only then did the leaders of the Constellation step in and exercise the power They had always had, and end the gross manifestations of the rebellion; but not of course all the after-effects. The individual planets which had joined the rebellion, of which Urantia is one, continued on in quarantine and ever greater darkness and chaos--in the case of your own planet, almost thoroughly erasing the three hundred thousand years of steady civilization that had preceded the rebellion. Humanity has been severely afflicted ever since. This was one of My great purposes, one mission I was instructed by My brother, Immanuel, to attempt during My life on your planet: to do My best to turn around the effects of the Lucifer Rebellion, starting My Correcting Time with the help of all My human companions. It has been enormously successful these last two thousand years. More change has come about than in the many thousands of years preceding this in terms of individual human rights being recognized by the enlarging social groups. All this is a bit of a digression to explain Urantia’s spiritual quarantine.
This was a kind of spiritual quarantine to limit the rebellion. But all the rebel spirits were allowed sway, were allowed to present Their arguments without hindrance within this isolated System, until every single individual—ascendant human or Celestial on all the architectural and evolutionary worlds involved, were able to decide for themselves which side They were on. Only then did the leaders of the Constellation step in and exercise the power They had always had, and end the gross manifestations of the rebellion; but not of course all the after-effects. The individual planets which had joined the rebellion, of which Urantia is one, continued on in quarantine and ever greater darkness and chaos--in the case of your own planet, almost thoroughly erasing the three hundred thousand years of steady civilization that had preceded the rebellion. Humanity has been severely afflicted ever since. This was one of My great purposes, one mission I was instructed by My brother, Immanuel, to attempt during My life on your planet: to do My best to turn around the effects of the Lucifer Rebellion, starting My Correcting Time with the help of all My human companions. It has been enormously successful these last two thousand years. More change has come about than in the many thousands of years preceding this in terms of individual human rights being recognized by the enlarging social groups. All this is a bit of a digression to explain Urantia’s spiritual quarantine.
(The Cosmos of personal beings)
*Cosmology (The Cosmos of personal beings)
It awaited the advancement of your conceptual scientific and cosmic understandings, for you to be presented with the Urantia book’s broad outlines of how Urantia is just one of millions of inhabited evolutionary planets within Nebadon. We are very much aware of your current stage of scientific discoveries. We know how you thrill to feel you have discovered empirically even another single planet out there amidst the stars. And here We are telling you, you are just one of millions of inhabited planets within just one Local Universe, of which there are about seven hundred thousand in existence. And so We give you the concept and the feeling, the spiritual feeling of humility, not to make you feel small, but rather to introduce you to the glory of the Creation, tease you with some inklings of just how enormous it is. This is why We say humility is a spiritual blessing. It’s the feeling you get in the presence of something enormous. And so the wise person, the inwardly strong person identifies with this greater creation, and thanks the viewpoint being presented to help him or her get a greater comprehension of the nature of God.
It awaited the advancement of your conceptual scientific and cosmic understandings, for you to be presented with the Urantia book’s broad outlines of how Urantia is just one of millions of inhabited evolutionary planets within Nebadon. We are very much aware of your current stage of scientific discoveries. We know how you thrill to feel you have discovered empirically even another single planet out there amidst the stars. And here We are telling you, you are just one of millions of inhabited planets within just one Local Universe, of which there are about seven hundred thousand in existence. And so We give you the concept and the feeling, the spiritual feeling of humility, not to make you feel small, but rather to introduce you to the glory of the Creation, tease you with some inklings of just how enormous it is. This is why We say humility is a spiritual blessing. It’s the feeling you get in the presence of something enormous. And so the wise person, the inwardly strong person identifies with this greater creation, and thanks the viewpoint being presented to help him or her get a greater comprehension of the nature of God.
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And so We see how seemingly fragile is this thing called civilization, this thing called progress, and yet We know from Our experience on these millions of worlds of ours how tenacious and all unstoppable is the general trend of God’s whole universe; how supreme is the evolution and the growth of the Supreme Being, the soul of it all. This is Our faith in you, based on Our perception of your struggles.
And so We see how seemingly fragile is this thing called civilization, this thing called progress, and yet We know from Our experience on these millions of worlds of ours how tenacious and all unstoppable is the general trend of God’s whole universe; how supreme is the evolution and the growth of the Supreme Being, the soul of it all. This is Our faith in you, based on Our perception of your struggles.
(Michael’s and Mother spirit’s confidence in us)
* Assurance (Michael’s and Mother spirit’s confidence in us)
So let Us repeat again, My children, nothing that happens to you is superfluous. Everything that happens is the result of both antecedent causality, more or less what you are presented with each moment, then how this is understood by you, and affected by your freewill decisions. This is what constitutes you a spiritual being—that you can create something new and thereby have a choice. And so as you come to rejoin the vast family you are being introduced to, know that even on those worlds which were not cursed with such a system rebellion, even on the worlds far, far advanced culturally and technologically to where Urantia will be someday, still the human situation is created by God to give meaning to the choices they too have to make; and that all trials are to strengthen you for eternity. This is why We say, be of good heart--Mother Spirit and I, and all Our Celestial children. We are right beside you, pulling with you. You no longer need to feel alone, either as an individual human being, or as one of the inhabitants of this very special planet. We bid you welcome to our vast Celestial family, and promise you the glorious surprise you will enjoy one day when you come to meet Us all face to face.
So let Us repeat again, My children, nothing that happens to you is superfluous. Everything that happens is the result of both antecedent causality, more or less what you are presented with each moment, then how this is understood by you, and affected by your freewill decisions. This is what constitutes you a spiritual being—that you can create something new and thereby have a choice. And so as you come to rejoin the vast family you are being introduced to, know that even on those worlds which were not cursed with such a system rebellion, even on the worlds far, far advanced culturally and technologically to where Urantia will be someday, still the human situation is created by God to give meaning to the choices they too have to make; and that all trials are to strengthen you for eternity. This is why We say, be of good heart--Mother Spirit and I, and all Our Celestial children. We are right beside you, pulling with you. You no longer need to feel alone, either as an individual human being, or as one of the inhabitants of this very special planet. We bid you welcome to our vast Celestial family, and promise you the glorious surprise you will enjoy one day when you come to meet Us all face to face.
If you have any questions this evening--or comments, I am always gladdened we have these living conversations.
If you have any questions this evening--or comments, I am always gladdened we have these living conversations.
Student: Father Michael, one of my daughters seems to be having a unusual happening in her house. Do You think there is an energy presence there? She and the two children have actually seen something. I’ve assured her there is no such thing as evil spirits around any more, or ghosts, or that kind of thing. But it is still very unusual and no body seems to know what is going on. Would You care to comment on anything like that?
Student: Father Michael, one of my daughters seems to be having a unusual happening in her house. Do You think there is an energy presence there? She and the two children have actually seen something. I’ve assured her there is no such thing as evil spirits around any more, or ghosts, or that kind of thing. But it is still very unusual and no body seems to know what is going on. Would You care to comment on anything like that?
(In-here and out-there)
*Polarity (In-here and out-there)
MICHAEL: Yes C, you are quite correct that, in the classical meaning of the word ghost as the spiritual part of a human who once lived in the world still hanging around after death, they do not exist. You are also correct that the rebel Midwayers have long since been gone from Urantia, along with their leader, the planetary prince Caligastia. I call to your mind that some of your social religions and philosophies have long made the observation, and then taught, that there is no hard line, no demarcation between the inside and outside of human experience. We’ve looked at this before in the phenomena of projection wherein you are literally encountering your own values, meanings, and interpretations as if they were outside of you. And so anyone who has a inner belief system--and everybody does--you all have your own way of interpreting reality--if this belief system includes ghosts or any other of a number of psychic phenomena, it is possible for them to actually experience these as exterior actualities. This is not to be ridiculed for, as I say, you are all doing this to some degree. No one can claim objectivity, at least not for a few million years of experience. And you are just starting out. (laughter)
MICHAEL: Yes C, you are quite correct that, in the classical meaning of the word ghost as the spiritual part of a human who once lived in the world still hanging around after death, they do not exist. You are also correct that the rebel Midwayers have long since been gone from Urantia, along with their leader, the planetary prince Caligastia. I call to your mind that some of your social religions and philosophies have long made the observation, and then taught, that there is no hard line, no demarcation between the inside and outside of human experience. We’ve looked at this before in the phenomena of projection wherein you are literally encountering your own values, meanings, and interpretations as if they were outside of you. And so anyone who has a inner belief system--and everybody does--you all have your own way of interpreting reality--if this belief system includes ghosts or any other of a number of psychic phenomena, it is possible for them to actually experience these as exterior actualities. This is not to be ridiculed for, as I say, you are all doing this to some degree. No one can claim objectivity, at least not for a few million years of experience. And you are just starting out. (laughter)
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MICHAEL (after a long pause): Well, My son, take encouragement that nothing seems to be standing out--(laughs)--as being terribly out of line. I sense you are growing. You have very strong ideals towards which you are striving.
MICHAEL (after a long pause): Well, My son, take encouragement that nothing seems to be standing out--(laughs)--as being terribly out of line. I sense you are growing. You have very strong ideals towards which you are striving.
*Honesty (Directness)
I’d like to recommend one particular thing. In your relations with others, strive to be more direct, more to the point, more fearless in feeling what you yourself believe and understand; and not be afraid to express this directly as your opinion--rather than usually so round-about by way of something you have read, or some other person you know, to emphasize the point.
I’d like to recommend one particular thing. In your relations with others, strive to be more direct, more to the point, more fearless in feeling what you yourself believe and understand; and not be afraid to express this directly as your opinion--rather than usually so round-about by way of something you have read, or some other person you know, to emphasize the point.
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Student: Yes, Michael: a number of things. One, in relationship to what’s being talked about tonight, is that there’s nothing more, at least to me, more, for a lack of a better word…annoying than having someone tell me they know me; they know who I am. And whenever anyone says that to me, it’s like, how dare they? Because they don’t know who I am. What they’re expressing to me is their own projection--what You just talked about. And it may give me some insight about what I may do - some pattern which I will take into account. But when someone has read something, or just sees something that is familiar to them, that bothers me, because they don’t know. They’re discounting the many layers and levels of my consciousness, and of my life. And I would never have the audacity to say the same of another. You could say, I know who others are--but only in the context of spirit, that we are all spirit, we are all children of God. And they may have some understanding of my life history, but not know what goes on within, unless they tell me so. So that’s one thing. Do You wish to comment?
Student: Yes, Michael: a number of things. One, in relationship to what’s being talked about tonight, is that there’s nothing more, at least to me, more, for a lack of a better word…annoying than having someone tell me they know me; they know who I am. And whenever anyone says that to me, it’s like, how dare they? Because they don’t know who I am. What they’re expressing to me is their own projection--what You just talked about. And it may give me some insight about what I may do - some pattern which I will take into account. But when someone has read something, or just sees something that is familiar to them, that bothers me, because they don’t know. They’re discounting the many layers and levels of my consciousness, and of my life. And I would never have the audacity to say the same of another. You could say, I know who others are--but only in the context of spirit, that we are all spirit, we are all children of God. And they may have some understanding of my life history, but not know what goes on within, unless they tell me so. So that’s one thing. Do You wish to comment?
(Encountering another’s projections)
*Fear (Encountering another’s projections)
MICHAEL: You are giving classical examples of encountering someone else’s projections--especially if they just read a book on psychology and are now seeing you through all these new ideas and concepts.
MICHAEL: You are giving classical examples of encountering someone else’s projections--especially if they just read a book on psychology and are now seeing you through all these new ideas and concepts.
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MICHAEL: My son, all these folks just give you such a great opportunity to practice the spiritual blessing of tolerance. It’s especially important to practice tolerance towards intolerant people. (laughter) Do this playfully, and stay light-hearted. Tease them out of it, if you can, because in this way you are showing them--you are literally presenting them with an example--the delight of someone who is a free spirit, who is ultimately trusting their own inner evaluation of the fruit of the vine. You know for yourself, from all your life’s experience, that the Divine--the Source, can be determined. The Divine can be determined by the fruit it bears.
MICHAEL: My son, all these folks just give you such a great opportunity to practice the spiritual blessing of tolerance. It’s especially important to practice tolerance towards intolerant people. (laughter) Do this playfully, and stay light-hearted. Tease them out of it, if you can, because in this way you are showing them--you are literally presenting them with an example--the delight of someone who is a free spirit, who is ultimately trusting their own inner evaluation of the fruit of the vine. You know for yourself, from all your life’s experience, that the Divine--the Source, can be determined. The Divine can be determined by the fruit it bears.
(Ones free will—inside)
*Free will (Ones free will—inside)
These are generally folks who are still so uncertain inside, who are still in a phase where the questioning of reality--that they feel they need for their own inner self-honesty--is so great, they don’t yet realize that it is part of their free will to be able to inwardly cut anything down--to destroy anything. Even the most profound truths can be denied. If this is ones orientation, think of the example of Lucifer, this brilliant Being who came to the point of denying God himself. You can wonder, how could such a Being be so wrong? Your text even informs you that many of His followers at first believed in Him through feeling that such a luminous Being could not possibly be wrong.
These are generally folks who are still so uncertain inside, who are still in a phase where the questioning of reality--that they feel they need for their own inner self-honesty--is so great, they don’t yet realize that it is part of their free will to be able to inwardly cut anything down--to destroy anything. Even the most profound truths can be denied. If this is ones orientation, think of the example of Lucifer, this brilliant Being who came to the point of denying God himself. You can wonder, how could such a Being be so wrong? Your text even informs you that many of His followers at first believed in Him through feeling that such a luminous Being could not possibly be wrong.
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Well, My children, I think this evening we touched upon an ideal, a vision of a peaceful world in which everyone accepts the responsibility for their own vision of things; both as a limit to their objectivity, but then too, to the glory of realizing what they are creating--what each of you is creating for yourself, moment by moment along with the objective reality that is God’s.
Well, My children, I think this evening we touched upon an ideal, a vision of a peaceful world in which everyone accepts the responsibility for their own vision of things; both as a limit to their objectivity, but then too, to the glory of realizing what they are creating--what each of you is creating for yourself, moment by moment along with the objective reality that is God’s.
(Accepting responsibility)
* Responsibility (Accepting responsibility)
The challenge becomes one of, how can we get folks to relinquish this illusion of objectivity they cling to for the power it gives them, the power to do things to others, and not accept a responsibility that is theirs, and theirs alone? For them, the realization is a weakness. Yet to believe that one has God on ones side, to experience reality as if generalizations of race, or cultural, or sex, are in some way absolutely real, and therefore somehow entitle one to act violently upon them: this is the psychological foundation of intolerance, and terror.
The challenge becomes one of, how can we get folks to relinquish this illusion of objectivity they cling to for the power it gives them, the power to do things to others, and not accept a responsibility that is theirs, and theirs alone? For them, the realization is a weakness. Yet to believe that one has God on ones side, to experience reality as if generalizations of race, or cultural, or sex, are in some way absolutely real, and therefore somehow entitle one to act violently upon them: this is the psychological foundation of intolerance, and terror.
So, first of all, primarily and fundamentally, do your best not to be a fundamentalist yourself. (laughter) Never assume you have the absolute, final word on anything. Stay open. Keep the living touch with life itself. Welcome variety. Perceive individuals. Wonder about that demarcation between in-here and out-there; and watch as it moves about as a function of your consciousness.
So, first of all, primarily and fundamentally, do your best not to be a fundamentalist yourself. (laughter) Never assume you have the absolute, final word on anything. Stay open. Keep the living touch with life itself. Welcome variety. Perceive individuals. Wonder about that demarcation between in-here and out-there; and watch as it moves about as a function of your consciousness.
What a great and glorious reward there is in humility: the enormity of what you can perceive just keeps getting larger. So be at peace, My children, in this living adventure that has no end: no outer limits: no inner limits either! Good evening.
What a great and glorious reward there is in humility: the enormity of what you can perceive just keeps getting larger. So be at peace, My children, in this living adventure that has no end: no outer limits: no inner limits either! Good evening.
All: Good evening, Michael.
All: Good evening, Michael.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: Rebellion]]
[[Category: Cosmology/TeaM]]
[[Category: Assurance]]
[[Category: Polarity]]
[[Category: Fear]]
[[Category: Honesty]]
[[Category: Free will]]
[[Category: Responsibility]]
[[Category: 2005]]

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