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New page: Michael&Nebadonia1022&102906CCC_AllowingTheEbb&FlowOfLove Dear Reader: When reading this message, please focus on your intention to receive Mother fully in your body and allow her to move...

Dear Reader: When reading this message, please focus on your intention to receive Mother fully in your body and allow her to move through you. I would be interested to hear any one's experience with this message. Thank you. DD



October 22, 2006

Dearest child, your Mother in Spirit is here. I am the one who wraps herself into your being, creating those places within you to perceive those realities that make you a more vibrant and alive human being. While the thoughts you think are primarily the result of the stimulation you receive from your five senses, there is another way to engage with your environment. I invite you to feel me internally and become more aware of your body and how it perceives.

Your body is capable of absorbing light—spiritual luminosity—that brings your entire being into the softness of peace and the resiliency of mercy and the strength of power. Moving into this place within your heart with me is comforting and secure , and it is your intention to receive this that begins to encode these love-saturated energies into you.

When you are so desirous of being more love dominated within your body, I can move more fully into you and build you in what you need to grow spiritually. Living in your body then becomes a place of great delight as you sense the sacredness of what being human is all about. Your body is a temple of the Spirit, and as such, is a holy place that wants to serve you well throughout your life. I can help you regain that sanctity of internal place and bring you into aligned wholeness.

Your intellects have been trained to dominate your thinking and provide you with spiritual concepts; yet truly it is your body that wants to open to LOVE. Here is where you find true, lasting and blissful joy. Open your body to me, my beloved one, and let it speak to you in a new way that holds the keys to the dreams long seeded in your heart.




October 29, 2006

Beloved children, this is Michael, your Creator-Father. Envision yourself standing before me for as long as you can. From your heart center draw my presence and essence into you by focusing your intention to feel me inside you. Ask to feel me deeply. Invite your body to open to me.

Allow the ebb and flow of love to move in you gracefully. The flow comes from me as I build my essence into you. The ebb allows you to focus your intention to receive more of me. Relax into the rhythm of this cycle and notice how your body responds.

When you are relaxed in full, invite your cells to re-pattern themselves upon the energies that are coming into you. It is safe and secure to do this, my beloved, children, and I invite you to trust me more deeply, down to the core of your being, down where new information is being encoded into your body. It is safe to trust me in this.

What are you becoming? Pure love itself! Is this not what you need, what you desire, what you crave? And so I give it to you without reservation. All your part requires is to trust me and to open yourself and to spend time in stillness receiving, receiving and receiving.

The time of healing is upon you, my children. Will you step up and receive all of what you need to become strong children in mind, body and spirit?


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