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f. [[Latin]] anxi-us troubled in [[mind]] (f. ang-re to choke, distress)
*1. The [[quality]] or [[state]] of [[being]] anxious; uneasiness or trouble of [[mind]] about some uncertain [[event]]; solicitude, concern.

*2. Strained or solicitous [[desire]] (for or to effect some [[purpose]]).

*3. Path. ‘A condition of agitation and [[depression]], with a sensation of tightness and distress in the præcordial region.’ Syd. Soc. Lex. 1880.

*4. Psychiatry. A morbid state of mind characterized by unjustified or excessive anxiety, which may be generalized or attached to particular situations. Freq. attrib. and Comb., as anxiety-producing, -ridden adjs.; anxiety complex (cf. COMPLEX n. 3); anxiety hysteria, a form of anxiety [[neurosis]]; anxiety neurosis [tr. G. angstneurose (Freud 1895, in Neurolog. Zentralbl. XIV. 55)], anxiety state, names technically applied to such a condition of anxiety.

*5. Phrase "Age of Anxiety": the title of [ W. H. Auden]'s poem applied as a catch-phrase to any period characterized by anxiety or danger.

[[Category: General Reference]]

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