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===Topic: ''Consequences of Being Ill Prepared''===
===Group: [[Arcadia TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[JarEl]]===
===TR: [[George B.]]===
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father thank you for this
group. Thank you for the many blessings that you
have bestowed on each one of us. We pray for
peace in this world. We pray for the coming of
Monjoronson and the coming of Light and Life. We
love you Father. In Christ Michael’s name, Amen.

JarEl: TR, George. Good evening. It is I, your
teacher JarEl. It is good to be back again. In
the last lesson I spoke to you about being
patient, understanding that there is a time for
everything and a place. But today I would like
to speak to you about being prepared. And there
are many forms of being prepared. And you, more
than anyone, or just as anyone on this planet,
understands the value of being prepared. You
never know what is going to happen tomorrow or the next day.
But even so, the type of preparedness that I am
speaking of is a spiritual preparedness; one
where you investigate your soul and examine your
life; the sort of preparedness where you count
the gifts that are inside of you and the gifts
that you have given. This sort of spiritual
preparedness is one where you honestly look at
your life and think back to where you were and
where you are now and where you want to be
tomorrow. To be prepared is to constantly be
struggling to move forward, taking a step
everyday to learn something new about yourself
and about those who you love. Remaining stagnant
means that you are ill prepared. It means that
you will not be able to face the challenges that
will come down the road. And there are many
challenges coming your way. So you must look
inside yourselves and find that inner peace that
exists there and hold onto that, because that is
what will help you through the hard times, the difficult times.

Find that humanity, find that love; find that
connection that exists with God through all of
the universe. And remember you are a son of the
universe and you are a brother to all creature
kind. Do not replace that thought with one of
selfishness and ignorance, because that will mean
your spiritual death. That will isolate you, not
only from your brothers and sisters, but from
God. That would plant a seed of destruction that will slowly corrupt
your mind and ruin your soul. So always remember
this: God is your Father and you have brothers
and sisters throughout the universe as well as on
this world. You are all connected with one
another and the damage that you do to one another
you do to God and to yourself.

So when the difficult times come, when the
challenges come, be prepared to face them with
dignity, with honesty, with fairness, with
equality, with kindness and with love. Indeed,
if you were to do otherwise, you would fall back
into your animal nature of greed and selfishness;
things that do not represent God or his
children. You must learn to bring one another
together. You must learn to love one another and
build each other’s spirits. You must find hope
where none seems to exist. You must find love
when the world is filled with hatred. You must
find kindness when everyone treats you very
badly. And you must find each other when you feel utterly lost.

You have all gone through this world, you think
you know it, you think you have learned to live
with it, but it will not always be this way. It
will change as all things change. But you must
not change, your heart must stay firm and
honest. Your spirits must remain filled with
hope for that will carry you through and that
will bring strength to others that need that
strength. And you will represent that for
them. All this comes down to you being that
person that is prepared to face these challenges.

However, if you would allow yourself to slack off
and not deal with the inner turmoil that exists
within you, then when the day comes and these
challenges are thrown your way, you will
disintegrate, you will crumble for you will not
be prepared, you will not be stable.

So find that stability inside you, find that rock
on which you can build your future. That rock is
the true source of all of us, the source of this
stable universe. In Him we all find our
strength, in Him we find the love that is within
all of us. And so must you find that which is
inside you. When days seem bleak and dark you
find that inside yourself. Never forget that for
you will need it. So be prepared.

Are there any questions here tonight?
Mike: Yes, I have a question. Is it fair to say
that our guides are with us right now since they
are with us all the time? That my guide is there with you?

JarEl: TR, George. He is not here with me. He is around you.

Mike: Well then he has to be present,
right? What I am getting at is I don’t seem to
be making any contact. Does he have anything to say to me?

JarEl: TR, George. He has plenty to say to you.

Mike: Well, what am I doing wrong? I am not picking up on anything.

JarEl: TR, George. You are doing nothing wrong
my friend. You just need to be a little bit more
patient. He is there with you and he is speaking
to you. You may not hear everything he says, you
may not be consciously aware of everything he
says. But you are certainly aware on some level
that he is there. And this level, this level of
consciousness allows you to make the right
choices in your life for you know what is true
and what is right. And it is something that is
just inside you that you understand, that you cannot put in words.

He is there as well as your Thought Adjuster is
there. The Thought Adjuster is a more difficult
entity to contact; it has more subtle tones of
communication. Your teacher is someone you could
contact if you were patient enough. But I do
understand that you do have this desire. But it
is between you and your teacher, and I cannot interfere in this.

I suggest to you that you do a little bit more
work on yourself. Find that inner peace and in
the end it is not so important that you have that
inter- communication. What is important is your
acknowledgment that he is there as well as your
acknowledgment towards God and towards all your
brothers and sisters that are around you. That
is enough; that is okay for the moment.

Mike: Isn’t that part of the plan before you are
born that you are supposed to be able to pick up
on your guidance from your guide?

JarEl: TR, George. Part of the plan before you are born?

Mike: Well, yes, when you come into this
life. I mean, this being the physical part,
isn’t there like a spiritual part that is still
on the other side? I don’t know how to put it.

JarEl: TR, George. There are many eventualities
in this universe. One of them is that you will
be in contact with your guide. It is not a
guarantee that within this lifetime you will have
direct contact. Not many people actually contact
their guides while sojourning on Urantia. They
eventually come into contact when they reach the
Morontia realms. Whether or not you believe it
was a plan for you to contact your guide within
this lifetime, is entirely up to you.

But what I am aware of is that your world is
still in its evolutionary process and not all
citizens of this planet are capable of contacting
their guides on a personal level. They do it on
impersonal levels or subconscious levels, but
rarely direct. And what you are experiencing is
unconscious forms of communication with your guide.

The good part and the exciting part is that you
are aware of your teacher and you are aware of
your Thought Adjuster, at least in theoretical
form, if not in personal form. However this
theory, this idea, which you carry is enough for
the communication to one day begin.

It is important that you acknowledge your
teachers. It is important that you acknowledge
God for any connection to begin. So do not fret
or worry and do not doubt that these things
exist, for they do exist and they are within you
and it is within your capacity to contact your
teacher it is just a matter of practice and patience.

Mike: Are these CDs that I’ve been getting
helping me or not? I mean, I always ask for
guidance when I get these meditation CDs and
other things like that. I am just wondering if I
am planting a seed in my mind that is not really
doing anything for me, or confusing me more than it is helping?

JarEl: TR, George. It is understandable that
you look for external forms of inspiration. But
ultimately it is you who must communicate and it
is within you to find this
communication. Whether or not these disks help
you is entirely up to you. And you have the
capacity to help yourself. You have it within
you to find that connection with God, with your
teachers, with your Thought Adjuster. Have faith
in yourself my friend. You are the driver of
your soul. You control your destiny and you
control your connections with the universe; you
open yourself and you can close yourself. There
is no external source that can do that. It is
all internal, it has always been internal.

Mike: How does one raise one’s vibration? Let’s
say you want to physically heal your body in
certain ways…like I have a bad knee. Is there a
mental way of thinking that will vibrate at a
different rate which would be more healing?

JarEl: TR, George. Vibration can only occur
when the whole body is taken up to that new
level, not just the physical, but the spiritual
and the mental. Once you allow yourself to open
yourself to this new, higher, energy, you do
raise your vibrations. But there are a lot of
things that are blocking you from achieving this
next level. As in many people, there are a lot
of mental blocks that they must overcome whether
they are physical, mental or spiritual. All of
these combined allow you to reach the next
level. But if you leave one out you cannot
achieve that new vibration. It is possible, but
you must find your own way of how to do this. I
cannot tell you step by step of all the various
things that you must do in your life to get
here. It is your own growth and challenge. It
is your own task and your own choices that you
must make in your life. And, yes, some of this
is directly linked to the choices that you make
and the future choices that you will make. So
consider well every choice that you will make
from here on and your vibrations will be raised.

Dennis: JarEl, I was wondering…if when one
experiences an out-of-body experience, does any
part of them actually leave their material form
and, if so, what part? And, if not, then what is that experience exactly?

JarEl: TR, George. Leaving your material body
is not something uncommon. In fact, it is very
common and many people do it and what is
happening there is that they are leaving with
their spiritual form and they are taking their
soul with them as well. It is like a vacation
from your body when you travel in spiritual form
and you get a taste of what life will be like and
everything that you can dream - what happens.

Dennis: When you say our spiritual form, I guess
this is where I get to try to understand
something. It is my understanding that we are
kind of an ephemeral frequency that has become
self-aware, to a degree. And that we are not
something that will last beyond death. And that
it is only through an external process that
allows us to be reconstructed after death. So,
what part of us is actually spiritual? That’s the part that I don’t quite get.

JarEl: TR, George. It is a crude form of
spirituality. It is mainly held by your mind, by
your consciousness. But you are a form when you
travel outside yourself. You are put together,
but you are limited to this world; you cannot
pass beyond its borders. You are taken apart
when you travel through space to the mansion
worlds, and there you are put back together. But
when you voluntarily leave your body and travel
throughout this planet, there is no need to take
you apart and to put you back together. You keep
yourself together through your mind. It is a
very complex way of doing it and I will not
explain how this is done. But you are a form that travels.

Dennis: Thank you.

Mike: Why won’t you explain how it’s done?

JarEl: TR, George. Because you would not
understand. There are a lot of complexities
through yourself and your world. Just as Michael
was born as a baby, there are mysteries in this
world that you are not yet ready to
understand. And even if I tried to explain this
to you, it would not make any sense to you. So
it is better left unsaid. Eventually you will
know the truth behind this, so it is not
something that I am denying you, because I know
that you will receive this truth at some eventual
time, but not from my mouth or my words and not
now. You have better things to deal with than to
understand the complexities of out-of-body experiences.

Mike: I have one last personal question. I
would like to know if I made a good decision or a
bad decision about not having my knee operated
on? I wonder if you could tell me that.

JarEl: TR, George. You are still having problems with your knee, I assume.

Mike: Yes, but I am trying to mentally cure, vibrate.

JarEl: TR, George. Sometimes you have to trust
the people that are around you. They do their
best to make you better. It is not always
true. But there are people out there who are
genuinely concerned with your well being. And if
you have that faith in humanity you can find
those people who will help you in this case. I
know that you really want to believe that you can
heal this through purely spiritual means. But
the universe is not built that way, my
friend. You are material for a reason and you
are living a material life. And things material
must remain material and must be given over to
material means. And things spiritual must be
given to spiritual means. You can find cures for this.

Mike: My dilemma is that if I have my knee
replaced, then it is a replaced knee. But I am
trying to wait it out until science catches
up. Maybe there’s a better solution. That’s why I don’t want to do it.

JarEl: TR, George. You cannot always put things off, my friend.

Mike: So you haven’t really told me if it is a good decision or a bad one.

JarEl: TR, George. That depends entirely on
you, on how you look at it. You are the one who
weighs out your life and looks at it in honest
ways. You make decisions for yourself.

Mike: Most of them have been wrong, unfortunately.

JarEl: TR, George. That is okay as long as you
keep making decisions for yourself and for your
life. You will find a way and you will find the
right decision. Have faith in yourself and have
faith in your friends and loved ones and you will
find a way. It is not my place to tell you
whether you have done something right or wrong. It is entirely up to you.

Mike: That didn’t help me. (some laughter)

JarEl: TR, George. I apologize for this.

Mike: No apology is necessary. If I bring a
book in for George to read (more laughter). No,
I have a book that’s called Lives Between Lives
and I really like it, but I don’t know how to ask
the questions. I’d like to have George read it
and then maybe he can, I mean that way JarEl could get it. Would that work?

JarEl: TR, George. That is your prerogative.

Dennis: I have one request, a short one. When
we ask questions, if the answer is broadcast to a
transcribed audience, and your concern is that
the answer would have an impact on that
audience…Well, I guess, I might ask a question
where your answer might be more direct and
specific if it were just to me? Could I ask you,
when we ask questions, if there is ever a time
where your concern if for that broadcasted
audience that you specify that this might be more
for a personal note? Does that make sense?

JarEl: TR, George. Yes, it does. I understand
your concern. I am always mindful as to who my
audience is, who I am reaching. And I always try
to tailor my answers to not only fit your needs
but those of the major need, the world
need. That is why many of the answers that I
give you here and now may not conform to how you
expected them to be answered. That is because I
am mindful as to who else will be reading this
and what they may proceed to expect.

Dennis: I guess my request is, if there is an
answer that you would not want to give to a
larger audience, could you just specify that?

JarEl: TR, George. I will just not give it.

Dennis: (laughter) Okay, thank you.

JarEl: TR, George. There have been times when
this session has not been recorded and I have
been very specific to individuals. But I am
mindful when it is being recorded and transmitted
on a worldwide scale. And it is important to
understand this, that the world is changing. The
world is turning in various ways and now, more
than ever, do you need that spiritual strength
inside you. I won’t promise that it will be easy
and I also will not promise that you will get
instant help when you request it. The help is
there, but not at your beck and call. You must
find that strength inside you and make decisions
for yourself. Because it is true that “God helps those that help themselves”.

Donna: One of my favorite phrases.

Mike: It is nice to know that you’re making progress, though.
JarEl: TR, George. You are making progress and
you will find that recognition and acknowledgment
when you are still. So find that peace inside
yourself, find that stillness and find that
acknowledgment. Because when you make statements
like that, it seems as though you doubt yourself,
as though you doubt your spiritual self. And one
must never doubt that, one must always be
positive, one must always feel good about
oneself. Sure there are very trying times and
various decisions that you might have made that
were wrong, but you are God’s children and you
are all brothers and sisters. And God loves you
and He forgives you for everything that you
do. You are searching, you are growing and you
are making progress. So do not doubt that. You
are here and you are asking those questions and
that is what is important. Keep asking those
questions, keep making decisions and keep moving
forward. Do not give up on yourselves or those
that you love. Do not give up on this world
either. With that, I leave you. Goodnight.

All: Goodnight JarEl.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Arcadia TeaM]]
[[Category: JarEl]]
[[Category: George B.]]
[[Category: Preparation]]
[[Category: Out of Body Experience]]
[[Category: 2008]]

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