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New page: Print This Article PITTSBURGH PA TEAM TEACHERS TOMAS & MERIUM Stillness and Prayer T/R GERDEAN Part 1 Stillness & Prayer URANTIA BOOK STUDY: Paper 39, THE SERAPHIC HOSTS, Cont'd. ...
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Stillness and Prayer


Part 1

Stillness & Prayer


Paper 39, THE SERAPHIC HOSTS, Cont'd.

#3. Supervisor Seraphim

#4. Administrator Seraphim


#7. Morontia Mota, #21-28

Sharing: Elyssia, Celeste, Leah, Rachel, Gerdean and Hester


TOMAS: I am Tomas. Good evening.

GROUP: Good evening, Tomas.

TOMAS: How good it is to be with you. I am glad that you are all here and in such a celebratory humor. We are always joyed when we recognize your joy, in particular when it stems from your very substance and not necessarily fro m your external stimuli, for it is the internal value that will sustain you and see you through into yet more sustained joy. I would like to speak this evening for a moment about your inner life -- to his arena within you in which your soul grows, in which your Adjuster lives, in which you think and feel and have your very Being. Let's look at your internal aspects.

When you turn inward, you do more than contemplate your navel. You have an active and colorful existence within you. You have passed the days when you sought reality outside yourself, for in seeking stillness you have learned to trust your inner space, your relationship with yourself. You have discovered the joy in being. You have learned, to some extent., to follow the guidelines and direction of your Indwelling Spirit.

As you allow yourself to go inward and upward, it is possible for you to seek counsel and communion, indeed, with the Father Himself, with his myriad helpers, personalities, hosts of space that can assist you in your understandings of the cosmos and your place in it - physically, morontially, spiritually, socially, and so on. All of this is an "inside job". All of this is within you as a result of your understanding of who you are in your spiritual life.

Inside is where you have your perspective, where you have your creativity, where you have your individuality. Here you are your free will, your personality, your individuality. I am focusing on this aspect of you this evening for it is a good time to review your appreciation of your own existence. We, last week, talked about reviewing your life and seeing the silver lini ng on your experiences. In asking you to see the silver lining, we must assume there have been clouds, storms, and difficulties to overcome. This evening you read that adversity is even necessary, but for this upcoming period of time, I would like for you to realize the good stuff, that which has clarity, that reality in you which is an assurance of your own authority, your own viable and unique approach to your course in life.

Character is affirming. All of these many efforts toward developing character are not simply to eliminate negative character, no, but to accept and recognize and foster that which is good character. Each of you have good character. You have value. You have reality. And yet, you are somehow fearful of it. Perhaps you are reluctant to accept it. Much like when we first became your friends, we perforce spent much time reassuring you of your value because of your existence, and not because of anything you had done. You are loved because you are of the Father. You are his creations, and therefore worthy of being. Now you have come to appreciate and relish your being. You have done much inner work on aligning yourself with divine reality. You have discovered your clouds and silver linings and now we ask you to look at the sun within you, your own bright and shiny element, your actuality, which is of Creation.

This will be an interesting assignment for you, and I ask you to accept yourself in honesty and in sincerity and not in any assessment of pride or humility. Don't compare yourself, in other words. Just see yourself. See your own personal truth, your beauty and your goodness. See it as yours, as your inheritance as rightful heirs in the Kingdom.

It will be wonderful when you then pray on Thanksgiving, when you, in the stillness and quietude of your Heart, are given the gifts of awareness of your being in thanks and in gratitude of being, in this love-filled state, recognizing your place at the Father's table. You will surely rejoice and radiate your joy in thanksgiving to those with whom you share. I have finished my formal lesson. How are you this evening? Are you awak e enough to converse? Are you curious or troubled? Are you anxious? Have you commentary? I am here for you.

RACHEL: Tomas.

TOMAS: Rachel.

RACHEL: How are you?

TOMAS: I am well, my dear. How are you?

RACHEL: Well, I'm feeling a little stagnant, of non-service lately, but I'm sure that will pass. I'm hoping.

TOMAS: Before you proceed

RACHEL: Um-hum.

TOMAS: Inasmuch as I have asked you to look within to your value, perceive now, what's wrong with your inner space? Are you crowded in there? Are you not feeling you have enough light, and air in which to function?

RACHEL: (Sigh) I'm just feeling as if I need to be of service somewhere . I'm feeling bereft! And lost.

TOMAS: It is now a matter of rearranging your interior furniture, perhaps, in order for you to extend yourself more fully. How wonderful that you are feeling a sense of expansiveness such that you are yet even more eager to be of service! Proceed then.

RACHEL: I seem to be having an increasing amount of what I call these little teaching dreams toward mornings. It's this deep level of teaching, ad I can't really remember them


RACHEL: Maybe I'm not supposed to. It's almost like the fabric way down deep there is being re-woven.


RACHEL: Is it necessary to remember? Or is it somehow in preparation?

TOMAS: You are being trained in your deep mind. You are being prepared. Perhaps this yearning to be of extended service is upon you and you are being made ready. I am glad for your testimony of your communion and your guidance through the night. Administrations of spirit upon your mind are evident w hen you awaken with your clear thoughts.

As your consciousness is required, in order for you to function in your world, you naturally will lose pure sight of these messages. But they are registered. They are in there. You are growing into your new clothes, so to speak. It is not to worry if you cannot specifically remember because the y are not necessarily conscious as of yet, but I will urge you to continue to prepare your mind before you sleep. By prayer and meditation allow yourself the psychic willingness to be adjusted in your sleep.

RACHEL: I like the idea of being, in fact, prepared for service. Thank you! I like to think this morning's little discourse was on overcoming adversity, and you mentioned that word. Interesting.

TOMAS: It is a network of unheard of proportions. As you grasp a thread now and then you may be thrilled by the realization that the weaving is going on all the time. It is wonderful to behold you becoming aware - all of you - of your part in this tapestry.

RACHEL: You have helped us, Tomas. Thank you for that.

TOMAS: Thank you, dear daughter and upcoming ongoing, co-worker. It is indeed a cooperative effort we engage in here. Yes, we rejoice in our mission works - these works we do with each other and for Michael.

ELYSSIA: I love that thing about Thanksgiving, Tomas! I hope I get that transcript before Thanksgiving. Will we?

TOMAS: Perhaps it can be arranged.

ELYSSIA: I'd like to pass it around the table! I don't force my religion on my family too much - because they wouldn't LET me! - but .

HESTER: This really isn't a religion.

ELYSSIA: Well, I know, but I'm trying,

HESTER: to get along with the crew.

ELYSSIA: Yeah. Not really.

HESTER: I'm finding if I just let go and let Just like - he came in today, my husband. I'm reading the Book and he says, "What's so fascinating in THAT thing?"

ELYSSIA: Well, he has a good mind. If he were to take up the Book, he could probably go through it in zip time!

HESTER: Yeah. He was slow with religion; he's very smart.

ELYSSIA: Well, men. It did say in the Book, because of our hormones, women are more naturally spiritual.

TOMAS: Oh, I am afraid we will have much objection to that remark.

ELYSSIA: Well, I mean until we get up to where you are, Tomas.

TOMAS: I'm afraid I must interject on behalf of all spirit life, even your mortal life, which is hardly dependant upon hormones.

ELYSSIA: I thought it said that in the Book! That women are just chemically, bio-chemically, electro-chemically, slightly more devout in their attitude.

End Part 1

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