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===Topic: ''Is There Possession Today''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Elyon]]===
===TR: [[Jonathan]]===
Elyon: Greetings to all of you, this is Elyon. I am delighted to be in your
company and am willing to share with you what I may have that may be of
benefit. You are all workers in this kingdom of light. You each are sources
from which the divine light emanates. It is through your humble presence
that many are nourished by this luminosity in the soul and even in the mind.
When Michael began His final bestowal on your world he arrived knowing that
His future work would be difficult for the world did flounder in great
confusion, superstition and darkness but that there were throughout the
globe, locations, that is human beings who were conscious of living the
truth and He realized that He could fan those flames and enlarge the numbers
of people who were sensitive to the infusion of spirit.

Today you can merely spread your message around the world within just a few
hours. In His day He knew it would take generations and that word of mouth
would be the main channel for His gospel to spread. His message by this
means, of necessity was going to be adjusted by the personality and
temperaments of those who heard and later retold. But He also knew that
those sensitive to spirit were indwelt by spirit and that they would be
capable of adjusting their version closer to His version as they grew and
understood more deeply what He meant.

His first order of difficulty in implanting His gospel of love and service
to one another was the inherent distrust within many human beings of their
own capability. Far too many would look to another for their moral support,
for their spiritual energy and they would follow power rather than becoming
a source of spiritual force. All too often a charismatic individual could
manipulate these souls and when one of them would awaken to their own power
they either faced the threat... that other of being struck down as a heretic
or they became disillusioned in the whole arena of religion and philosophy
and withdrew.

Since this visitation by Michael, you all have been greatly enhanced with
His Spirit of Truth and you are all endowed now with the ability to "think
for yourself" for the Spirit of Truth does not so much work within the mind
wherein you are accustomed to thinking, but works within the soul and so
this form of thinking is more akin to intuition, spiritual sensitivity,
value appreciation and an inherent sense toward what is right even though
you may still yet have to prove to yourself that some thing, some situation,
some way of being is right.

When you dedicated the course of your life to the discovery of truth, to the
enlargement of your soul and to finding God, you accelerated your spiritual
development and when you furthered your dedication in reaching out to others
that they may benefit from what you have attained you entered into the
status of a light worker and Michael by way of His spirit has been sending
forth His light ever since.

There are numerous theological structures on your world, all have developed
by way of cultural situations and even by way of environmental conditions
and thereby describe God and the universe and the human condition in various
manners. The light of spirit is pure and white but every receptacle, every
human soul that receives this light will in some way give color. This can be
interpreted as injecting error but I would rather look at it as enhancing
the rainbow for just as human beings have inclinations toward and distaste
toward certain foods, so the growing soul at various stages has an appetite
for different colors of light.

Jesus could love so many, even His enemies because He was able to receive
light in all colors from all individuals and so many believed in Him and
loved Him because unwittingly He revealed white light. They would see their
color and others theirs but it hinted at the harmony of divine unity. As you
become skilled in working in this kingdom and as you ascend and blend your
colors you will be able to reveal the quality of light needed by a hungry
soul that they may receive the nourishment and not be overcome by overmuch

Your discipline of mathematics requires correct answers, opinion has little
room in this discipline. It may foster investigation but the answer must be
predictably arrived at and verified. Religion has likewise taken on an
attitude of accuracy, the dogmatic truth, the infallible doctrine. It does
so all the while its constituents are ever growing and adapting to new
realizations and adjusting their new insights to alternate living styles.

You know today you live quite differently in your current state of
enlightenment than you did when you first began your search, therefore it is
unnecessary to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, a truth. As Jesus so wisely
said, "Plant the seeds that the truth may grow". Ever bear in mind the
presence of the Divine Father and know that while this presence has been a
great benefit to you, His presence abroad throughout the world in all souls,
likewise will be of benefit to others and therefore must you learn to be
patient and tolerant with the pace at which another may grow.

Remember that your days begin with faint light on the horizon that
increasingly brightens as the hours tick by. When another merely glimpses
fleetingly and faintly an inkling of truth, that is the dawn, the day has
started, there is no stopping it now. It is a time to rejoice rather than a
time to be frustrated over it not being noon. And so, you must likewise be
patient with yourself for you will barely discern a new truth but trust that
you will grow and it will become brighter in your soul.

I have addressed you as light workers and you may in times of downcast and
in a sense of powerlessness wonder how much light you can give. It does not
matter the quantity of that light, all that matters is that some brilliance
emanates from you no matter how small. Just as Jesus would simply smile upon
another and their countenance would change. He did not have to deliver a
sermon, He did not have to fix their problems or soothe their woes.

But I also address you in not only in accepting small efforts you may make
to help one another but realize that that is merely the tip of the iceberg
of your true power. With discernment and maturity you will become ever more
able to bestow greater light upon this world. Jesus had to curtail His power
in order to be functioning in human form and you know of the time when He
emerged from that curtailment and multitudes were healed or other events
deemed miraculous occurred.

I assure you will not be quickly surprised by such an event in your own life
for you are not a Creator Son but you are developing the power and as a
light worker in Michael's kingdom, you may find yourself with His assistance
and miraculous things can occur.

I will now allow time for you to address me with questions or comments as
this is my preferred form of engagement. Thank you for receiving my words.
Question: Watching a television program on demonic possession in a Christian
setting, the questioner observed members under the belief that they were
possessed and witnessed shaking, speaking in tongues, writhing, fainting,
rolling on the floor, etc., and according to the preacher, they were
possessed by demons.

In the Urantia book it mentions that after Pentecost, human beings cannot be
possessed by demons. When prayers were offered, it appeared these demons
left them. What would you have to say concerning this evil phenomenon?

Elyon: I will begin by assuring you that you will never be possessed by a
demon for you are filled with this Spirit of Truth, light has displaced the
darkness. As for these other individuals you speak of, I am not omniscient
and am unable to search their souls for motives however I can address the
question broadly.

There are various means whereby this behavior can manifest. One source of
such behavior can be the wishful fantasy of spiritual deliverance from evil
and can be acted out from one extreme to the other, from possession to
deliverance for it becomes an emotional high even while there was no demon
present. Another source of such behavior can be psychological imbalances.
You know of this through your discipline of psychology of certain states
such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorders as well as psychotic states.

There is also another source and that is learned community behavior. By this
I mean the way a congregation may approach an event such as an exorcism and
what actions are expected both before and after. You are correct in
discerning that with the Spirit of Truth, great safety is now upon your
world, that a wayward celestial personality cannot arbitrarily overcome you.
But you can displace the Spirit of Truth by full rejection.

You will not, however, be possessed unless you fully seek that relationship.
In other words, if a soul forsakes God and merely lives his life in a
mundane and secular way, he will yet not be vulnerable to such an indwelling
for the Spirit of Truth will still blanket. But to cross that neutral line
into the love of evil, to become iniquitous, you are wide open however this
world has undergone restoration in the celestial affairs governing this
planet, the threat has greatly diminished nearly to zero.

However as you also rightly spoke, there is a legacy of culture, of history
and of tradition that still gives credence to an epic gone by and assume
that today it is equally encountered. It was announced across your local
system when your planet changed eras, when the dispensation closed and the
new one opened, when the adjudication had come to its fullness and the
restoration of the correcting time was to begin but few on your world in
human form received such notification and so many function under an outdated

This is a transitional overlap and will eventually be relegated to the pages
of history. There are many motivations of many individuals that perpetuate
such possession experiences. Yes, many have benefited from undergoing such
an experience, others have been greatly harmed and have lost their faith for
sometimes these events are worked up by those who stand to gain popularity,
to gain financially and to gain control over others.

While it is difficult to specifically address the veracity of what you
observed, I ask you to be more focused toward the enhancement of the light
within your being for you have the divine possession and that power cannot
be overcome by anyone. The more that it is revealed, the more others will be
attracted to that light and the less interest will be in the forces of evil
and darkness will be dispelled.

One of the greatest tasks ahead for all who come to Urantia to bring
upliftment, is to bring the assurance to this world that goodness is a
reality and evil is merely absence of goodness. A shadow and does not hold
the same equivalent power in a balance against light. Some souls are not
convinced of their goodness unless they have wrestled with evil and this may
assist them in the short run but the power of evil is nowhere near
equivalent to the power of goodness, they are not balancing forces.

Your world went astray of the natural order of maturation, physically,
mentally and spiritually and it is undergoing the proper therapies to be
restored. In a sense you could call this a possession of a demonic order, it
was really a disruption of the divine order and the restoration is proving
that goodness is real. Have faith in the goodness and trust that this power
will work in the souls of the many others who undertake alternate approaches
to the experience of the presence of God. I hope this has addressed your

Comment: Yes, thank you, I appreciate your comments.

Comment: Elyon I just wanted to say hello, this is G.., one of your old
students. It's great to hear your voice.

Elyon: And likewise to hear you my dear sister.

Comment: Sorry I don't have any questions, a good student would bring some

Elyon: But perhaps an even better student has answered them. [perhaps] And
while I do enjoy responding to questions, I am also thrilled to have those
like yourself who are solid in your comprehension of truth and have created
a firm standing for yourself, a soul that is as strong as a rock.

Comment: Well, it is forged that way over time, I'm not strong as a rock
every day.

Comment: I would like to say that every day business is the trick, doing the
action that can be done at the moment you feel prompted or you prompt
yourself to do it. We might say that's too hard or not right now, I'm not
together enough to do that. If you feel you are co-creating with Father
within in the world outside or the correcting time then every opportunity is
a new step and every step is a gained experience and a strengthening of that

Elyon: Yes indeed and I will steer your minds to the event of the wedding
feast at Cana when Jesus was backing out of a solution to a problem and
behold the solution occurred and the water became wine. So yes, you may feel
not up for the task on a given day, you may even be attempting to back out
but watch out.....

Comment: I never really thought about Jesus backing out on that...nicely
human. Well, that's the miracle that happens, that the thing gets done
because we act, that's the miracle of everyday life. [yes indeed] Give us a
personal instance of your own Elyon, that illustrates this.

Elyon: I came from a world that was affected by rebellion although at the
time that I dwelt upon that world it had progressed far beyond, more so than
even has your world today and I knew in my faith that I would no more need
to be convinced of goodness and that such rebellion were of little
importance to me. I am a constellation citizen and my view was headstrong
towards Paradise. Then the Melchizedek asked me if I would consider
[enlistment] in the correcting time.

Initially I perceived such an undertaking to be one of local system
engagement. I was encouraged then to mentor those in your system that they
may be better trained. Before long I was here on your world pledged to see
the entire [plan] through to its closure. My temporary assistance grew into
a whole souled engagement. Those midwayers are incredible instructors.

Now I do not wish to rise to the level of the local universe citizen for in
all my desire to be at that level of status I appreciate the legacy behind
me and have become quite interested in all my younger brothers and sisters
for this is the method and approach of our common Father/Son Michael. I have
learned that my pursuit of the peace of Paradise can be found even on

Comment: Elyon, you are absolutely right and listening to you talk reminds
me that I misspoke because my faith does not flounder, not any more. That's
the one thing that is firm. I may have trouble with some of my beliefs and
the beliefs of others and difficulty with certain practices, I may have
disappointments but I have faith and that has seen me through. It's true
that looking back over my experience so far has helped to cement that faith.
Just because of the perspective of experience, of the consistency of my
destiny path, that just reinforces my faith. Thanks for that reminder and
that insight. I can't shirk that responsibility and say oh well sometimes I
lose faith because I don't, I have faith.

Elyon: You have on your world a game wherein a ball is rolling and several
people run along with it with brooms and sweep at it and push it along to
assist it. That ball is your faith G.., and your frustrations and your
doubts and your uncertainties and your assertion and your aggression that
you make to get somewhere are like these sweeping brooms. They all come and
go and change but your faith rolls on. [indeed]

Comment: Thanks for taking up that Melchizedek dare and do some down
stepping over here in our part of the universe.
Elyon: It has turned out to be the greatest blessing of my ascension to
date. I will draw close in my engagement here and tell all you beautiful
souls that if you could see from the vantage point from where I am, you are
like what you call the aurora borealis on your world. The light is beautiful
and colorful and brilliant, I take my leave.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Elyon]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Possession]]
[[Category: 2008]]

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