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Demonic '''possession''' is often the term used to describe the control over a human form by a demon. Descriptions of demonic possessions often include: erased [[memories]] or personalities, convulsions, “fits” and fainting as if one were dying.[1] Unlike in [[channeling]] or other forms of possession, the subject has no control over the possessing entity and so it will persist until [[force]]d to leave the victim, usually through a form of [[exorcism]]. Other descriptions include access to hidden [[knowledge]] and foreign languages, drastic [[change]]s in vocal intonation and facial [[structure]], sudden appearance of injury (scratches, bite marks) or lesions, and superhuman strength.

Many [[culture]]s and [[religions]] contain some [[concept]] of demonic possession, but the details vary considerably. The [[Gypsies|Roma]] people believe that demons can also possess animals, plants, deceased persons or inanimate objects.

The oldest references to demonic possession are from the [[Sumerians]], who believed that all diseases of the [[body]] and [[mind]] were caused by "sickness demons" called gidim or gid-dim [2]. The priests who [[practice]]d exorcisms in these nations were called ashipu (sorcerer) as opposed to an asu (physician) who applied bandages and salves[3]. Many cuneiform tablets contain [[prayer]]s to certain gods asking for protection from demons, while others ask the gods to expel the demons that have invaded their bodies.

Most illustrations portray these [[spirit]]s as small, sadistic-looking or tormented-looking [[being]]s with a [[human]] likeness. Demons are often referenced as familiars. Witches would provide shelter and nourishment via the witches' teat in exchange for the valuable services of familiars.[4]

[[Shaman]]ic cultures also believe in demon possession and shamans perform exorcisms too; in these cultures often diseases are attributed to the [[presence]] of a vengeful spirit or (loosely termed) demon in the body of the patient. These spirits are more often the spectres of [[animal]]s or people wronged by the bearer, the exorcism rites usually consisting of respectful offerings or sacrificial offerings.

The [ Malleus Maleficarum] speaks about some exorcisms that can be done in different cases. Depending on the severity of the alleged possession, solutions range from prayers of deliverance to the Solemn Rite of Exorcism as practiced by the Catholic Church.
# Ferber, Sarah, Demonic Possession and Exorcism in Early Modern France(London, Routledge, 2004, 25, 116).
# [ Sumerian "gidim"]
# Willis, Deborah, Malevolent Nurture: Witch-Hunting and Maternal Power in Early Modern England (New York, Cornell University Press, 1995)
# Murphy, Ed. 1996.The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Rev. Ed., p.51
# Murphy, Ed. 1996. The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Rev. Ed., p.50
# MacNutt, Francis. 1995. Deliverance from evil Spirits: a practical manual. Grand Rapids: Chosen Books. p.71
# Broedel, Hans Peter, The Malleus Malfeicarum and the Construction of Witchcraft (Great Britain, Manchester University Press, 2003, 32-33), Barajo, Caro, World of the Witches, (Great Britain, University of Chicago Press, 1964, 73)
# [ Microsoft Word - Haraldur Erlendsson 1.6.03 Multiple Personality]
# [ Martin Shaw has a devil of a job in Apparitions, The Times]. November 8, 2008
Castaneda, Carlos. 1998. The Active side of Infinity. NYC HarperCollins.
== External links ==
*[ ''Demonic possession of Elizabeth Knapp'':] Cotton Mather's widely-cited report on the demonic possession of Elizabeth Knapp of Massachusetts (1701)
*[ ''Catholic Encyclopedia'' "Demonical Possession"]
*[ Encyclopedia Britannica: Possession]
* Andrew Lang, [ Demoniacal Possession], ''The Making of Religion'', (Chapter VII), Longmans, Green, and C°, London, New York and Bombay, 1900, pp. 128-146.
*[ ''War on the Saints''] Jessie Penn-Lewis & Evan Roberts (The Original and Completely Unabridged Edition less graphics)

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