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For me, my greatest desire for you has been acknowledged. Your independence is becoming masterful. Our relationship as you feel towards one another is a completed encircuitry. This allows for your masterful techniques in your abilities to assist in these expanded circuitries for others. This if understood is why you have sometimes noticed, but often unnoticed, success in the activation of light circuits on your world. To understand this would be to know the vital importance of why you are here, who you are, and what you are doing. It is with the depth of all encompassing love that I sit here amongst you to thank you, to love you and love through you, and to watch you extend me out to your world. My children, my gratitude is and always will be. Thank you.
For me, my greatest desire for you has been acknowledged. Your independence is becoming masterful. Our relationship as you feel towards one another is a completed encircuitry. This allows for your masterful techniques in your abilities to assist in these expanded circuitries for others. This if understood is why you have sometimes noticed, but often unnoticed, success in the activation of light circuits on your world. To understand this would be to know the vital importance of why you are here, who you are, and what you are doing. It is with the depth of all encompassing love that I sit here amongst you to thank you, to love you and love through you, and to watch you extend me out to your world. My children, my gratitude is and always will be. Thank you.
* Elyon (Jonathan): This is Elyon once again tapping Jonathan to make another comment. You have vehicles which you rate by fuel consumption and the distance they travel. I would take a moment to draw an analogy that the fuel you store up can be likened to revelation or the input of spiritual knowledge and truth. Some of you can receive a small amount and go a great distance, while others must consume larger amounts to travel the same.
Elyon (Jonathan): This is Elyon once again tapping Jonathan to make another comment. You have vehicles which you rate by fuel consumption and the distance they travel. I would take a moment to draw an analogy that the fuel you store up can be likened to revelation or the input of spiritual knowledge and truth. Some of you can receive a small amount and go a great distance, while others must consume larger amounts to travel the same.
While you on a material level distinguish the better function of a vehicle based on this consumption, spiritually it matters not whether you intake great amounts or less to travel. But as your own vehicles will adjust the reservoir by which you may hold such fuel in order to compensate for consumption, in a spiritual sense that container, while it may be large or small, to be of value must constantly be integrating into your life to be combusted and thereby drive you further down your life's road. I have one more consideration. You now have hybrid vehicles. The polarities of your life are like that battery. Also the juxtaposition of life circumstances are like the electric motor, and these tensions create movement. These are derived from your human level. When you are becoming tired you have your fuel reservoir, those spiritual truths, revelations, celestial entities that will kick in and assist you in your travel. I have finished. Thank you.
While you on a material level distinguish the better function of a vehicle based on this consumption, spiritually it matters not whether you intake great amounts or less to travel. But as your own vehicles will adjust the reservoir by which you may hold such fuel in order to compensate for consumption, in a spiritual sense that container, while it may be large or small, to be of value must constantly be integrating into your life to be combusted and thereby drive you further down your life's road. I have one more consideration. You now have hybrid vehicles. The polarities of your life are like that battery. Also the juxtaposition of life circumstances are like the electric motor, and these tensions create movement. These are derived from your human level. When you are becoming tired you have your fuel reservoir, those spiritual truths, revelations, celestial entities that will kick in and assist you in your travel. I have finished. Thank you.
* Monjoronson (Mark): I will join you today, I am Monjoronson, and I am here because you allow me to be part of this group. I would seize upon one of your statements made in your sharing time of what is real. I would ask you all, am I real? And I am confident that you would all agree that we do in fact have a relationship and I am in fact part of that relationship with you. You have accepted this and therefore I am real to you.
Monjoronson (Mark): I will join you today, I am Monjoronson, and I am here because you allow me to be part of this group. I would seize upon one of your statements made in your sharing time of what is real. I would ask you all, am I real? And I am confident that you would all agree that we do in fact have a relationship and I am in fact part of that relationship with you. You have accepted this and therefore I am real to you.
There are those involved in this process who have, as Machiventa shared, drawn a line in the sand and declared that they will not accept anything on the other side of this line. Therefore to them I may in fact not be real. It is rather that I have not been accepted, not that I do not exist, just as one can not accept any given reality and principle, and it will not be "real" to them. But to those of you who are willing to forego drawing lines in the sand and willing to extend beyond that which you are currently certain of to allow for new certainties to be a part of your reality, you will benefit by this open-minded approach to what could be, what might be, and therefore we can explore the new dimensions.
There are those involved in this process who have, as Machiventa shared, drawn a line in the sand and declared that they will not accept anything on the other side of this line. Therefore to them I may in fact not be real. It is rather that I have not been accepted, not that I do not exist, just as one can not accept any given reality and principle, and it will not be "real" to them. But to those of you who are willing to forego drawing lines in the sand and willing to extend beyond that which you are currently certain of to allow for new certainties to be a part of your reality, you will benefit by this open-minded approach to what could be, what might be, and therefore we can explore the new dimensions.
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