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===Topic: ''Movement''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]], [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Mark: I'd like to welcome the internet crowd. Tonight in the moment here, we gather under the premise that we are establishing a secure place to investigate and explore and promote the uncovering and the increasing awareness of that aspect of ourselves that I have denoted in my experience, my "Inner Voice" and so as the Voice series we take these every other thursdays to gather in support of the promotion of this aspect of ourselves. There was some very limited discussion before this as to a possible direction for the night and I'm taking the cue that having no direction other than to be in the moment.

So lets go with that theme. Let's be totally in this moment, not thinking about anything else, anywhere else, other things on our list, other demands that people make on us, commitments we've given. All that stuff is out there, it's all "out there," it's not "in here" in this moment that we're in. None of that stuff exists in this moment unless we drag it in and bring it into this moment to occupy this moment. But this moment here, if we approach it properly, can be completely free, can be unlimited, can be so full of potential that we can be in a state of amazement about what this very moment can bring if we'll only relax into it and shed the preconception, the ideas, the frameworks that we tote around with us everywhere we go and into every other minute.

But if we can picture ourselves taking those things off like we would take off a backpack and setting those ideas and notions and theories and knowings and projections about what we think we know down. If we could see ourselves as setting all that aside and going for the full experience of this moment. What then is the potential in this moment?

Sometimes in my mind I picture sitting in a classroom and there are many blackboards at the front of the classroom and they are all filled up with the lessons of the day, the things we're supposed to remember and do and be and I visualize the erasing of all those blackboard up front, the conscious act of removing all the scribbles and writing and going with the blank slate because on that blank slate of course, is unlimited potential. Anything can go up there. So sometimes in my effort to get into "the space" and find the morsel of the moment I try to put down my backpack as I enter that classroom and then to see the blackboards free of any preconceived ideas. Then I am in that state of suspended not knowing of what the next moment brings.

That's when it can happen, at least for me, that's when that crack in the armor of my life happens and something new can come in to my scope. So I feel like I have set the stage for this entering of this sacred moment. I would ask you all to join me in this sacred moment here, forsaking all others.

Prayer: I would make an open petition to the forces of the universe to once again work with us as we prepare ourselves to the openness that this moment can bring; to help us have the capacity to accept what this moment can bring, what this new experience in our lives can mean to us, to help us align ourselves with our spiritual compass that keeps us ever facing in your direction, Divine Parents, awaiting what you will bring into our classroom of experience. We are eager to know what may get written on the blackboard today in this moment. We arrive ready and prepared for what you would bring to us and we are extending in faith and with conviction and certainty that you are engaged with us in this desire that we have, in this petition that we offer. Thank you Divine Parents for the moment, for the life, for the classroom, for the teacher and for the will to learn and be with you in this process. It is all a gift of your grace. May we accept this gift of grace with our own humble grace as well. Thank you.

Now I would make vocal petition to 'allow' and encourage my Inner Voice to come to the forefront and rise to the head of the class at this time. I would, in as much as is possible, position myself as the student and allow my vehicle to be used for my Inner Voice to instruct at this time. I believe that this is possible in this moment by the grace of our Divine Parents. Let it be so.
The Voice: I accept this invitation offered to be a guest speaker at this time and I marvel at the ability to create a classroom such as now exists out of thin air. Truly the principles of creation are being utilized at times like this when through the simple acts of the thought, the word and the deed it is done and made real in your experience and in the greater scope of reality. You may not necessarily grasp at this point in your growth cycle, the significance of such seemingly simple principles put into play but I assure you they are the foundation and the building blocks and the keys to your navigating your way through your ascension career with greater and greater command over your circumstances.

You are becoming aware of the great affect you have, not only on your environment and your immediate circumstances, but even on the larger circumstances of your collective experience as well. Truly this is a key to be taken up by all of you; this notion that it really is a very simple thing, a basic process, not encumbered by great mystery or shrouded in misconception but rather simple basic truths that you all have encountered in your mortal experience are indeed the basic ingredients and building blocks and tools to be used as you work through your entire ascension career.

This process of coming to this realization over a period of time and approaching this realization through a process of slow steps is the glorious experience of your mortal career. This gift of grace is designed to bring you a wealth of experience as you put the pieces of the puzzle together and construct a basis for your understanding and mastering of the art of living. One day, after significant time has passed in this process, you will look back with great fondness over these times when there was a lack of understanding, a gap in your awareness, some distance that needed to be traversed before you arrived at a place of more complete awareness for these are the times that are so filled with potential for you do not know what is going to transpire next.

Referring back to the preamble offered about appreciation for the moment at hand; that is what this life is right now, your opportunity to appreciate this moment in your eternal existence, this one chance for you to be a mortal of the realm seeking to reconnect with the Creator and going through a process moment by moment, hour by hour, of discovery where truly each moment is filled with potential and every hour is a treasured part of this experience. Your Master said that all who would enter the kingdom should enter with the attitude of a child. This does not imply an attitude of childishness but rather the attitude of a child willing to learn who is fully aware that they do not know all the answers. They are there to learn them and in this way they embrace every moment as an unknown and as a potential learning experience.

Those who are born of the spirit are said to be "born again" and be as children in the eyes of the Father, ready to learn again what it is like to be a child of God, ready to accept spiritual principles and spiritual ideals as if they were there to learn them in the classroom. As mortals of the realm, if you are fortunate enough to have a long life, if may become a real challenge for you to maintain this sense of youthful exuberance for learning. The more information that you gather in this life, it is a human tendency to feel at some point as though you've got it, that no more information is necessary for you to make your determination and judge your circumstances but the Master always carries the attitude of the student within. There is always an eagerness to experience what is around the next corner or in the next moment with the appreciation (delete-for, insert- and) the eyes of a child.

And so I applaud this thought pattern of appreciating each and every moment for all that it has to offer for if you really do prepare yourself for life's moments then the meanings and values that are present within each and every experience can lodge in your individual experience and you will find yourselves coming away each and every day from your life as though you have just been to school and learned a great many new things. For as much as you may think at any one given moment of time that you have something figured out, there is always more information and new and greater insights to be harvested from the sincere willingness to expand your experiential base.

I am honored to have been requested to be a guest speaker in this classroom of your making. It demonstrates your intentions to create a space for learning, a space where you can freely embrace truths as they may be presented to the very extent that your capacity to embrace them allows you. The process that has been mentioned before where one can increase their capacity is in this process of preparation before you enter into the classroom of life, the preparing yourself by the process of stillness, prayer, worship, meditation, even the flexing and stretching of the body; all of these steps make the student keen when the lessons are delivered.

These steps taken in preparation are truly a significant part of the learning experience. It is much like a college student who does not allow adequate time for sleep and rest will not have the capacity to assimilate all that is passed before them, so they will be fatigued and unable to grasp all that is presented to them. If the student receives adequate rest and nourishment and exercise they are far better prepared when the lessons are delivered to assimilate them, embrace them and incorporate them as is the desire of the learned student.

So it is necessary for the student to take care of themselves so that the learning may be more successful. It is not all about simply showing up for class and being prepared to embrace the moment but it is also about showing up to class rested, prepared and positioned to make the most out of the learning experience.

Thank you for the opportunity to address you in this fashion today. It is truly an exercise that pushes the boundaries of perception to new limits but that is what good students arrive at a place of learning for, to be challenged and presented and stretched to the limits of their understanding and awareness. I now step back to allow this classroom of dedicated students to be accessed by another. Thank you.

Monjoronson: Greetings, I am Monjoronson here once again because I like this whole concept of schooling and learning as you may well know. This idea of classes and schoolrooms and teachers and students is so well applicable to all that we do here in these sessions that these analogies work so well because all of the mortals of this realm are familiar with what it is like to attend school, be in class, become distracted, become focused, do well, achieve, falter and receive grades that are less than they desire as a result of their position relative to the class.

So let's go back and re-examine some of these circumstances from a spiritual perspective. Most humans have encountered the experience of entering a classroom and immediately feeling at home. This does not necessarily mean that they have complete command over the materials offered and presented but they recognize that their previous instruction, their patterns of thinking and their ways of navigating the requirements are all familiar to them and therefore they can immediately discern that they will be compatible with this class and probably do quite well. After making this determination it is almost always that they do quite well because they relax into the routine, they accept the challenges before them, they undertake the steps necessary and execute the requirements and as expected they receive the rewards of their efforts and are pleased with the results.

Most mortals also are familiar with the circumstance of entering into the classroom where the material appears foreign to you. You grow immediately uncomfortable not recognizing the signs and signals, you are unsure that you will be able to excel and function in this class and so your trepidation may arise about your standing within the class and your eventual grade may not be as you would desire. After having made this determination, you carry with you into that class every time that you enter, a fear, a doubt, an unknowingness and these conditions that you bring to class with you each day make it very difficult for you to objectively gain access to the material because you may be so concerned that you might not get it that this concern now is one of your largest obstacles to getting it.

Now it may not be that the materials presented in either of these two classes are that significantly different in scale or scope but what may be different and what is worth noticing is what you bring to class in each of these different cases. In one class you have already judged that you will do well, it will be a success. The class may even turn joyful and fun for you because you already see the end result as having been achieved in a capacity that is acceptable to you. In the class that you don't like or you don't understand, every day when you arrive there, there is a cloud of gloom that you bring, the fear of not understanding, of not making the cut or getting the grade looms over this classroom and true to form, your expectations may very well be met and your grade may certainly reflect these expectations.

What you bring to class everyday is of paramount importance. If you show up with a positive attitude, ready to learn and eager to embrace what this class will bring you then that class will be a success regardless of the merits of any grades that may be given. It will be a success because you are there to embrace these new truths and incorporate them into your lives willingly and wanting this experience. If you show up to class with dread or fear or doubts and wish you weren't there, only permitting yourself to be there in body but not really in spirit then that class, no matter what subject is being presented, no matter what instructor may be at hand, no matter what is required of you in that course, will not be successful because you are resisting, you are fearful, doubting and unable to be open enough to embrace what the class has to offer. Instead you struggle with it and your struggling fails to produce any adequate results. It was what you brought to class that made the class a failure, not the material or the instructor or the time or place but rather the baggage that you brought to class.

So I would refer back to the preamble given when this classroom was created, if you could see yourselves as putting down your excess baggage, putting down and letting go of all unnecessary things for you to be in class at this time and approach your classroom of life with this same open attitude of joyful expectation then every class, every experience, everything that comes before you is transformed not from on high but from within your own being. You do the transforming by what you bring to class or by what you don't bring to class. You can transform your entire life experience to be packed full of meaning and value, of joy and love and peace or you can show up to class everyday with an attitude of struggling and just simply getting through, just putting in your time hoping that this is just a pass/fail course and that you will show up enough to simply pass.

The many values and meanings that are contained in the experience will not be able to be harvested with an attitude like that. This whole life experience does not come down to a pass/fail course. You get out of this experience what you put into it and if you simply bother to show up as you have here this evening you come away with meaning and value that you could not have gotten any other way. So take this analogy out into the classroom of life and remember to show up every day, well rested, prepared with an attitude of eager acceptance for what life and the classroom of the moment has to offer you and everyday will be a success, a joyful experience because you know you are working your way through this glorious gift of learning called your ascension career.

It's been a pleasure to access this forum here this evening. I have no more remarks to offer but I would entertain any questions or dialog at this time.
Mark: I remind the listening audience on the phone, you must press *6 to get back into the forum.

Monjoronson: I will wait to see if there is any response... Having no response from the students I would offer this forum to another to access this evening. Thank you for your attention, farewell.

Machiventa: Greetings to all of the students, I am Machiventa Melchizedek. All this talk of school and classrooms keeps my attention too because I see this whole planet as one gigantic classroom and I am always keenly interested in having plenty of material to stimulate the eager students. So it is that I arrive on scene here today with a few more words of encouragement for the devoted seekers who attend a classroom such as this.

Try to remember in your daily lives that truly this world is created as one gigantic experiential arena, a classroom of the largest order. True enough, this experience gets separated and compartmentalized into various groupings of age, of country, of gender, of classes of citizens but the entire process is all one gigantic learning curve. On worlds that are established in the condition that you know of as Light and Life there is this awareness from the beginning of existence on such a world that this is so, that this experience of learning and growing is the universal constant but on a world such as this I witness that many many mortals of the realm are unaware of this vast learning potential and merely view their life experiences as a set of challenges and obstacles to be overcome. Rather than seeing the many potentials that are brought before them to experience as tools for growth, they may look at these experiences as bad luck or another indication to them that life is uncertain, unfair, even cruel.

But to those who are born of the spirit there is an awareness that all that life brings is part of this grand universal constant of growth and learning and that the many circumstances before us are the tools necessary to accomplish such growth. That is what is so thrilling about coming into a classroom such as this. The feeling of desiring to grow and learn and achieve is exhilarating and it draws those such as myself to be a part of any such wave of movement as is present here. You have had many good ingredients brought into the classroom today to be assembled and explored and experimented with. Truly these are exciting times where such universal truths and principles may be so plainly brought forward to those with ears to hear.

I am in humble gratitude for the grace in this process which allows us to both be here at this time and to enjoy this moment as special and significant. Thank you all for this opportunity that you provide and thank you all for the potential that you are. This whole plan rests on this basic truth. You are the potential that will be actualized to bring even a wayward planet such as this into the light. The Father so trusts you and I so trust you because I see how the Father's grace works and I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that His goodness, peace and love will prevail. I see it in each of you, the eager students who are here at their own individual bidding and I know that this plan of bringing Michael's world into the stages of settled and developed spiritual awareness are at hand. I am privileged to join you at this time, at this moment in this planet's history to make it so together with you. But I am only here to guide and help and instruct and promote. I do not have boots to put on the ground as you do. I cannot take the material and mortal steps that need to be taken to make this truth real in your world. That is your job, your task, your honor, it is your privilege.

I stand before you in humble recognition of the role that you play in this process and honor you for stepping up to accept this role and fulfill this destiny. Thank you Michael for this world and all of your children which are so beautiful and which have so much potential and who desire to approach you and to do your will. I am in awe of this miracle as it unfolds. I desire only to serve in the implementation of your will and I believe that these, your children, have this desire as well. Together we will work in your name and for this purpose to succeed in this mission. Let it be so with your blessing and your grace upon us. And so it will be and so you will be, each one.
Thank you all for hearing my words this evening. I now will draw this class to a close. I pray these lessons and words find a home in your beings. Thank you and farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: 2009]]

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