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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpg ==Chapter 1== <center>Space Missions</center> Lenora sat very qUietly beside me as we drove toward my home. The late evening twilight seemed electrica...'

==Chapter 1==
<center>Space Missions</center>

Lenora sat very qUietly beside me as we drove toward my home.
The late evening twilight seemed electrically charged, and she
seemed nervOus. I felt a twinge of regret that, by my invitation,
Lenora would be exposed to a battery of questions on subjects
she knew nothing about.

We were on our way to meet three of my friends, Ken, Paul,
and Dwight, who shared with me a common interest in science,
particularly in the investigation of UFO (Unidentified Flying
Object) sightings.

Arriving, I introduced Lenora and drew the drapes, enclosing
the five of us in seclusion and comfort. Coffee was served as the
tape recorders and projection screen were set up. We soon discovered
that Lenora knew nothing about UFOs, nor did she
have any real interest in such things. Paul then began projecting
slides onto the screen. As a test, he asked Lenora if the UFO in
the picture was real or fake. Gradually overcoming her shyness,
Lenora faintly murmured, "That one feels like a fake." Then
another UFO flashed onto the screen and she hesitated, looking
far away. Suddenly she stated, "That's the real thing." Then
another lighted the screen. Leaning forward, she stated, "That,
too, is a real object. I can sense that there was life on board that
craft." We stared at Lenora. Somehow, I could tell that she had
been accurate. As the slide show contiuued, Lenora kept her
answers brief but gradually became more interested and sure of

Ken suddenly asked, «Lenora, how are you determining the
validity of these slides? How do you do it?" She smiled and replied,
"Mostly it's a matter off eel, or thought-sensing. I get impressions
of either a hoax or a real UFO craft. And also, they can
help by advising me."

This changed the tone of the session, since the trio had to
know who they were, and how they could be so accurate in their
evaluations. Lenora told us that there were those on the "other
side," more specifically, those who were knowledgeable about
UFOs, who were telepathically aiding her.

We exchanged glances. Clearly this was going to become an
even more interesting evening than we had anticipated. Continuing
to project slides, Paul lapsed into his lecture format by
stating the circumstances surrounding each sighting.
«This photograph was taken by a scientist-Ph.D. in
chemistry-who was on vacation in Oregon at the time. He spotted
this UFO rising from behind a low hill. The odd part is that
his camera was later checked and found to be all right, but the
photo clearly shows the UFO fading awayl We'd like to find out if
UFOs are able to penetrate into dimensions other than ours."
Lenora leaned back, closed her eyes very briefly, then surprised
us all by rattling forth the follOwing strange message:

''They could, but do not. Their vibrations vary within the
bounds of those energy layers within the physical matrix.''
''They are able to reach a different vibration, yet are still

Considerable discussion then followed. Ken spoke of phase
transitions in the field of subatomic particles, such as tachyons.
These particles, of incredibly tiuy mass, were calculated to be of
variable velocity, moving at various speeds at superlight velocities.
Physics, he stated, was attempting to formulate a theory
that could accommodate particle hehavior which seemingly transcended
Einstein's theory of relativity. His point was that a UFO
craft ntilized by an advanced cultnre, a spacecraft capable of
traversing the great distances between solar systems, would very
likely be constructed of a type of material such that its mass could
be converted. Without this variable, the fixed mass of a spaceship
would be restricted to sublight velocities.

DWight mentioned that whatever this "tachyon theory"
tnrned out to be, it might provide a solution to the puzzle of how
UFOs reach our planet from far distant star systems. Then other
scientific possibilities were discussed.

Dwight looked thoughtfully at Lenora. "Have you ever heard
ofthe Bow and Arrow case?"

"No, I haven't," she slowly replied.

He briefly descrihed the incident that had happened in the fall
of 1964 to three young men, bow hunters, up in the Sierra
Nevadas near Cisco Grove. While hunting, they had become
separated near dark. Two of them returned to their campsite and
the third elected to spend the night on a ridge. The next morning,
the straggler stumbled into camp with quite a wild tale. His
friends had considerable difficulty getting him to calm down. He
was still trembling.

Settling down for the night, he stated, he'd observed a light
moving from the horizon toward his position. Thinking it might
be a rescue helicopter, he'd quickly started three small signal
fires about ten feet apart. The light came close, hovered over his
head, but to his amazement, it made no sound at alII Sensing
something alien, he'd instautly climbed the nearest pine tree
and hid. Shortly thereafter he'd seen a lighted module flash vertically
down from a back-lit, rectangular portal in the underside
ofthe UFO craft, and soon heard the sounds of someone moving
through the brush toward his position. A short time later, two
'robots' and two smallish humanoid beings came up to his tree.
They made no sound. Panicked, feeling threatened, the lad had
cocked a steel-tipped hunting arrow in his bow and fired it point
blank at one of the robots. It hit the robot in the chest area and,
with a shower of sparks, it merely glanced off. Twice more he
fired, but the arrows only shoved the robot back slightly. The
small humanoids just stood in the background, quietly observing.
But when they finally tried to boost each other up into the
tree, the tense hunter struck matches to his oil-soaked hat and
tossed the flaming torch down at them. This caused them to retreat
rapidly. After a sudden gesture from one ofthe humanoids,
the robots emitted a whiff of gas into the tree, causing the lad to
pass out. Fortunately, he had wisely fastened his belt around a
branch and this precaution saved him from falling out of the

When he regained consciousness, the charade continued for
hours and hours. He threw nearly everything in his possession
down at them, even his shoes. Finally, both robots faced each
other at close range and a sudden exchange of bright flashes between
them produced a large cloud of gas. Again, the hunter
passed out. When he awakened, the sun was dawning and the
visitors were nowhere to be seen.

In camp, he'd insisted to his hunting buddies that these beings
could not have been human because they didn't know how to get
him out of the tree. Any human person could have easily accomplished
this by several well-known means.

Dwight then asked Lenora what the motive behind snch a
contact might have been. Again Lenora briefly closed her eyes,
then looked at us and pronounced:

''These crew members had never before encountered fear vibrations.''
''They were fascinated by the radiations emanating''
''from the one in the tree. They meant no harm, merely''
''stimulated the outpouring vibrations.''

Lenora seemed rather surprised that the answers coming
through her were generating such debate among the rest of us.
(None of us, at that time, knew that oftentimes a channel cannot
recall answers that flicker through the mind at high speed. Lenora
simply couldn't remember what she'd said and was too polite
to mention it. She listened to our discussions and learned from
these what her answers had revealed.) The impact of this most
recent answer caused us to wonder aloud what kind of culture,
what type of civilization could produce people who were unac
quainted with fear-vibrations? Could other areas of our galaxy be
so far in advance of our planet's culture that their citizens had
matured beyond fear? Ken pointed to the present-day knowledge
that galaxies develop from the center outwards, so it would
seem logical that the older cultures would be found nearer the
center of the Milky Way. They would have a considerable timejump
on our planet, which is out in the fringe area. DWight continued
by asking Lenora what the purpose ofthe Bow and Arrow
UFO craft might have been. Why was it in that particular area of
the Sierra Nevadas?

When she closed her eyes this time, a lengthy pause ensued.
Suddenly a completely different style of voice, one of commanding
authority, answered:

''This craft in no way belonged to squadrons under specific''
''orders to watchguard the planet. It is not of that order- but''
''of a smaller group that flits among planetary systems eagerly''
''searching for a type of isotope useful in their metallurgy.''
''This was the prime reason for their presence in that''
''mountainous area on that night in 1964. We extend our''
''personal apology. In no way was this craft ordered or allowed''
''near the surface of this planet. Their foolishness in''
''seeming attack has caused much furor and is not to our liking.''
''Please extend sympathy to him who received ill''
''treatment. They should have known better. It is a pity that''
''their training was inadequate. They did not recognize simple''
''emotion on the vibrational scale. It was a lack of training.''
''These ones are not emotionless, but nearly so. They''
''are not aggressive, merely overly curious, as a scout such''
''as Magellan or Cook. They stumbled into a situation beyond''
''their understanding. No harm was meant.''

It would be difficult to attempt to describe the intense feelings
. that surged through us at that moment. We all experienced a
sense of excitement about the importance of what was happening
before our very eyes.

Lenora was then asked if these UFO crewmen were telepathic:

''Almost completely. These are rather unemotional, more

Ken then asked abont the intent of UFO activity over the past

''There are those who are just watching, such as a watchdog would watch over his particular charges. These are the ones who are greatly concerned over those matters that are going on, on the earth at this time, those who are well aware of the thought-forms that are coming forth, well aware of the emotional upheaval, those who are concerned only with keeping the balance, that this particular planet not set off a chain reaction that could be devastating to other areas of the universe. These are the minor part of those who are watching. There are also those who are attempting to establish contact, or to be able to deliver information which could be helpful to the earth people. The intent of 95 percent of these is of a peaceful, helpful, knowledgeable purpose, and yet man must constantly use his own vigilance, his own thinking, his own intuition as to the way in which he should make contact. Caution is always a key word. Above all things, move slowly.''

Thinking about the 5 percent who were less than constructive,
the question was asked, "Is there any way to differentiate between
these categories?"

''There is no insignia on these, but three points could be made: one, telepathy; two, intuition; three, none of these are overly aggressive. This means 100 percent. There is no harm of this nature. Our pilots are not responsible for side effects, burns, scars, etcetera, since they are ordered not to linger on the surface, due to the emotional upheaval on the planet. Their contacts are of an essential, confidential nature.''

Question: "What are UFOs, and from where do they originate?"

''These are valid, material ships, or flights, as earth would call them, from other areas of the universe. They are for the most part from within your own galaxy. There is a need here to make a valid contact. This has been done in the past and will be done in the future. This has been done for longer than the memory of those who are present in this room. This has been going on for many centuries, and it is not new to these particular crewmen. They have come before, they will come again. They have been rejected many times, and yet they have been accepted many times. There has also been the worship of these particular ones, and this is not something which they desire. There is an earnest desire to work in cooperation with those of the earth and though the need is not there to share information, it is there to be able to establish new ports, or contacts.''

Question: "Are some of the Biblical descriptions of lights in
the sky actually attributable to UFO spacecraft as we know them


Question: "And is this where the worship comes in, that you
speak of? Perhaps establishing them as gods?"

''Yes. There was a total lack of understanding, and yet those who came down were of good report-were doing a worthwhile service, were giving beneficial informationand thus those of the earth knew that this was something which could be looked up to, or worshipped. The contact was beneficial.''

When questions concerning the propulsion techniques of
these UFO craft were raised, Lenora looked embarrassed. She
said they were telling her that she did not contain within her
memory banks sufficient terminology to describe it. She relayed
their statement that crystals were involved, also complex magnetic
fields of an ultrahigh frequency nature. Physical propulsion
methods were not needed; other sources of energy were

When the subject of the Bermuda Triangle came up, the question
was asked if any of the many disappearances of ships were
caused by UFOs:

''No. There is a 'fault'in the universe that causes this. The planet lies in the path of several powerful energy streams . . . These are not easy to control. However, know that the best possible is being done at all times.''

Lenora said she was being shown a powerful and tightly
defined "suction area," that the convergence of the planet with
these streams of energy sometimes formed a vortex which swept
up the ships and aircraft into space.

Then the subject of UFO crewmembers who have occasionally
interviewed human beings (such as Betty and Barney Hill), then
"memory-erased" them, was discussed. Ken asked, "Hypnosis
has revealed that these people were taken aboard UFO craft and
interviewed, but their memories were erased beore they were
released. Why do the UFO crewmembers want these contacts

''Ridicule is so prevalent that this is being done for the safety of those who have been participants. It is also well that this has happened, for it would cause them undue pressure from within-extreme pressure in fact-if they were to recall readily those things which had happened.
There was no harm which occurred, and yet the experience is so real and so valid. This would be totally doubted by those with whom they come in daily contact. No, it is necessary that this (memory erasing) be done so that they can be at ease with themselves.''

The next series of questions concerned anum ber of "disappearances,"
case reports of men who had simply vanished. Lenora explained each one of these; most were due to natural
causes. A more interesting case concerned two highly educated
scientists who had disappeared. Lenora answered that these two
had willingly gone with a UFO spacecraft, that they were even
then being of considerable help to scientists in another system,
and by no means did they desire to return to this planet.

Then an odd thing happened, or did not happen! One of the
group asked about the two moons of Mars, whether one of them
might be "artificial." Lenora simply could not get an answer!
They waited patiently, but nothing came through. Lenora began
apologizing, but the whole group reassured her that such information
might be "classified." Perhaps these two moons were destined
to playa part in man's future space explorations, and the
most tactful manner of handling a premature question would be
to say nothing.

Sensing the approach of the meeting's end, I asked, "In the
final analysis, does humanity have anything whatsoever to fear
from UFO craft?"

''No. Most of these spacecraft are on benevolent missions, such as observation, or surveillance, or contacts. We repeat, these must not be feared.''

Paul had one final question. "We've received reports that the
astronauts on the Apollo 12 moon mission radioed back that they
were observing flashing lights both ahead of and behind them.
Were they being "escorted," and why?"

''Yes. This was to protect them from colliding with space debris. Their path was cleared by those convoy craft.''

Then, when asked about the relatively short stature of some
UFO crewmen, Lenora forwarded the answer that this was due
to higher gravity conditions on their home planet.
Then the session broke up and I drove Lenora home. When I
sincerely praised her poise and calm in the face of so many questions,
she sighed with relief and murmured, "I'm just glad it's
over!" Carefully phrasing the question, I then asked, "There are
many other facets to this puzzle, Lenora. I've been studying
some advanced books that raise many questions. Would it be
possible for me to come to your home sometime, just for a private
session?" Lenora laughed openly andreplied, "Why certainly, I'd be delighted!"

Even after such a remarkable evening as we had experienced,
I was not even remotely prepared for what was to come.

[[Category: The Amnesia Factor]]

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