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Be always ready to forgive and forget, for these go hand in hand. Continue to trust this process of inner development, as this leads you more, and deeper, into My presence. Be of good cheer, for life with Me is simple, and only humans make their lives difficult due to their lack of trust in the process of coming to Me.
Be always ready to forgive and forget, for these go hand in hand. Continue to trust this process of inner development, as this leads you more, and deeper, into My presence. Be of good cheer, for life with Me is simple, and only humans make their lives difficult due to their lack of trust in the process of coming to Me.
==Session 3==
I need you to trust Me completely. I know that you still entertain doubts about Me, and then when you are ‘sure’ about Me, you start doubting yourself. You doubt whether it is really true that you can hear Me, because you listen to people who remind you that your Urantia Book states that ‘the the voice of the Thought Adjuster is seldom heard during the mortal life-time.’ I tell you right now that it is entirely possible for you to hear My voice. At first it is quite natural for you to be in doubt about Me, but the time is approaching when all your doubts shall vanish as you begin to recognize with greater certainty who it is that is speaking in your mind.
It is the beginning of the Time of Correction on this planet, and humankind is awakening out of the slumber of darkness and fear, and beginning to see the light of a new day, a new age, approaching on the planet. It is a new era of awakening when men and women shall have developed enough trust in the loving overcare of almighty God, and when the fundamentalist approach to deity will slowly be replaced by the concept of a loving God, and when the Teachings of Jesus will finally replace the religion about Him. What you now see happening on the planet is the culmination of the Lucifer Rebellion in its death throws, but trying very hard to make a ‘last stand.’
It is up to the awakening souls of humanity to learn and trust enough to help bring the planet forward into Light and Life under the Leadership of Michael, the Ruler of this universe, and Machiventa Melchizedek, who came before during a dark period in the evolution of this planet to visit the father, Abraham, of old. The reason why I Am telling you this, is that even father Abraham went through times of serious doubt.
This is why you need to learn to trust Me now, so you can tell others that God lives in all of you and is not a Being ‘far off in the sky,’ and that He is intimately familiar with each, and gave each a Fragment of Himself, so each one can learn to trust His voice. I lovingly encourage you to listen to My prompts and to seek for things of lasting value in life, also, but I leave it up to you to listen and learn to trust My voice.
I will always point and guide you towards life eternal. When others ask you how you know, you can answer that it is because you know. Each will learn to trust, and learn, so they, too, will know. As listening to My voice provokes a sense of deep peace and joy, and, as at the same time a longing grows in you to hear My voice again and again, I shall become irresistible to you, and you will want to companion Me all the time. Then, the separation between you and Me, which in reality never existed, will have ended. You were simply raised to think that way.
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