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This book takes its name from the holy man of whom it treats: who, according to the more probable opinion, was of the race of Esau; and the same as Jobab, king of Edom, mentioned in Genesis 36:33. It is uncertain who was the writer of it. Some attribute it to Job himself; others to Moses, or some one of the prophets. In the Hebrew it is written in verse, from the beginning of the third chapter to the forty-second chapter. (For more information, see the article [ JOB] in the Catholic Encyclopedia.)[]
This book takes its name from the holy man of whom it treats: who, according to the more probable opinion, was of the race of Esau; and the same as Jobab, king of Edom, mentioned in Genesis 36:33. It is uncertain who was the writer of it. Some attribute it to Job himself; others to Moses, or some one of the prophets. In the Hebrew it is written in verse, from the beginning of the third chapter to the forty-second chapter. (For more information, see the article [ JOB] in the Catholic Encyclopedia.)[]
==Chapter .1==
==Chapter .1==
[1] There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God, and turned away from evil.  
[1] There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God, and turned away from evil.  
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A form was before my eyes;
A form was before my eyes;
there was silence, then I heard a voice:
there was silence, then I heard a voice:
[17] `Can mortal man be righteous before God?
[17] <u>`Can mortal man be righteous before God?
Can a man be pure before his Maker?
Can a man be pure before his Maker?</u>
[18] Even in his servants he puts no trust,
[18] Even in his servants he puts no trust,
and his angels he charges with error;
and his angels he charges with error;
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[1] "Call now; is there any one who will answer you?
[1] "Call now; is there any one who will answer you?
To which of the holy ones will you turn?
To which of the holy ones will you turn?
[2] Surely vexation kills the fool,
[2] <u>Surely vexation kills the fool,
and jealousy slays the simple.
and jealousy slays the simple.</u>
[3] I have seen the fool taking root,
[3] I have seen the fool taking root,
but suddenly I cursed his dwelling.
but suddenly I cursed his dwelling.
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and he takes it even out of thorns;
and he takes it even out of thorns;
and the thirsty pant after his wealth.
and the thirsty pant after his wealth.
[6] For affliction does not come from the dust,
[6] <u>For affliction does not come from the dust,
nor does trouble sprout from the ground;
nor does trouble sprout from the ground;</u>
[7] but man is born to trouble
[7] but man is born to trouble
as the sparks fly upward.
as the sparks fly upward.
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[11] he sets on high those who are lowly,
[11] he sets on high those who are lowly,
and those who mourn are lifted to safety.
and those who mourn are lifted to safety.
[12] He frustrates the devices of the crafty,
[12] <u>He frustrates the devices of the crafty,
so that their hands achieve no success.
so that their hands achieve no success.</u>
[13] He takes the wise in their own craftiness;
[13] He takes the wise in their own craftiness;
and the schemes of the wily are brought to a quick end.
and the schemes of the wily are brought to a quick end.
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[16] So the poor have hope,
[16] So the poor have hope,
and injustice shuts her mouth.
and injustice shuts her mouth.
[17] "Behold, happy is the man whom God reproves;
[17] <u>"Behold, happy is the man whom God reproves;
therefore despise not the chastening of the Almighty.
therefore despise not the chastening of the Almighty.
[18] For he wounds, but he binds up;
[18] For he wounds, but he binds up;
he smites, but his hands heal.
he smites, but his hands heal.</u>
[19] He will deliver you from six troubles;
[19] He will deliver you from six troubles;
in seven there shall no evil touch you.
in seven there shall no evil touch you.
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[3] For then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea;
[3] For then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea;
therefore my words have been rash.
therefore my words have been rash.
[4] For the arrows of the Almighty are in me;
[4] <u>For the arrows of the Almighty are in me;
my spirit drinks their poison;
my spirit drinks their poison;
the terrors of God are arrayed against me.
the terrors of God are arrayed against me.</u>
[5] Does the wild ass bray when he has grass,
[5] Does the wild ass bray when he has grass,
or the ox low over his fodder?
or the ox low over his fodder?
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For he is manifold in understanding.
For he is manifold in understanding.
Know then that God exacts of you less than your guilt deserves.
Know then that God exacts of you less than your guilt deserves.
[7] "Can you find out the deep things of God?
[7] <u>"Can you find out the deep things of God?
Can you find out the limit of the Almighty?
Can you find out the limit of the Almighty?</u>
[8] It is higher than heaven -- what can you do?
[8] It is higher than heaven -- what can you do?
Deeper than Sheol -- what can you know?
Deeper than Sheol -- what can you know?
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[14] I will take my flesh in my teeth,
[14] I will take my flesh in my teeth,
and put my life in my hand.
and put my life in my hand.
[15] Behold, he will slay me; I have no hope;
[15] <u>Behold, he will slay me; I have no hope;
yet I will defend my ways to his face.
yet I will defend my ways to his face.</u>
[16] This will be my salvation,
[16] This will be my salvation,
that a godless man shall not come before him.
that a godless man shall not come before him.
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[3] Why are we counted as cattle?
[3] Why are we counted as cattle?
Why are we stupid in your sight?
Why are we stupid in your sight?
[4] You who tear yourself in your anger,
[4] <u>You who tear yourself in your anger,
shall the earth be forsaken for you,
shall the earth be forsaken for you,
or the rock be removed out of its place?
or the rock be removed out of its place?</u>
[5] "Yea, the light of the wicked is put out,
[5] "Yea, the light of the wicked is put out,
and the flame of his fire does not shine.
and the flame of his fire does not shine.
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[24] Oh that with an iron pen and lead
[24] Oh that with an iron pen and lead
they were graven in the rock for ever!
they were graven in the rock for ever!
[25] For I know that my Redeemer lives,
[25] <u>For I know that my Redeemer lives,
and at last he will stand upon the earth;
and at last he will stand upon the earth;</u>
[26] and after my skin has been thus destroyed,
[26] and after my skin has been thus destroyed,
then from my flesh I shall see God,
then from my flesh I shall see God,
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a mediator, one of the thousand,
a mediator, one of the thousand,
to declare to man what is right for him;
to declare to man what is right for him;
[24] and he is gracious to him, and says,
[24] <u>and he is gracious to him, and says,
`Deliver him from going down into the Pit,
`Deliver him from going down into the Pit,
I have found a ransom;
I have found a ransom;</u>
[25] let his flesh become fresh with youth;
[25] let his flesh become fresh with youth;
let him return to the days of his youthful vigor';
let him return to the days of his youthful vigor';
[26] then man prays to God, and he accepts him,
[26] <u>then man prays to God, and he accepts him,
he comes into his presence with joy.
he comes into his presence with joy.
He recounts to men his salvation,
He recounts to men his salvation,</u>
[27] and he sings before men, and says:
[27] <u>and he sings before men, and says:
`I sinned and perverted what was right,
`I sinned and perverted what was right,
and it was not requited to me.
and it was not requited to me.
[28] He has redeemed my soul from going down into the Pit,
[28] He has redeemed my soul from going down into the Pit,
and my life shall see the light.'
and my life shall see the light.'</u>
[29] "Behold, God does all these things,
[29] "Behold, God does all these things,
twice, three times, with a man,
twice, three times, with a man,
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==Chapter .38==
==Chapter .38==
[1] Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind:  
[1] <u>Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind:</u>
[2] "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
[2] "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
[3] Gird up your loins like a man,
[3] Gird up your loins like a man,
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[5] I had heard of thee by the hearing of the ear,
[5] I had heard of thee by the hearing of the ear,
but now my eye sees thee;
but now my eye sees thee;
[6] therefore I despise myself,
[6]<u> therefore I despise myself,
and repent in dust and ashes."
and repent in dust and ashes."</u>
[7]After the LORD had spoken these words to Job, the LORD said to Eli'phaz the Te'manite: "My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.
[7]After the LORD had spoken these words to Job, the LORD said to Eli'phaz the Te'manite: "My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.
[8] Now therefore take seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you, for I will accept his prayer not to deal with you according to your folly; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has."  
[8] Now therefore take seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you, for I will accept his prayer not to deal with you according to your folly; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has."  

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