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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame *Date: [ 1594] ==Definitions== *1 : the act or process of conden...'

*Date: [ 1594]
*1 : the [[act]] or [[process]] of condensing: as a : a [[chemical]] [[reaction]] involving [[union]] between [[molecules]] often with elimination of a simple molecule (as [[water]]) to form a new more [[complex]] compound of often greater [[molecular]] weight
:b : the conversion of a substance (as [[water]]) from the vapor state to a denser [[liquid]] or [[solid]] state usually initiated by a reduction in [[temperature]] of the vapor
:c : compression of a [[written]] or [[spoken]] [[work]] into more concise [[form]]
'''Condensation''' is the [[change]] in the [[phase]] of [[matter]] from the [[gaseous]] phase (of an [[element]]/ chemical species) into [[liquid]] droplets or [[solid]] grains of the same element/ chemical species. Upon the slowing-down of the [[atoms]]/ [[molecules]] of the species, the overall [[attraction]] [[forces]] between these prevail and bring them [[together]] at distances comparable to their sizes.

Since the condensing [[atoms]]/ [[molecules]] suffer from reduced degrees of [[freedom]] and ranges of [[motion]], their prior [[kinetic]] [[energy]] must be lost/ [[transferred]] to an adsorbing colder [[entity]] — either a [[center]] of condensation within the [[gas]] volume (colder molecules of the species, cold grains of dust etc.) or some contact [[surface]]. Condensation is [[initiated]] by the formation of atomic/ molecular clusters of that species within its gaseous volume — like rain drop or snow-flake formation within clouds — or at the [[contact]] between such [[gaseous]] [[phase]] and a (solvent) [[liquid]] or [[solid]] [[surface]].

A few distinct reversibility scenarios [[emerge]] here with respect to the [[nature]] of the [[surface]].

* absorption into the [[surface]] of a [[liquid]] (either of the same [[species]] or one of its solvents) — is reversible as evaporation..
* adsorption (as dew droplets) onto solid [[surface]] at pressures and [[temperatures]] higher than the specie's triple point — also reversible as evaporation.
* adsorption onto solid surface (as supplemental layers of solid) at pressures and temperatures lower than the specie's triple point — is reversible as sublimation.

Condensation commonly occurs when a [[vapor]] is cooled and/or compressed to its [[saturation]] limit when the [[molecular]] [[density]] in the [[gas]] [[phase]] reaches its maximal [[threshold]]. Vapor cooling and compressing equipment that collects condensed liquids is called "condenser".

[ Psychrometry] [[measures]] the rates of condensation from and evaporation into the [[air]] moisture at various [[atmospheric]] [[pressures]] and [[temperatures]]. [[Water]] is the product of its vapor condensation — condensation is the [[process]] of such [[phase]] [[conversion]]. []

[[Category: Physics]]

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