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Many of the [[texts]] in which the post-classical [[Latin]] and [[Greek]] forms occur are hard to date with certainty, but the [[evidence]] suggests that the form ''lapis philosophorum'' was neither the first name for the philosophers' stone to be used in Latin [[alchemical]] texts nor, until the 15th or 16th cent., the most common. It does not appear in [[three]] major [[texts]] to which early dates can be assigned, all of which are [[translations]] from Arabic: the ''Liber de compositione alchemiae'' (12th or 13th cent.) refers to the philosophers' stone simply as lapis, although it does use the form ignis philosophorum ‘the philosophers' [[fire]]’; the [[Latin]] version by Philippus Tripolitanus of the pseudo-Aristotelian ''Secreta secretorum'' (early 13th cent.) calls it lapidem..qui non est lapis ‘the stone which is not a stone’, adding that it is also known as ovum philosophorum ‘the philosophers' egg’ Compounds 3; both of these Latin phrases are direct translations from the Arabic, and the former goes back ultimately to Hellenistic [[Greek]] or [[Byzantine]] Greek (4th cent. A.D. or earlier)); the ''Turba philosophorum'' (13th cent.) likewise refers to it as lapis and res..quae lapis est et non lapis. The form ''lapis philosophorum'' is found by the late 13th or early 14th cent. in some MSS of the pseudo-''Geberian summa perfectionis'', but appears at first to be less common than lapis noster ‘our stone’ (for which see ''Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources'' s.v. lapis 15a); it coexists with periphrases such as lapidem magnum quem omnes philosophi quesierunt ‘the great stone which all philosophers have sought’ (Joannes de Rupescissa De confectione veri lapidis philosophorum). The form lapis philosophicus appears in other early MSS of the summa perfectionis, and the rarer lapis philosophalis in at least one 15th-cent. source, but by the end of the 16th cent. lapis philosophorum was increasingly the preferred form, appearing in a wide variety of [[occult]] [[texts]].
*[ 14th Century]
an imaginary stone, substance, or [[chemical]] preparation believed to have the [[power]] of transmuting baser metals into gold and sought by alchemists; broadly : an elusive or imaginary key to success —called also ''philosophers' stone''
The '''philosophers' stone''' ([[Latin]]: lapis philosophorum) is a legendary [[alchemical]] substance, said to be capable of turning base metals, especially lead, into gold (chrysopoeia); it was also sometimes believed to be an [[elixir]] of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving [[immortality]]. For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western [[alchemy]], meditated upon by alchemists like [ Sir Isaac Newton], [ Nicolas Flamel], and [ Frater Albertus]. The Stone was the central [[symbol]] of the [[mystical]] terminology of [[alchemy]], symbolizing [[perfection]], [[enlightenment]], heavenly [[bliss]], theophany and of the [[Christ]]. The [[discovery]] of the philosopher's stone was known as the [ Great Work].

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