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*Sleeping survivors
*Sleeping survivors
It is at this point that we will now discuss the sleeping survivors.  “What about the sleeping survivors?”, many of you have asked.  Okay, you realize that there may be incarnate earthbound spirits, now what about the sleeping survivors?  The sleeping survivors are those individuals who have an ignorance, have not made a decision about this life’s relationship with the afterlife; they are in ignorance and have not been taught that there is an afterlife, ignorance that they do not have the will, or their will is ineffective to affect the course of their life in the afterlife.  There are those who have neither made a commitment to stay or to go.  They are neither possessed by their possessions, or their social relationships, or they are unaware of the option to move on into an afterlife.  These are the spiritually ignorant; they are waiting for the end of the dispensation where they will be arisen, transported to the morontial realm, educated and there can make a decision about whether to continue into the afterlife or not.  
It is at this point that we will now [[discuss]] the [ sleeping survivors].  “What about the sleeping survivors?”, many of you have asked.  Okay, you [[realize]] that there may be [[incarnate]] earthbound [[spirits]], now what about the [ sleeping survivors]?  The sleeping survivors are those [[individuals]] who have an [[ignorance]], have not made a [[decision]] about this life’s [[relationship]] with the [[afterlife]]; they are in [[ignorance]] and have not been taught that there is an [[afterlife]], ignorance that they do not have the [[Free will|will]], or their will is ineffective to [[affect]] the [[course]] of their life in the [[afterlife]].  There are those who have neither made a [[commitment]] to stay or to go.  They are neither [[possessed]] by their possessions, or their [[social]] [[relationships]], or they are unaware of the [[option]] to move on into an [[afterlife]].  These are the [[spiritually]] [[ignorant]]; they are waiting for the end of the [[dispensation]] where they will be [[Resurrection|arisen]], [[transported]] to the [[morontial]] realm, [[educated]] and there can make a [[decision]] about whether to continue into the [[afterlife]] or not.  
Some of you will not be able to relate to this either, but if many of you have been unconscious—have had a concussion, you have come out of surgery, you have come awake after some accident or something has happened and you are given time to recover, to orient yourself—sometimes this takes six minutes, other times takes hours, some days, weeks or months even, until you are completely aware of your surroundings.  Now, in this metaphor I give you, it is very close to what occurs in the afterlife in the resurrection halls on mansonia.  Now, if you come out of surgery and you are groggy, and somebody comes into your life, up to your bedside and says, “Wow!  How would you like to go out and buy a new car right now—it is already paid for.  What do you say?”  And you look up at them and you are groggy, your eyes are half open and you are really not comprehending what they are saying.  You hear the words, but they do not connect to where you are or your situation, and besides, you are pretty well contained to your hospital bed.  
Some of you will not be able to [[relate]] to this either, but if many of you have been [[unconscious]]—have had a [[concussion]], you have come out of [ surgery], you have come [[awake]] after some [[accident]] or something has happened and you are given time to recover, to [[orient]] yourself—sometimes this takes six minutes, other times takes hours, some days, weeks or months even, until you are completely [[aware]] of your [[surroundings]].  Now, in this [[metaphor]] I give you, it is very close to what occurs in the [[afterlife]] in the resurrection halls on mansonia.  Now, if you come out of surgery and you are groggy, and somebody comes into your life, up to your bedside and says, “Wow!  How would you like to go out and buy a new car right now—it is already paid for.  What do you say?”  And you look up at them and you are groggy, your eyes are half open and you are really not comprehending what they are saying.  You hear the words, but they do not connect to where you are or your situation, and besides, you are pretty well contained to your hospital bed.  
This is pretty much the situation that occurs in the resurrection halls, when your morontial body receives your soul and your new morontial mind, personality, presence of your Thought Adjuster, and outside of you is your Guardian Angel and those in attendance.  You will awaken and they will give you directions to come forward, and you will not understand where you are, you will really not even recognize the walls or the floor, the ceiling or your surroundings.  Now, this is not much different than an individual who has been blind all their life and who has surgically been given eyesight.  Heretofore, they have oriented themselves completely through sound, through echoes, through relationships that they feel intuitively.  Though they do not know that they would not recognize an apple, if they saw it, or when they saw it, but they would close their eyes, feel the apple, the texture of its surface, smell it, feel the stem and the nascent bloom at the other end and decide to bite into it.  This is very similar to your experience when you awaken in the resurrection hall.  You must learn all of the senses that you have, and you will have dozens of senses—not just the 5 or 6 that you have in this lifetime, but you will have dozens.  You will have to be educated how to use these senses and even to learn that you do have them, and how to use them.  This will be quite an experience for you, one that you can begin to contemplate now.  You will have a wholly formed body; there are no infant morontial beings, except those on the infant’s world, where they are cared for and they grow up there.  You as an adult will be given an adult body in the morontial realm, but you will be unknowing and uneducated and unaware, mostly, though this will begin to broaden and awaken.
This is pretty much the situation that occurs in the resurrection halls, when your morontial body receives your soul and your new morontial mind, personality, presence of your Thought Adjuster, and outside of you is your Guardian Angel and those in attendance.  You will awaken and they will give you directions to come forward, and you will not understand where you are, you will really not even recognize the walls or the floor, the ceiling or your surroundings.  Now, this is not much different than an individual who has been blind all their life and who has surgically been given eyesight.  Heretofore, they have oriented themselves completely through sound, through echoes, through relationships that they feel intuitively.  Though they do not know that they would not recognize an apple, if they saw it, or when they saw it, but they would close their eyes, feel the apple, the texture of its surface, smell it, feel the stem and the nascent bloom at the other end and decide to bite into it.  This is very similar to your experience when you awaken in the resurrection hall.  You must learn all of the senses that you have, and you will have dozens of senses—not just the 5 or 6 that you have in this lifetime, but you will have dozens.  You will have to be educated how to use these senses and even to learn that you do have them, and how to use them.  This will be quite an experience for you, one that you can begin to contemplate now.  You will have a wholly formed body; there are no infant morontial beings, except those on the infant’s world, where they are cared for and they grow up there.  You as an adult will be given an adult body in the morontial realm, but you will be unknowing and uneducated and unaware, mostly, though this will begin to broaden and awaken.
Do you have any questions concerning the sleeping survivors?
Do you have any questions concerning the sleeping survivors?
===='''''[[Mansion Worlds]]'''''====
===='''''[[Mansion Worlds]]'''''====
*Those who arrive on mansonia on the third day after death
*Those who arrive on mansonia on the third day after death